When it held a conference of elite business people in Sydney last month, Britain's The Economist magazine forced Australia to imagine a "worst-case scenario".
Perhaps the Poms were sick of Australia's complacent prosperity, but the idea was to jolt the audience into discarding its assumptions and to start thinking.
Illustration: Rocco Fazzari
The scenario is grim: China's growth rate halves. Australian real estate prices crunch by 40 per cent. The dollar hits $US0.60.
The participants arranged themselves into small groups and "war gamed" the response by Australia's institutions.
It worked. The groups responded with serious plans. The consensus was that Australia would suffer a serious recession, but not a cataclysmic collapse.
But the moment of greatest awakening came in an unscripted moment when a young woman at the back of the room took the microphone, apparently to ask a question, and made a comment.
I'm from Ireland, she said, recently arrived in Australia and just got a job as a researcher. That was pretty amazing in itself, she said, coming from a country where unemployment was as high as 15 per cent last year. It's still more than 13 per cent.
But even more remarkable was that her contract offered pay rises in future years. Incredulous, she'd been telling her friends at home and it was a source of wonder to all. In Ireland, the only wage movements since the economic crisis had been down. Australia's worst-case scenario, she concluded, was Ireland's reality. Of course, Ireland was hard-hit but it was not alone.
The exception was Australia, the only rich country in the world that has not suffered a recession in 21 years. The big question is, what's next?
Every mining boom in Australia's history has ended in a bust. The bigger the boom, the bigger the bust. The mining boom that began in 2003 was the biggest the country has ever seen. It's peak is also long past - the price of Australian mining exports has been falling since the September quarter last year.
Australia's growth forecasts have been scaled back. Even as the Reserve Bank cuts interest rates for the eighth time in two years, the Treasury is forecasting that unemployment will rise from today's rate of 5.7 per cent to 6.25 per cent within 10 months.
As the countries hit hardest by the global crisis recover, Australia slides.
This is the real cost of a mining boom - a national complacency.
The party, in short, is over. In a piece titled "Why Australia's Luck is Running Out," another British publication, the Financial Times, this week observes:
"One thing is striking. After a 20-year run, you would have thought politicians would have prepared for this day better," writes the paper's David Pilling. It is a stinging truth.
What do we have to show for the biggest mining boom in the two centuries since British settlement? The only serious effort to save some of the proceeds of the boom was Kevin Rudd's mining tax proposal. Under pressure from the mining industry and Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan gutted it.
Gillard and Swan handed the noisiest miners - BHP, Rio and Xstrata - a blank sheet of paper to draw up their own tax, and they took the opportunity.
The tax was supposed to generate a sad little $4 billion this year, but that Treasury projection was repeatedly scaled back and it's now forecast to collect just $700 million - enough to pay the interest on the federal government debt for a month.
But now it seems even that is an unattainable sum. It turns out that the biggest of the iron ore miners, Rio, paid no mining tax in its first year, the year that ended on June 30. Not a dollar. It's risible.
The failure to set up a fund for the inevitable rainy day "leaves Australia more vulnerable to a downturn than it need be," the FT's Pilling remarks. And the federal budget, of course, is tumbling into ever-growing deficit. After the Rudd government's stimulus to protect the economy from the full force of the global crisis, net debt was supposed to peak at 7 per cent of GDP. Now it's projected to peak at 13 per cent.
But it's worse than Pilling imagines. Much more harmful than any mismanagement of the mining boom is the mismanagement of the national mindset and, with it, the national political system.
This is crippling because it attacks the country's problem-solving capacity.
Ross Garnaut, an eminent economist and economic adviser to Bob Hawke when he was prime minister, has gave a speech in May titled "Ending the Great Australian Complacency of the Early Twenty-First Century".
He reckons that the country moved from a reform mentality into complacency around 2000, and has stayed there ever since.
He said that one of the big and urgent tasks for Australia was to "change entrenched expectations that living standards will rise inexorably over time; that household and business incomes and services will rise and taxes will fall, as they have done for a full generation."
And another, related, task is that "our political culture has changed since the reform era 1983-2000, in ways that make it much more difficult to pursue policy reform in the broad public interest. If we are to succeed, the political culture has to change again."
Without change, we will "continue to live behind the veil of ignorance that has descended around our public life over the past dozen years".
If this political culture does not change, "we will live in greater comfort for a short while. But sooner rather than later we will experience deep economic recession with high unemployment - probably unemployment rising with each new recessionary episode without falling much in the years between".
This is the real cost of the mining boom - a national complacency, a false expectation of good times forever, and a political class that refuses to tell us the truth. In fact, we've been so preoccupied with whining over petty complaints and squabbling over the boom's spoils that we haven't even appreciated what is so obvious to outsiders - that Australia has been very well off indeed.
Since 2008, Australian income per person has been higher than that of America's for the first time since 1911. In fact, it's been as much as 40 per cent higher. And we haven't even noticed. But we'll certainly notice when it's over.
Another truth-teller is the former Treasury Secretary, Ken Henry, the top economic adviser to the Howard, Rudd and Gillard governments over a decade.
In an interview with Fairfax Media published this week, Henry said that Australia was failing to face the reality that it had a revenue problem. The federal government is already failing to pay for the programs in place. Australia's ability to pay for its ageing society has actually gone backwards since the first Intergenerational Report explained the scale of the problem a decade ago.
And that is? Australia needs to find tax revenue equivalent to another 5 per cent of GDP to pay for its inevitable demographic reality, or about another $70 billion in today's dollars.
"We can't rely on luck," Henry said. "In my view, this leaves us having to increase tax revenue as a share of GDP. It has to increase and it will increase." One of the options he suggested was to revisit the GST to raise more revenue.
Now measure the federal political campaign against these truths.
Kevin Rudd made a promising start on his return to the prime ministership. He told us that the China-led mining boom was over. Australia faced "massive challenges." He even set out a summary of a seven-point plan to begin to restore some of the competitiveness Australia has lost in recent years.
But he has now descended into low politics. The people have noticed. Saturday's Nielsen poll demonstrates that Rudd is losing the election.
The people want to hear about problem-solving. Instead of explaining the problem and his plan for meeting it, Rudd has fallen into politicking. Instead of seriously expanding on his seven-point plan for competitiveness, he has allowed himself to be side-tracked into spending days attacking Rupert Murdoch. What problems will this solve, Kevin?
And what of the national revenue problem? Instead of confronting it, Rudd is politicking with it. Labor has confected a scare campaign against Tony Abbott, allegedly because Abbott has a plan to increase the GST. On Friday we saw the absurdity of the Prime Minister standing in a school room holding up a jar of Vegemite for the TV cameras to warn that the dreadful Abbott wants to increase the price by 50c. What problems will this solve, Kevin?
And Tony Abbott? His entire approach from the beginning is to claim that there is really only one problem to solve, and that's Labor. This is, of course, shallow and inadequate.
Abbott did, at least, this week announce a plan for a modest cut to the corporate tax rate. It's a measure which would aid competitiveness and employment, too. It would have been even better if he'd taken this stance when Labor proposed it a couple of years ago. It would now be law. Still, better late than never.
But rather than take this platform to start talking seriously about the challenges ahead, Abbott, too, has fallen into low politicking. His big initiative on Friday was to make political capital out of the deaths of the young men who'd installed roof insulation under the government's stimulus plan.
Abbott also disowned any plan to revise the GST. But, to his credit, he did, at least, leave open the option of taking an enlarged GST to the people at the following election.
Both leaders need to grow up, get serious and prepare Australia for the jolts ahead. And unless Rudd can move from politicking into problem-solving, Australia will forgive Abbott his faults and accept that Labor is, indeed, the most urgent problem of all.
Peter Hartcher is the political editor.