

This was published 6 years ago

Same-sex marriage passes the Senate 43 to 12 in historic political moment

By Michael Koziol

A bill to legalise same-sex marriage passed the Senate on Wednesday in a historic moment in Australian politics, setting up a final vote in the House of Representatives next week.

The bill breezed through 43 votes to 12, and the moment was met with a standing ovation in the packed public and parliamentary galleries.

Senators from various parties hugged each other and cried following the vote, with some declaring it the proudest day in their parliamentary careers.

"This is the Senate's day," Liberal senator Dean Smith said shortly after. "This is a demonstration that working across the chamber ... does deliver not just good outcomes but fantastic outcomes."

Senator Penny Wong is hugged by co-sponsor Senator Dean Smith earlier this month.

Senator Penny Wong is hugged by co-sponsor Senator Dean Smith earlier this month.Credit: Andrew Meares

Attorney-General George Brandis said he was "so proud of Australian democracy today, more proud than I have ever been". It was a day to "rejoice in what the Australian people achieved this year", he said.

The bill must now proceed to the House of Representatives. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cancelled this week's sitting of that chamber, ostensibly to wait for the Senate to finish debating the same-sex marriage bill, which was originally expected to take until Thursday.

Labor's Senate leader Penny Wong – who is gay and fought within Labor for years to change its position on same-sex marriage – said it was a day of "great celebration for so many people across this country".

"It says to so many Australians: this Parliament, this country, accept you for who you are. Your love is not lesser and nor are you. It says you are one of us," Senator Wong said.

Labor's Penny Wong claps after the same-sex marriage bill passed the Senate on Wednesday.

Labor's Penny Wong claps after the same-sex marriage bill passed the Senate on Wednesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Senator Smith, the first openly gay Liberal MP, helped drive the change within the Coalition and sponsored the final bill that passed the chamber essentially unchanged on Wednesday afternoon.

"We have seen in this debate how our Parliament is meant to work," he said. "The real question out of this debate is why isn't our Parliament like this more often?"

Parliamentarians from both sides had a conscience vote on the bill, and many chose to abstain - including Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, Assistant Social Services Minister Zed Seselja and One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

Those who voted against the change included Resources Minister Matt Canavan, International Development Minister Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Labor senators Chris Ketter and Helen Polley.

Various amendments to the bill – including moves to allow civil celebrants to refuse to perform gay weddings – were defeated in the Senate on Tuesday and Wednesday by a combination of Labor, the Greens, some Coalition senators and some crossbenchers.




Simon Birmingham
George Brandis
David Bushby
Mathias Cormann
Jonathon Duniam
Mitch Fifield
Ian ​Macdonald
Nigel Scullion
Anne Ruston
James Paterson
Jane Hume
Marise Payne
Linda Reynolds
Scott Ryan Dean Smith


Carol Brown
Catryna Bilyk
Doug Cameron
Kim Carr
Anthony Chisholm
Kimberley Kitching
​Sue Lines
Jenny McAllister
Malarndirri McCarthy
Claire Moore
Louise Pratt
Lisa Singh
Anne Urquhart
Murray Watt
Penny Wong


Andrew Bartlett
Richard Di Natale
Sarah Hanson-Young
Nick McKim
​Lee Rhiannon
Janet Rice
Jordon Steele-John
Rachel Siewert
Peter Whish-Wilson


​Stirling Griff
Rex Patrick
David Leyonhjelm
​Derryn Hinch



Chris Ketter
Helen Polley


Concetta Fierravanti-Wells
Eric Abetz
Slade Brockman
John Williams
Matt Canavan
Barry O'Sullivan


Lucy Gichuhi
Fraser Anning
Cory Bernardi
Brian Burston



Michaelia Cash (abstained)
David Fawcett (abstained)
James McGrath (abstained)
Zed Seselja (abstained)
​Arthur Sinodinos (on leave)
Bridget McKenzie (abstained)


Jacinta Collins (paired with Gavin Marshall)
Sam Dastyari (attending funeral)
Pat Dodson (leave)
Don Farrell (attending funeral)
Alex Gallacher (attending funeral)
Katy Gallagher (leave)
Gavin Marshall (overseas)
Deb O'Neill (abstain)
Glenn Sterle (attending funeral)



Pauline Hanson (abstained)
Peter Georgiou (abstained)

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