

This was published 7 years ago

Fairfax-Ipsos: Massive support for Gonski school spending, bank tax rise in 2017 budget

By James Massola

Voters have given a big tick of approval to four key measures unveiled in Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison's second budget, according to a Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

The four measures tested with voters were a tax increase for Australia's five largest banks, a 0.5 per cent rise in the Medicare levy linked to funding the National Disability Insurance Scheme, an $18.6 billion, 10-year increase in school funding and a boost to infrastructure spending funded by a larger national debt.

The school funding deal, dubbed Gonski 2.0 after the policy's architect, David Gonski, and unveiled in the week before the budget, was far and away the most popular measure.

A thumping 86 per cent of all voters supported the policy, with just 12 per cent opposed. Broken down according to party allegiances, 87 per cent of Coalition voters backed the extra spending, while 90 per cent of Labor voters and 91 per cent of Greens voters backed it.

The Coalition's schools funding plan is popular with voters.

The Coalition's schools funding plan is popular with voters.Credit: Adam McLean

Labor has attacked the policy, arguing it amounts to a $22 billion cut in spending, and promised that in government, it would restore the money. Catholic schools have also criticised the policy, arguing it disadvantages them, but the education sector has mostly welcomed it.

The Greens, meanwhile, have suggested they could strike a deal with the government in the Senate to deliver the funding boost.

The poll result will put wind in the government's sails and help it argue for the package to be legislated.

Similarly, the $6.2 billion tax hit on Australia's five largest banks – who have heavily criticised the measure and warned they could pass on the costs to mortgage holders – has been backed by more than two-thirds of voters.


Overall, 68 per cent of voters backed the tax rise; among Coalition voters support ran to 74 per cent, while 60 per cent of Labor voters backed the measure and 75 per cent of Greens voters supported it.

People aged over 55 were the most likely to support the new tax, with 77 per cent support, while voters aged 18-24 were the least likely to support it – though the measure still enjoyed majority support at 56 per cent.

Mr Morrison fired off a broadside at the banks on Sunday, accusing them of having a "whinge" about the new tax and ramping up pressure on them to not pass the impost on to customers.

However, he did reassure the banks that there were no plans to raise the 0.06 per cent levy further.

"If they do [pass on the cost], they will say to every banking customer in Australia you are right about the big banks. You are absolutely right about them. That's why they shouldn't do it," Mr Morrison told the ABC.

Labor supports the levy but opposition treasury spokesman Chris Bowen questioned the government's claim it would increase competition between big and small banks, and expressed doubts the banks would refrain from passing on the cost.

Just over three in five Australians said they supported a rise in the Medicare levy for middle and high-income earners, according to the poll.

The 0.5 per cent rise in the levy is designed to raise $7.8 billion over two years from July 1, 2019 and affects singles earning more than $21,655 and families earning more than $36,541. Overall support stood at 61 per cent.

The income tax rise – linked to funding the NDIS – was backed by 69 per cent of Coalition voters, 53 per cent of Labor voters and 67 per cent of Greens voters.

Labor has argued the tax rise should affect only those earning more than $87,000 a year.

Fifty-eight per cent of people earning more than $100,000 a year backed the measure, 61 per cent of households earning $40,000-$100,000 backed it, and 65 per cent of households earning less than $40,000 backed it.

The final major budget measure tested was the government's plan to increase the national debt to build infrastructure, such as a new western Sydney airport and an inland rail line from Melbourne to Brisbane, won the support of 58 per cent of voters, while 37 per cent opposed it.


Sixty-three per cent of Coalition voters, 59 per cent of Labor voters and 62 per cent of Greens voters supported the plan.

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