

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal leadership: Malcolm Turnbull to challenge Tony Abbott

By Peter Hartcher and Lisa Cox

Malcolm Turnbull has secured at least 60 votes of the parliamentary Liberal party, which would be enough to secure him the prime ministership, according to Liberal MPs counting the numbers ahead of Monday night's leadership ballot.

Mr Abbott called a ballot for the leadership of the Liberal Party for Monday evening and declared "I expect to win", after Mr Turnbull announced he would challenge him for the leadership of the Liberal Party. The role of deputy leader will also be voted on in the ballot.

To be successful, Mr Turnbull needs 52 votes to secure the leadership, of a possible 102.

Mr Abbott addressed reporters in Canberra shortly after 6pm on Monday to say he had been "dismayed by the destabilisation that's been taking place now for many, many months". The Liberal party room vote is expected some time after 8pm on Monday, but could be delayed until after 10pm when Senate sessions finish.

Malcolm Turnbull announces he intends to challenge Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Malcolm Turnbull announces he intends to challenge Prime Minister Tony Abbott.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

About 4pm on Monday, Mr Turnbull announced he had asked the Prime Minister for a ballot, bringing to a head months of poor polling and internal division.

Mr Abbott warned his colleagues the prime ministership was not a "prize or a plaything to be demanded". "It should be something which is earned by a vote of the Australian people," Mr Abbott said.

"There will be a party room ballot for both the leadership and deputy leadership positions later this evening. I will be a candidate and I expect to win."


Mr Abbott said Liberal MPs had been receiving messages of support in the hours after Mr Turnbull announced he would challenge the Prime Minister.

Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull in Parliament on Monday.

Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull in Parliament on Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I have been heartened by the messages of support flooding into Liberal MPs' offices this evening saying most emphatically, 'We are not the Labor Party'," Mr Abbott said.

"I want to repeat that: I have been most heartened by the messages of support flooding in to Liberal MPs' offices saying most emphatically, 'We are not the Labor Party'.

Mr Abbott and Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Liberal Leder Julie Bishop during question time on Monday.

Mr Abbott and Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Liberal Leder Julie Bishop during question time on Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"This country needs strong and stable government and that means avoiding, at all costs, Labor's revolving-door prime ministership."

In a separate media conference after Mr Abbott's, Treasurer Joe Hockey – whose own job is under threat – said "the disloyalty of some has been outrageous".

"The Prime Minister has my absolute loyalty as I have his," he said.

If Mr Turnbull wins Monday night's ballot he will become Australia's 29th Prime Minister and its fifth - including Labor's Kevin Rudd twice - in five years.

Mr Turnbull, who has resigned as Communications Minister, said earlier it had become clear that Mr Abbott "has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs" and that poll after poll had shown "the people have made up their mind about Mr Abbott's leadership".

"It is clear enough that the government is not successful in providing the economic leadership that we need," Mr Turnbull told a media conference in Canberra on Monday afternoon.

"It is not the fault of individual ministers. Ultimately, the Prime Minister has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs.

"He has not been capable of providing the economic confidence that business needs."

But Mr Abbott defended his record on key issues saying his government had "stopped the boats, improved the budget, cut taxes and increased jobs.

"We have laid the foundation for a better deal for families and for small business. You can trust me to deliver a stronger economy and a safer community," he said.

"Obviously, I am dismayed by the destabilisation that's been taking place now for many, many months and I do say to my fellow Liberals that the destabilisation just has to stop," Mr Abbott said.

"Let me finish on this note - I firmly believe that our party is better than this, that our government is better than this and, by God, that our country is so much better than this."

Mr Turnbull's four o'clock announcement that he would challenge followed Deputy Liberal Leader Julie Bishop calling on Mr Abbott before question time to advise him that he no longer enjoyed her confidence and Mr Turnbull visiting Mr Abbott after question time to seek the leadership ballot.

MPs show hands ahead of anticipated ballot

Mr Turnbull's move ends days of speculation that a challenge could be brought on ahead of the Canning byelection on Saturday, which polls show the government is likely to win but with a swing against it of as much as 10 per cent.

MPs have already begun showing their hand ahead of the ballot. Queensland backbencher Wyatt Roy told ABC radio he would back Mr Turnbull, while NSW backbencher Craig Kelly told 2GB he would support Mr Abbott.

The challenge comes after Mr Abbott failed to turn around the government's fortunes after heading off a leadership spill in February.

That spill motion was brought on by Liberal backbenchers after a series of perceived missteps by Mr Abbott, including his decision to give Prince Philip a knighthood.

The push by rebel MPs was defeated 61 votes to 39, with Mr Abbott asking his colleagues to give him six months to get back on track. Despite being touted as a leadership contender, Mr Turnbull did not nominate as a candidate.

Mr Turnbull was a former Liberal leader while in opposition before being replaced by Mr Abbott in a 2009 leadership spill.

We need 'new style of leadership': Turnbull

The government has now trailed the opposition in more than 180 opinion polls and Mr Abbott has continued to be dogged by controversy, most recently for his handling of the Bronwyn Bishop expenses scandal, the party's position on a conscience vote for same-sex marriage and its response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Mr Turnbull told reporters the government needed a "new style of leadership", one that respected voters' intelligence, explained complex issues, set a course of action and "makes a case for it".

He said the government needed "advocacy, not slogans".

"Now if we continue with Mr Abbott as Prime Minister, it is clear enough what will happen," Mr Turnbull said.

"He will cease to be Prime Minister and he'll be succeeded by Mr Shorten."

Abbott defends his record

Earlier in question time, Mr Abbott defended his record, accusing the opposition of playing games and labelling Labor Leader Bill Shorten a "backstabber" as Mr Shorten moved to capitalise on leadership speculation.

An under-fire Prime Minister was asked to nominate "a single person" in the government "who thinks he is the best possible Prime Minister".

Mr Shorten's question was one of two about the Prime Minister's future that was ruled out of order as Labor turned its attention to the instability plaguing the government.

Quoting earlier remarks by Mr Abbott, who told reporters on Monday morning his only worry was "being the best possible Prime Minister", Mr Shorten asked him to name a colleague who would offer that assessment.

"In the two years since he became Prime Minister, unemployment is up, debt and deficit is up, growth is down, confidence is certainly down. Is this the record of the best possible Prime Minister?" Mr Shorten asked again.

Mr Abbott responded by attacking Labor for "engaging in Canberra games".

"This from a Leader of the Opposition who backstabbed two prime ministers and then lied about it on radio," Mr Abbott said.

As the sitting week began in Canberra on Monday, MPs were hosing down rumblings about the leadership.

Assistant Minister for Women Michaelia Cash told reporters "I support the leader" and "I'm all about policy".

But there was one MP who did not publicly declare their support for Mr Abbott.

Mrs Bishop, the former speaker and Mr Abbott's mentor, refused to back the Prime Minister on Monday after twice being asked if he retained her support.

"I think I've already answered that question and I've said I think there's enough commentary around without me adding to anything," Mrs Bishop said.

More to come

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