

This was published 9 years ago

Julie Bishop and Tanya Plibersek make emotional call on Indonesia to spare Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

By Judith Ireland

An emotional Julie Bishop has pleaded with the Indonesian government to grant mercy to convicted drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, saying they should not have to "pay with their lives" for crimes committed a decade ago.

The Foreign Minister's voice wavered at times as she made a statement to Parliament on Thursday, telling her fellow MPs that both Chan and Sukumaran are "changed men".

This came as her Labor counterpart, Tanya Plibersek, used the example of her own husband's drug conviction and jailing in the 1980s to argue for their lives. Ms Plibersek's husband Michael Coutts-Trotter is now a senior NSW public servant.

"I perhaps have a particular view of remorse and redemption," Ms Plibersek said.

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek speaks during a motion for a stay of executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, at Parliament House on Thursday.

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek speaks during a motion for a stay of executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, at Parliament House on Thursday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I imagine what would have happened if he had been caught in Thailand instead of Australia, where the crime was committed ... what would the world have missed out on?

"They would have missed out on the three beautiful children we had together. They would have missed out on a man who spent the rest of his life making amends for the crime that he committed."

Ms Plibersek told the House that she also looked at Chan and Sukumaran's situation from the perspective of the death of her brother, Phillip, who was fatally stabbed in his PNG apartment, while fighting off an intruder.


"In 1997, I lost my brother to a violent crime in Port Moresby," she said.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she has considered flying to Jakarka to make a personal plea for the two men, but has been warned such a move "could precipitate an unfavourable outcome".

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she has considered flying to Jakarka to make a personal plea for the two men, but has been warned such a move "could precipitate an unfavourable outcome".Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I know that if I had been the one making the decision about the punishment of the person who did that crime, I couldn't have thought of a punishment bad enough."

The deputy Labor leader said that was why decisions about punishment were not made on the basis of how we feel, "but on the basis of universal, consistently-applied rules".

Ms Bishop listens to Ms Plibersek during a motion for a stay of executions for the two men.

Ms Bishop listens to Ms Plibersek during a motion for a stay of executions for the two men.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Bishop, who has moved a motion calling for the stay of executions, told the House that both Chan and Sukumaran were "deeply, sincerely remorseful for their actions. Both men have made extraordinary efforts to rehabilitate".

Talking of the study that the men have done in jail, and their work to help other prisoners in Kerobokan, she said they were "paying their debt to society".

Tanya Plibersek with her husband Michael Coutts-Trotter at the Mid Winter Ball in Parliament House in 2013.

Tanya Plibersek with her husband Michael Coutts-Trotter at the Mid Winter Ball in Parliament House in 2013.Credit: Andrew Meares

Ms Bishop said that fellow inmates had offered to take the two men's place in execution to Indonesian President Joko Widodo, due to the "profound effect" of Chan and Sukumaran's "inspiring humility and service".

"Both families have told me they are proud of the men their sons have become," the Foreign Minister said, before adding that she believed Indonesia would "lose the most from executing these two young men".

Chan and Sukumaran were sentenced to death in 2006 for their parts in the infamous foiled "Bali nine" heroin smuggling operation.

Both men have recently had their bids for a presidential pardon knocked back and are expected to be executed by firing squad this month.

Lawyers for the pair are working on a last ditch challenge.

Ms Bishop stressed that Australian prime ministers, from John Howard onwards, had made representations to Indonesia on behalf of Chan and Sukumaran.

More than 55 personal representations at ministerial and prime ministerial level have been made over the past decade.

Ms Bishop has been in contact with the families of both men.

"When I spoke to the families, who were in Jakarta, by phone this week, they told me how it was virtually impossible to be strong for each other," she said.

"How it was unbearable for them to see their sons, their brothers, not knowing if it would be their last time. How could anyone not be moved by their heartbreaking pleas for mercy?"

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