

This was published 9 years ago

Hundreds of children abused in detention: report

By Sarah Whyte and Michael Gordon

A royal commission should be established to examine the impact on hundreds of children being detained for long periods in immigration detention centres, a report prepared by the Australian Human Rights Commission inquiry has recommended.

The report, The Forgotten Children, has also called for all children to be released from mainland detention and from the detention centre on Nauru after examining hundreds of cases of assault against children, including more than 30 incidences of sexual assault.

It was tabled late on Wednesday night - the last possible day it could be tabled - after being handed to the Abbott government on November 11.

The inquiry staff interviewed 1129 children over a 15-month period from January 2013 to March 2014, spanning both the Labor and Coalition governments. It shows there were 233 recorded assaults involving children and 33 incidents of reported sexual assault.

A child's drawing of life in detention.

A child's drawing of life in detention.

The damning report is the largest survey of children in detention ever conducted anywhere in the world. It calls for 119 children on Nauru to be removed into the Australian community; for Christmas Island to be shut down; and for an independent guardian for unaccompanied children.

It alleges human rights violations and says children being detained indefinitely on Nauru are "suffering from extreme levels of physical, emotional, psychological and developmental distress".

The reports says that the royal commission would examine "the use of force by the Commonwealth against children in detention and allegations of sexual assault against these children".

It would also consider remedies for a "breach of the Commonwealth's duty of care to detain children".

Life behind bars: A child's drawing.

Life behind bars: A child's drawing.

Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young said the abuse had to end.

"No longer can we turn a blind eye to the sexual, physical and psychological abuse that these policies of indefinite detention are inflicting on children," she said.

How a child has depicted life in detention.

How a child has depicted life in detention.

Child protection groups have called for the immediate release of all children in detention centres, saying it is causing long-term harm.

"Australia's state-sanctioned abuse of children must end," said Uniting Church president the Reverend Professor Andrew Dutney.

A drawing from a child held in detention.

A drawing from a child held in detention.

"The level of mental distress and long-term harm suffered by children as a direct result of their detention is appalling. These children are losing the most important years for their growth and development and some will be scarred for life by their experiences."

According to the latest immigration figures, 211 children are being held in immigration detention centres, including 119 in the offshore processing centre on Nauru.

Professor of paediatrics at the University of Sydney Elizabeth Elliott was horrified by the conditions for children in detention on Christmas Island.

Many had physical illnesses such as skin and respiratory infections as well as serious mental health problems. She described a 12-year-old girl who refused to eat or drink or leave her cabin.

"She summed up her experience by saying, 'My life here is really death,' " she said.

Professor Elliott reported high rates of depression, anxiety and self-harm among children.

"We were haunted by what we had seen, haunted by the level of desperation," she said.

Child and adolescent psychiatrist Nick Kowalenko said growing up in detention would have a lifelong impact on the children who may develop conditions such as post-traumatic stress syndrome in adulthood.

He said the denial of basic freedoms was unacceptable and had a "toxic influence" on children's development.

A spokesman for the Minister for Immigration said: "It's surprising that the Human Rights Commission began its review - in 2014 - when the number of children in detention was down to 1006 with the Coalition government working assiduously to place those children in the community."

Attorney-General George Brandis blamed the former government for the problem of children in detention, saying it had been "largely solved" by the Abbott government.

Many of the recommendations simply reflected government's policies "and therefore offer little in the way of new insights or initiatives", Senator Brandis said.

The number of children in mainland detention centres has fallen from a peak of nearly 2000 in July 2013 to fewer than 200.

The Australian Human Rights Commission will front the media on Thursday at 10am.

- with Rachel Browne

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