

This was published 9 years ago

Harper review: Pharmacists slam proposal to lift restrictions

By Beau Donelly

Loosening strict pharmacy regulations would allow supermarket chains to tap into the prescription medicine market and could compromise patient care, pharmacists warn.

The final report of the Harper Review, published on Tuesday, has recommended dumping pharmacy location and ownership rules among a raft of other changes aimed at boosting competition.

But pharmacists have roundly rejected the proposal, saying deregulation would give supermarkets the power to compete with local pharmacies, driving independent operators out of business and putting health care second to profit.

They say the big supermarket chains could never be a legitimate part of the health system while they profit off cigarettes and alcohol.

The Harper Review proposal would see a winding back of "anti-competitive" regulations by abolishing location rules that set out where pharmacies can be opened, including their distance from competitors. It also includes dumping rules that require pharmacies to be owned by registered pharmacists, and limits set on the number of outlets they own.

"The panel considers that the pharmacy ownership and location rules should be removed in the long-term interests of consumers," the report said. "Such restrictions limit the ability of consumers to choose where to obtain pharmacy products and services, and the ability of providers to meet consumers' preferences.

"They should be replaced with regulations to ensure access to medicines and quality of advice regarding their use that do not unduly restrict competition."

The panel accepted that competition between pharmacies would not be enough on its own to meet national healthcare objectives in rural and remote parts of Australia and suggested that governments tender for services in underserved areas.

The peak bodies representing pharmacists said the current model provided a high-quality health service for consumers and there was no evidence to show deregulation would benefit patients.


Pharmacists said vital services they provide, such as methadone treatments and dose administration aids for the elderly, would fall by the wayside if supermarkets were allowed to enter the market.

Grant Kardachi, national president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, said the such changes could impact the quality of patient care. "The worst case scenario is if pharmacies are owned by non-pharmacists, that profitability could well become the target and consumer needs and outcomes may well be compromised," he said.

"I have no doubt from being a pharmacy owner myself that your absolute commitment to serving the consumer is greater when you actually are a pharmacist. Clearly you place the consumer's health as your priority, and you go that extra yard a lot of the time … that might be by doing home deliveries, which we would regularly do for patients free of charge."

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia said the current rules ensured consumers had access to Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicines no matter where they live, rather than having pharmacies clustered around affluent suburbs.

In its submission to the review, the guild said the community model also ensured major supermarket chains were prevented from securing the market dominance they enjoyed in other areas of retail.

Executive director David Quilty criticised the panel for putting ideology before evidence that shows the current model was superior. "There is no evidence that a deregulated alternative model would deliver superior outcomes for patients or taxpayers," he said. "On the contrary, all the evidence indicates that the alternative would likely result in worse outcomes both for consumers and taxpayers, and carry significant risk."

"Australia's 5450 community pharmacies, currently struggling under the pressures of price disclosure, need certainty and stability – not a constant push to abolish a system that's working."

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