

This was published 14 years ago

The $10b question: why Abbott and Treasury are so far apart on his costings

By Mark Davis


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has been hoisted on former treasurer Peter Costello's petard.

After weeks of dodging having his election promises costed by Treasury and the Department of Finance, the numbers are now out.

And they show that, while a Coalition government would indeed deliver a stronger budget bottom line than Labor, the difference turns out to be minuscule in budgetary terms.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, flanked by his Treasury spokesman, Joe Hockey, and finance spokesman, Andrew Robb.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, flanked by his Treasury spokesman, Joe Hockey, and finance spokesman, Andrew Robb.Credit: Nicolas Walker

Read the Coalition's costings

Costello's Charter of Budget Honesty turns out to be about as unforgiving as a pair of budgie smugglers for an Opposition Leader inclined to exaggerate the size of his budget appendage.

It has shown that in the lead-up to the election, the Coalition overstated the size of its budget savings more than 10-fold.

Before the election, the Coalition said its promises would improve the budget by $11.5 billion over the next four years.


It would achieve this through lower deficits in 2010-11 and 2011-12 and higher surpluses in 2012-13 and 2013-14.

In costings released last night, however, Treasury and Finance estimated the improvement to the budget bottom line from these promises is just $863 million over four years. (The table summarises the Treasury/Finance costings of both the Coalition and Labor's election promises).

There is now, of course, furious debate between Labor and the Coalition about the assumptions and methodologies used to reach this conclusion.

Treasurer Wayne Swan says the Coalition's own costings must have involved ''either deliberate dishonesty or incompetence or both".

But Abbott has this morning insisted: ''The bottom line of that discussion is that the Coalition will deliver substantially larger surpluses than the Labor Party.''

And shadow treasurer Joe Hockey argued that a Coalition government would still be able to deliver all of the savings it promised before the election.

''We emphatically stand behind our numbers ... We will deliver surpluses in excess of Labor of $11.5 billion over four years."

Deliberate dishonesty or mere differences of opinion on accounting methodologies?

Let's walk through the four biggest differences between the opposition's claimed $11.5 billion in savings and the Treasury-Finance $863 million verdict.

The largest component turns on the Coalition's promise to spend $3.3 billion from the budget's health, education and infrastructure investment funds on several projects around the country.

Treasury's costings report says the Labor government has already committed to spend these funds on existing projects, so the Opposition's promise would add an extra $3.3 billion on top of what it had promised. When Treasury raised this issue with the Coalition, Hockey and the opposition finance spokesman Andrew Robb asked for a list of the already-committed projects.

They say Treasury would not provide the list.

So now Hockey is promising to cancel or defer the already-committed projects to pay for the Coalition's $3.3 billion in spending measures.

The next largest difference between the Coalition and Treasury turns on the Opposition's promise to save $2.5 billion by adjusting an arcane element of the budget called the ''conservative bias allowance''.

The conservative bias allowance is written into budget forecasts to take account of the long-standing trend for initial government spending estimates to be revised upwards.

Treasury acknowledges that governments have adjusted this allowance in the past, as the Coalition is planning to do, but says they have been ''classified as parameter revisions because they do not affect actual spending''.

''Such adjustments do not realise any actual budgetary savings,'' Treasury says.

On this basis, it excludes the $2.5 billion in savings claimed by the Coalition from this measure.

But Treasury also notes that: ''Since budget documents are published by authority of the government of the day, it would be open for an incoming government to decide to adjust the conservative bias allowance.''

Abbott and Hockey have seized on this to say that it remains legitimate for the Coalition to claim these savings.

The Coalition's election costings also claimed $1.2 billion in savings from spending on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which subsidises medicines.

The Coalition expected the savings to flow from already-implemented reforms to the PBS's pricing mechanisms for generic drugs and pointed to academic research estimating the size of the savings.

But Treasury said these savings had already been factored into the budget's estimates of the cost of the PBS in coming years. In other words, the Coalition was double-counting savings from earlier PBS reforms.

The fourth largest difference between the Coalition and Treasury turns on the cost to the government of repaying its debts.

The Coalition plans to have less debt, mainly through not going ahead with the National Broadband Network, so it would make savings in interest repayments compared with Labor.

It calculated these savings by assuming a 5.5 per cent interest rate on government debt, a figure based on the current long-term government bond rate.

But Treasury says the existing budget numbers assume an interest rate of 4.9 per cent to estimate the cost of public debt interest repayments.

That means the Coalition's savings from lower interest repayments are overstated by $1.1 billion over the next four years.

Hockey and Robb reckon their interest rate assumption is more accurate than Treasury's.

And Abbott responded to this point by saying: ''Economic credibility does not turn on whether you use 4.9 per cent or 5.5 per cent as your interst rate for estimating savings from one proposal.''

As this quick walk through the costings debate has shown, some of the differences between Treasury and the Coalition are due to the Coalition not accepting Treasury assumptions; some are due to errors by the Coalition; and most arise from the oppostion of the day being denied access to the official budget information available to the incumbent government.

The quality of the economic debate in the lead-up to an election would be improved if the opposition of the day was provided with more information about budget costings, assumptions and methodologies.

The four independent MPs holding the balance of power in the House of Representatives are insisting on more sources of expert advice to parliamentarians about the budget numbers.

That means Labor is likely to make concessions on this front if it wants to form a minority government.

Abbott is now also a convert to this notion, pushing Malcolm Turnbull's idea of establishing an independent Parliamentary Budget Office modelled on the United States' Congressional Budget Office.

Yet for the 12 years the Coalition was in government it showed no interest in such an approach.

On the contrary, Costello deployed the Charter of Budget Honesty process and the costings game as mercilessly against Labor as the Labor government now does against the Coalition.


It would be a tremendous irony if this latest iteration of the Costello costings game persuaded the independents that the Coalition could not be trusted to form a stable and competent government.

Mark Davis is the national editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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