

This was published 3 years ago


UN report rightfully shames Australia over fossil fuel plans

By Fergus Green, Richard Denniss and Richie Merzian

Australia is the world's third largest exporter of fossil fuels. According to a new report released today by the United Nations Environment Program and leading international research organisations, Australia's contribution to the world's production of coal, oil and gas is only growing.

Rather than focus on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced within a country's borders, the new UN report focuses on the amount of fossil fuels produced by each country in the form of coal, oil and gas. The UN analysis – which highlights the Australian government's plans to increase fossil fuel production, mostly for export – makes for sober reading.

The Liddell and Bayswater coal-fired power stations in the Hunter Valley.

The Liddell and Bayswater coal-fired power stations in the Hunter Valley.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

The gap between a country's planned production of coal, oil and gas and the amount of production that would be consistent with meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement is called the "production gap". To constrain global warming to within the Paris goal of 1.5 degrees, global fossil fuel production will need to fall by roughly 6 per cent a year over the next decade. Coal, oil and gas production will need to fall by 11 per cent, 4 per cent and 3 per cent a year respectively. The UN report finds countries are instead planning an increase in production of 2 per cent a year, on average.

The global warming carbon budget sets a limit on the amount of fossil fuels the world can produce if we are to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. But by 2030, if Australia and other major fossil fuel producers realise their plans, we will produce more than double that amount.

There is clearly an enormous disparity between what the world agreed to in Paris in 2015 and the world that fossil fuel exporters like Australia are preparing for. Something must give.

Among the big fossil fuel producers, the group of wealthy countries with diversified economies, like Australia, are much better placed to transition away from fossil fuels. After all, coal mining employs less than half a per cent of Australian workers. Industrialised countries should be leading the transition, cutting their fossil fuel production the fastest, while supporting workers and communities dependent on fossil fuel production to transition. Yet, it's Australia, the US and Canada that are planning some of the biggest fossil fuel expansions.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor at the Financial Review Energy and Climate Summit last week.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor at the Financial Review Energy and Climate Summit last week.Credit: Louie Douvis

A major reason for this contradiction, according to the UN report, is that Australia's fossil fuel production is privately owned and these private companies "tend to be highly politically organised, investing considerable resources into lobbying, campaign finance, public relations, and think tank sponsorship, and exerting influence through a 'revolving door' between business and government." It seems the "Canberra bubble" is a great employer of coal and gas workers who don't work on site.

These powerful fossil fuel stakeholders are frustrating efforts to transition to cleaner energy and cleaner exports. Overcoming these challenges, the report continues, "will require weakening these incumbent interests in general, engaging with industry actors that are making serious efforts to support transitions, and strengthening co-operation with other firms and labour unions."


The COVID-19 pandemic and the global response has helped greenhouse gas emissions drop, as Minister for Emissions Reductions Angus Taylor was keen to highlight this week. It has also shrunk coal, oil, and gas production globally by an estimated 8 per cent, 7 per cent and 3 per cent respectively this year.

The drop in demand has placed many fossil fuel producers in a difficult financial position because they had been irresponsibly borrowing and relying on government handouts to finance production expansions rather than transitioning their business models away from fossil fuels to manage climate-related risks to their businesses.

Locals protest against the Narrabri gas project, that has received final environmental approval.

Locals protest against the Narrabri gas project, that has received final environmental approval.Credit:

The pandemic therefore provides an opportunity for governments in Australia to cut subsidies to fossil fuel producers and to revise economic plans and regulations so as to force the industry into a managed decline of fossil fuel production. The most obvious place to start is to abolish subsidies for new fossil fuel exploration, given that the world has already found more than enough.

Meanwhile, the vast sums needed to stimulate economic recovery present countries with an historic opportunity to address both the COVID-19 and climate crises. The recovery should prioritise the health and economic security of ordinary Australians and the climate on which we all depend. Fortunately, because of the highly capital-intensive nature of the coal, oil and gas industries, redirecting the same investment into almost any other industry creates a lot more jobs than are created via fossil fuel subsidies and handouts.


The greatest impact Australia can make on the climate front is to put a moratorium on new coal mines and gas fields. According to Australia Institute research, Australia's fossil fuel exports have a carbon footprint that is twice as big as Australia's domestic emissions. Last year, the NSW Independent Planning Commission refused development consent for the Bylong coal mine project and one factor was the overall climate change impact – including emissions from burning the coal which are by far the main source of emissions.

As former president of Kiribati Anote Tong reiterated this week in his opinion piece directed at Prime Minister Scott Morrison, "you can't solve the climate crisis without addressing the growing supply of fossil fuels. You can't cut anything effectively unless you use both arms of the scissors [i.e. use policy to cut both demand and supply]."

With the State of the Climate 2020 report maintaining Australia is now experiencing 1.44 degrees of average global warming, let's agree that now is the time to grab both arms of the scissors and start cutting.

Fergus Green is a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University, Netherlands, and co-authored chapter four of the Production Gap Report. Richard Denniss is the chief economist and Richie Merzian the climate and energy program director at the Australia Institute, an independent think tank.

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