This was published 2 years ago
How quick wins for our climate could also help our hip pockets
By Brad Pettitt and Brad Hiller
When it comes to meaningful climate action, WA is a laggard state of a laggard nation. The time for climate action is now.
Globally, we have reached situation critical on climate change and in Australia we know this all too well.
Recent unprecedented heatwaves, firestorms and flooding will be the ‘new normal’ if we don’t act.
Last week’s latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report went further: every level of government must accelerate climate action.
While Australia was singled out recently by the UN Secretary General as a climate “holdout”, it is WA that is performing worst. WA is the only Australian state with rising greenhouse gas emissions, the only state without an emissions reduction target or renewable energy target, and we continue to expand fossil fuel investment.
While it is easy to bemoan WA’s lack of climate action, let us instead focus on solutions.
Solutions we can do now. Solutions which reduce carbon emissions this year and ever year of this critical decade.
Solutions which will save West Australians money and create new jobs. Solutions which can support our most vulnerable and help our environment.
Solutions which will make our cities, suburbs, and towns more liveable and resilient.
Here are some quick wins we can start right now:
LED streetlights: Most streetlights in WA use dated and inefficient mercury vapour globes, which emit almost double the carbon equivalent of LED lights. Carbon emissions could be reduced by approximately 50,000 tons per year by switching to LEDs, with a payback period of fewer than four years for lights that last 20-plus years.
Net zero housing: Up to 20 per cent of annual emissions are attributable to our growing housing stock. In 2022, it is estimated that more than 20,000 new homes will be constructed in WA, with lifespans of 50-plus years. New homes can be built net-zero with minimal additional costs, leading to long-term household energy savings.
Expanded urban tree program: The loss of mature trees in urban areas, combined with the impacts of climate change, is contributing to hotter cities, suburbs and regional centres, as well as to biodiversity loss. While this ‘urban heat island’ effect can require greater cooling costs, alternatively leafy streets can uplift property values by $17,000 per house and each tree can contribute $117,000 in wellness benefits over a life span. The Western Australia Local Government Association and others have advocated for an expanded tree planting grant program to enable 60,000 trees to be planted each year.
Electric buses: Electric buses represent an enormous potential to reduce the carbon footprint of WA’s transport sector, as well as kick-starting a zero-carbon transport manufacturing sector here in Perth. While the trial of four electric buses is welcomed, this is dwarfed by a decision to order 900 new diesel-powered buses. This is despite an estimated whopping annual fuel bill of $40 million annually for WA’s diesel and gas buses. Cities globally, such as Paris, Madrid, Mexico City and Athens have committed to banning diesel buses in cities by 2025. Even in Australia, Sydney and Brisbane have committed to all-electric bus fleets. WA should get on board.
Housing retrofits for social housing: Almost 45,000 West Australian families live in social housing, much of which is ageing, inefficient and needing upgrades. Retrofitting efficiency measures like insulation and solar hot water systems could reduce household energy consumption by 80 per cent, save households up to $1600 in bills annually, and reduce carbon emissions by 277,000 tonnes per year.
Incentives to encourage electric vehicles: EVs will be important to lowering WA’s transport emissions. Every jurisdiction in Australia in incentivising the switch – except WA. Globally, EV incentives are increasingly widespread and in Norway over 75 per cent of new car sales are now EVs. This is a huge opportunity to help West Aussies save money on fuel and lower emissions.
E-bikes subsidy program: Electric bikes are more likely to act as a replacement for motor vehicle trips than conventional bikes, helping to reduce congestion, carbon emissions and parking frustration. E-bikes only cost 15c to charge and could help substitute for the 50 per cent of car trips under 5 kilometres. And this isn’t reinventing the wheel. Successful E-bike incentive models from US, Sweden, Germany, and the UK have been proven to reduce rates of transport-related emissions.
Heat pumps: Heat pumps for hot water can use up to 80 per cent less energy than standard electric storage or gas hot water systems. Temperatures across much of the state are ideal for heat pumps, with even more significant carbon savings possible when coupled with solar systems.
Such quick wins could not only reduce WA’s carbon emissions but save West Australians more money than they cost.
That’s because each one is an investment in a clean, green low-carbon future.
The latest IPCC report showed us that we have the tools and technologies to save the planet from climate change – now we just need the political leadership.
Dr Brad Pettitt is a Member of the State Legislative Council, representing the South Metropolitan Region, and Former Mayor of Fremantle. Dr Brad Hiller is a lead climate change specialist in the international development sector.