

This was published 5 years ago

Vice, a film about Dick Cheney and George Bush, made for the Trump era

By Nick O'Malley

There is a moment towards the end of the new film about Dick Cheney, Vice, when its wild fury reaches a crescendo. The then vice-president is lying on an operating table with his chest clamped hideously open while undergoing a heart transplant. The vision cuts between the procedure and images of the violence of the terrible war in Iraq that he worked so hard to orchestrate.

As though driven by its own horrified curiosity, the camera rears up and pokes its head right into the gaping hole in Cheney’s chest. The defunct heart is gone, its replacement not yet installed. The camera settles for a moment on the bloody void and then finally retreats, having established that at Cheney’s very centre there is nothing.

Christian Bale stars as Dick Cheney in <i>Vice</i>.

Christian Bale stars as Dick Cheney in Vice. Credit: Greig Fraser / Annapurna Picture

In another film this sort of carry-on might collapse under its own weight. In Vice, directed by Adam McKay, it is grimly exhilarating.

McKay is the former Saturday Night Live writer who made himself a career as a comedic movie director through his partnership with Will Ferrell, with whom he made Anchorman, Talladega Nights and The Other Guys. With his first drama, The Big Short, he won Oscar nominations for best director and best adapted screenplay. There is talk that Vice might earn more, either for him or members of his cast, in particular Christian Bale, who disappears into the role of Cheney.

McKay’s film is a relentless excoriation of Cheney, but also of George W. Bush and of the neo-conservatives who championed the Iraq War; of failed American political culture, of money and influence, of broken institutions. It is a tirade against the abuse of power and an exposition of the terrible consequences for ordinary people of such abuse.

Dick Cheney (left), then deputy to White House chief of staff Donald Rumsfeld (right), in 1975.

Dick Cheney (left), then deputy to White House chief of staff Donald Rumsfeld (right), in 1975.Credit: AP

Just as Catch-22 was a satire set during World War II that resonated during the Vietnam Era, Vice is a Bush-Cheney film made for the Trump era. For that reason it has prompted a sort of parlour game for political commentators and presidential historians.

What is worse? A determined and malevolent insider or a clownish outsider with mendacious intent but without the knowledge or discipline to wield the power at his disposal? Or as The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd puts it: “How do you like your norms broken? Over Twitter or in a torture memo?”

McKay’s film begins with Cheney as dissolute young man, bounced from Yale and bar brawling in Wyoming. Set straight by the woman who was to become his wife, Lynn, he returns to college and eventually makes his way to Washington, DC, to become an intern. There he begins to learn his dark arts on the staff of Donald Rumsfeld, then working for Richard Nixon.


McKay charts Cheney’s course through the Ford administration and then George H.W. Bush’s, where he served as Defence Secretary and directed the first war against Iraq. He skims through Cheney’s time as a congressman and an executive for Haliburton (though he lingers in making the point that Cheney received a $US20 million payout when he returned to politics, only to return the favour by granting the company no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq).

Vice takes on a delirious quality as instances of Cheney’s perfidy wash over the audience. In montage sequences he blocks early action on climate change, restricts voting rights and facilitates the flood of money into politics. He shoots the lawyer Harry Whittington in the chest and face with a shotgun during a quail hunt, only to have Whittington apologise to him for the embarrassment the incident caused.

This sense of delirium is no accident, explains McKay. Scorsese’s great gangster movie Goodfellas - with its montages of corpses piling up - was a key influence. In McKay’s view Cheney and his cronies were gangsters but rather than carving up urban drug turf they “shifted tectonic plates”.

Adam McKay, centre, with the stars of <i>Vice</i>, from left: Sam Rockwell, Amy Adams, Christian Bale and Steve Carell.

Adam McKay, centre, with the stars of Vice, from left: Sam Rockwell, Amy Adams, Christian Bale and Steve Carell.Credit: AP

McKay had first been drawn to Cheney’s story when he researched the Broadway show You’re Welcome America, in which he and Ferrell satirically farewelled George W. Bush in 2009. In studying Bush at the time, says McKay, he felt he was never truly looking into the heart of that administration’s power. It was only in reading about Cheney in subsequent years that he felt he began to understand it.

In McKay’s telling, Cheney’s influence over Bush and America shifted from insidious to diabolical with the September 11 attacks. As other officials respond in horror and panic, Cheney calmly goes about expanding the powers of the president - to wage war, to spy and to torture - and then to usurp those powers for himself.

There is little debate now that the Bush administration’s responses to the attacks were catastrophic, both destabilising the Middle East and exhausting American power and prestige.

Does McKay not risk washing over the failures not only of Bush himself but other key members of the administration? “I hope not,” says McKay. “It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime moments to show leadership. They failed. They all failed. It was a tragedy firstly for Iraq, then for our soldiers. For the spirit of our country.”

Then Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush and his running mate, Dick Cheney, in 2000.

Then Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush and his running mate, Dick Cheney, in 2000.Credit: AP

McKay is firmly of the view that Cheney’s measured, disciplined and unscrupulous accumulation and deployment of power presented far more danger to good governance than the chaos of the current administration.

His view is common, but not universal. Nancy Pelosi, who leads Democrats in the House of Representatives, said in the first months of the Trump administration that she looked back to the Bush years with fondness.

It is a reasonable view, though one that ignores an obvious point.

Trump is only halfway through his first term. He has bolstered rivals of the Western order and savaged its system of alliances.

As his administration is becoming overwhelmed by domestic chaos his foreign policy decision making is becoming more wild. We don’t yet know what the human cost of Trump’s administration will be.

Either way, Cheney’s last words in Vice could speak for either administration. Recreating an actual interview with Cheney, Bale, old and pudgy and lost utterly inside the retired puppetmaster, turns to the camera and says simply: “You voted for me.”

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