

This was published 7 years ago

David Griggs finds fun among the paint fumes at Campbelltown Arts Centre

By Peter Munro

The two-bedroom condominium in the Philippines that artist David Griggs calls home, overlooks a train station and shopping mall. The apartment is small with shoddy ventilation. Paint fumes from his adjoining studio give him dizzy spells and crazed dreams. "You get immune to it but it's not healthy," he says.

Outside, the streets of Manila rumble with a mad mess of peddlers, punk rockers, commuters, up-and-comers, wastrels and the well-heeled. "It can be super stressful but I'm the type of person that needs to be distracted every second of the day," he says.

Philippines-based artist David Griggs with his 2009 self-portrait "Zoloft Nation".

Philippines-based artist David Griggs with his 2009 self-portrait "Zoloft Nation".Credit: Louise Kennerley

"Every week, it's shifting and changing. The streets change directions; a U-turn is there one week and the next week it's not. As soon as you walk out on the street, you might get hit by a car that is on the wrong side of the road. There is no continuity, which is sort of fascinating for an artist."

For those times when he doesn't want to get hit by a car, the 42-year-old Australian artist returns to live in Sydney, where he grew up in the western suburbs. We meet at Campbelltown Arts Centre, near one of his childhood skateboarding haunts, ahead of a major survey of his work, titled Between Nature and Sin.

Griggs with his 2013 painting "Dha", featuring a Philippines punk rocker.

Griggs with his 2013 painting "Dha", featuring a Philippines punk rocker.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Griggs is wearing a hoodie that reveals a Sanskrit tattoo of the word "Buddha" in the middle of his chest. "It's supposed to keep me centred." He has tired blue eyes from having arrived from Manila at 5.30am. We sit outside the arts centre, while he chain-smokes cigarettes.

Living between two different countries gives him the best of both worlds: the wild energy of the Philippines; the ease and anal retentiveness of Australia.

Much of the six-time Archibald Prize finalist's work has captured the chaos that waits outside his apartment door in Quezon City. Feral street beggars, prison gangs, stray dogs. His canvases writhe with blood and mayhem, tattoos and bad teeth.

Bold paintings such as 2009's Zoloft Nation – severed limb, tombstone, skulls, floating eyeballs – directly reference his struggles with depression.

David Griggs' 2017 Archibald Prize finalist self-portrait.

David Griggs' 2017 Archibald Prize finalist self-portrait.Credit: Jenni Carter, AGNSW

Lately, though, Griggs has been feeling better than usual. He is eating right, painting every night and exercising for an hour every day in the gym within his apartment building. "I was so fed up with always crashing and having to rebuild myself over months of hard work that I thought 'f--k it, I will try this exercise thing'," he says.

"For me, it's all about finding mental stability. I wake up, have a coffee, make an egg-and-chilli sandwich, go to the gym, do errands, come back home, paint, eat dinner, keep painting. In a way, it's boring. But the practice [of making art] is more fun because that's the excitement of my day. Being in the studio is the party."

Painting is like "failing and succeeding in a five-minute time frame", he says. He paints from about 7pm until 2am, but sometimes sits on the sofa staring at an unfinished artwork until dawn. "Half the time, I don't know what I'm painting," he says.

"I've had to decide to be less precious and more forgiving about my work ... you reach this stage in your 40s where you have got all the tools but then how do you reinvent yourself? It's that challenge of trying to do something new with painting but having no idea what that is."

His latest works have shifted from menacing imagery to paintings of palm trees, pretty girls and pills that look like lollies. He's having more fun. Going easier on himself. "They are like hippy paintings but they're dirty. There are fluoros mixed with browns. It is like happy but yuck," he says. "You've got to keep yourself amused."

His Campbelltown exhibition, part of the Bayanihan Philippine Art Project, includes the premiere of his feature film Cowboy Country, which stars a kidnapped Filipino-American teenage skateboarder who is fed so well while being held captive that he gets fat. "Making it was just an excuse to get out of the studio for a while," Griggs says.

His 2017 Archibald Prize finalist self-portrait – perhaps the world's only artwork titled: Twisting Cain with a brown eye while lacking a constitution for darkness – offers a clue to his new-found contentment.

The painting references the biblical story of Cain murdering his brother Abel. Griggs depicts himself in both roles: the black-and-white "regular David normal guy persona" and the angry red "medicated, trying-to-get-his-shit-together-without-crashing David".

But he prefers to see himself as the figure standing between the siblings: a grinning skull with a cigarette in its mouth and two purple butt plugs as horns. "I want to be this happy, smiling mess in the middle."

Between Nature and Sin is at Campbelltown Arts Centre until October 15.

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