

This was published 2 years ago


We couldn’t have built a less fair school system if we tried

Surely, you’ve had this experience. You take your old clunker into the repair garage, only to be told that, yes, it can be fixed to run for a few more years, but at a cost. A few reconditioned parts can be added here and there, but it will never work the way you expect unless it is rebuilt, preferably from the ground up.

The Productivity Commission’s interim report on its Review of the National School Reform Agreement, released last week, won’t fix our school education clunker. The commission has had a team of mechanics go over our schools to put them “back on the road”. It’s been done many times in the past. A bit of fine-tuning, even some new parts, then off you go.

The Productivity Commission last week released its interim report on its Review of the National School Reform Agreement.

The Productivity Commission last week released its interim report on its Review of the National School Reform Agreement.Credit: iStock

Unfair? Not at all. The commission knows our school system doesn’t work and tells us in its report. And it even asked teams of specialist “mechanics” for ideas on how to fix it. But like the commission itself, they focused almost exclusively on what goes on inside the school gate and inside classrooms. So, to revisit (for the last time, I promise) my motor vehicle metaphor, everyone had their heads under the bonnet, while ignoring the design, construction, history and preferred operation of the system.

Our framework of schools, our system, is broken and probably always has been. The way we provide, resource and run schools has long advantaged some sections of the community, and some kids, more than others – often at the expense of others. While it has been intermittently quite functional, that is no longer the case. It doesn’t deliver for every student, and certainly doesn’t deliver for the nation.

It is one of the most segregated and hierarchical school systems in the OECD world, and every one of our repeated fixes has either ignored that reality or suggested a few token changes, in some cases making the situation worse. Our system has never been fully inclusive – just ask any Catholic school historian. It is fulfilling John Howard’s suggestion that public schools should be safety nets.


Essentially, our schools are at cross-purposes. Most are fully funded and have a legal obligation to cater for all children, from all backgrounds – in all places and under all circumstances. The others, mainly but not always in the non-government sector, will do some of this, subject to a payment and/or background check.

If we sat down 40-plus years ago to write a prescription for a social/academic apartheid system of schools operating on an unlevel playing field, we couldn’t have done it better. It is a structural oddity which has placed Australia as an outrider on the OECD stage.

We’ve spent decades arguing the toss about schools. Some people have extolled the virtues of competition and choice, others have lamented the social, community and national cost of such a system. There have been endless debates about who pays, and how much.


All the while it has become very expensive for taxpayers and for parents – not least because we’ve duplicated the provision of schools, and grossly over-resourced large numbers of them. The other constant has been that student outcomes have gone into seemingly irreversible decline. Even the over-resourced schools don’t seem to do any better.

Despite coming up with some timely and well-considered ideas, the Productivity Commission’s review is just more of the same. It’s actually worse than that. It largely discounted the regressive impact of the structural inequalities between schools, and between systems. Instead, it lamely acknowledged that some barriers to educational progress are beyond the capacity of individual schools to address.


In the process, it effectively discounted one of the key findings of the Gonski Review, something that seems to lie at the heart of our problems. This problem isn’t hard to find. Anyone can go to the My School website and easily discover that the NAPLAN results coming out of the schools tends to match the socioeconomic status (SES) of the students going in each day.

But there’s more. Gonski reported – and other research confirms – that the collective impact on student achievement comes even more from the SES of each student’s peers, than from their own family. In the world of schools, negative peer effects are associated with students from disadvantaged social backgrounds; positive effects with students from advantaged backgrounds.

Parents and teachers know about this peer effect and that knowledge drives our enrolment shift from low to higher SES schools. School principals certainly know, and competition between schools too often degenerates into an unseemly competition to get preferred students.

The combination of such peer impacts on student outcomes in an already segregated system of schools calls out for a review of how our school system is structured and what we should be doing to create a more inclusive system and socially diverse schools.

At the very minimum, the Productivity Commission should urgently recommend a thorough review of the research and literature around peer effects on learning. Without attention to such wider impacts on student achievement, the various other recommendations from the Commission’s report might make very little difference.


We need to have a conversation about how our school system can be better structured to better support all our students and schools. Other countries do it, why can’t we?

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