

This was published 9 years ago

Periscope and Meerkat, the apps where life is but a stream

By Josephine Tovey

On Tuesday afternoon, Amanda Oleander sat down to lunch with more than 1000 people.

The 25-year-old artist was alone in her Los Angeles apartment, but as she chewed on her Sriracha potatoes and sipped her nectarine, strawberry and blood-orange smoothie, a huge, invisible audience from around the world watched on through the minuscule camera lens of her mobile phone.

Periscope co-founder Kayvon Beykpour in San Francisco.

Periscope co-founder Kayvon Beykpour in San Francisco.Credit: New York Times

As she ate, she talked, interacting with hundreds of people she will likely never meet. Some of these viewers typed in questions, which she answered as they flashed up on her screen, chatting into the propped up phone like it was a friend. Many just wanted to say hello. A few were crude or vicious, demanding "show your boobs".

I know this, because I was "there" too, staring into my mobile phone, watching her.

Amanda Oleander eating lunch in her apartment on Periscope.

Amanda Oleander eating lunch in her apartment on Periscope.

Welcome to the much-hyped, new-ish frontier of social media: mobile live-streaming.

Oleander was using Periscope that day, one of two new mobile apps - the other is called Meerkat - that allow you to broadcast any moment of your life - from the extraordinary to the extraordinarily banal - immediately around the world.

A few more hours spent exploring these apps this week - watching everything from a stunning live tour of the pyramids of Giza, to Oleander's sunny banter, to someone inspecting their dog's apparently concerning latest turd - and it's easy to see why they're having a "moment".

There's breathless excitement about their potential as a tool for communication, connection and citizen journalism, wariness about yet another front in the online harassment and trolling wars, as well as a fresh wave of bafflement with what some people want to share with the world –and what others will spend time watching.

Periscope's intended use: live-streaming moments from your life.

Periscope's intended use: live-streaming moments from your life.

(For the record, I wasted a full six seconds of my life on the dog poop video).

There will no doubt be a wave of parental anxiety too - once Baby Boomers and Gen Xers figure out what exactly their teenagers are doing when they say they're in their room "Meerkating".

Madonna's premiere of her <i>Ghosttown</i> music video on Meerkat.

Madonna's premiere of her Ghosttown music video on Meerkat.

In other words, it's your standard, new social media craze.

"Every new communications technology shocks the world at first, shocks our sense of etiquette, raising troubling questions and eventually settles down into new kind of social norms," says Xeni Jardin, a technology commentator and editor at the weblog BoingBoing.

Meerkat was first to launch in February to much hype. A few weeks later, Twitter debuted its own version, Periscope, which it had reportedly acquired for $US100 million ($130 million).

Both less than two months old, the apps are being taken up by regular folk, journalists and publicity-hungry celebrities and politicians alike. The numbers are sketchy but seem small at this stage - an analysis by The Daily Dot estimated the number of streams on each app on Periscope's launch day last month at about 20,000 each.

Periscope's launch coincided with a massive explosion in the East Village of Manhattan. Before the TV crews were even there, people used the apps to broadcast live footage of the inferno. Ellen DeGeneres and Jamie Oliver have done backstage tours of their shows on Periscope, while Madonna streamed the video for her new song, Ghosttown through Meerkat.

Oleander, who joined Periscope on its second day, is already a devoted convert.

"I think Periscope is the future," she says. Oleander streams from it several times a day, from meals to tours of her neighbourhood, to live demonstrations of her working on a painting. It's already helped her sell her work, she says, and make connections with her new Periscope "family".

"It doesn't have filters. It's real and raw ... You can really get a feel for another human by watching them live. You cannot do that with Twitter, Instagram or Facebook."

The two new apps work in similar ways: you open them and start a stream. Twitter can send out a tweet to your followers letting them know you're doing it, drawing people in. Then the world can watch, and type comments that appear on the screen in real time, giving you instant feedback, asking you questions, or requesting you point the camera at something else in view.

Viewers can show appreciation in real time by hitting a "like" button on Meerkat. On Periscope, viewers tap the screen to send a heart emoji floating up the screen, which is visible to everyone. When lots of people are enjoying a stream, a flurry of these hearts float up the screen like balloons.

Live-streaming online is, of course, nothing new, and other services have been popular for years, like Ustream or TwitCasting. But the new apps have created buzz, made live-streaming easier, more accessible and, most importantly, portable.

"Real-time streaming to a built-in audience is their obvious appeal," says Lance Ulanoff, the editor-at-large of news network Mashable. "Less obvious is how the timing is exactly right for their emergence. There are so many people carrying around mobile-broadband-capable devices that live-streaming and viewing finally makes practical sense."

Because Meerkat and Periscope are tethered to Twitter, an existing, popular social media platform, you don't have to build an audience from scratch.

"If you already have followers on Twitter, you have an audience," he says.

Meerkat is more ephemeral, once a broadcast is finished, you can't rewatch it. Periscope allows you to save a broadcast to your phone if you want, and keeps it available to your followers for a day so they can catch up.

This feature, coupled with closer integration with parent company Twitter, the ability to set your stream to private, and a less-cluttered design have helped Periscope get the edge over its rival in recent weeks, at least in the eyes of the media.

While the apps are new, some of the issues they're raising – sexual harassment, bullying and concerns about privacy and copyright – are very familiar.

Media outlets from Slate to Cosmopolitan have asserted Periscope already has a harassment problem, and seeing how regularly women are asked to "show your boobs" or called sluts while streaming anything at all, it's easy to see why.

"It really seems like whatever new form of social media launches, it also becomes a new platform for harassment and internet sexual abuse of women," Jardin says. "It's an issue that affects all social communications services and it seems it's going to be particularly sensitive with these live video services. The emotional impact is so immediate, because the sharing is so personal and so vulnerable,"

Periscope has been scrambling to update the app with new features to improve safety and prevent harassment – like eliminating a location tool which previously allowed viewers to pinpoint where someone was streaming from.

There is a simple "block" feature, which Oleander used liberally during her lunch broadcast. On Wednesday, the app announced it would allow broadcasters to also restrict comments to people they follow. But there doesn't appear to be any way to report serial harassers from within the app itself, or to easily get those users kicked off.

"It would be neat if the app would delete accounts that have been blocked let's say 10 times," Oleander says. "If someone has been blocked 10 times by different users there is a problem."

Putting new live-streaming apps into the pockets of thousands has also likely got some copyright holders sweating.

Already there has been a range of uses which raise questions about copyright infringement, from the blatant - Periscoping a new movie direct from a cinema - to greyer areas, like live-streaming from a sporting match or using copyrighted music in the background.

Rights holders already have their work cut out playing whack-a-mole on YouTube and other existing platforms, forcing the removal of user-generated content featuring copyrighted material. When the content is being broadcast live, it's going to be that much harder to deal with.

Christopher Sprigman, a law professor at New York University, said he wouldn't be surprised if sporting leagues in particular, with lucrative television deals, weren't already concerned about people live-streaming from games and planning some kind of response.

But it's not a clear-cut case, he says. "The thing that's copyrightable about a football game isn't the game, it's the way the game is televised, the camera angles, the commentary ... if all the live-stream is showing is the game, that's a tough copyright claim."

"I think if people are rational this technology will just develop in the way it's going to develop and copyright isn't going to be one of the central stories."

"But," he adds, "I don't know that people are always rational about these things. So I get a sense you might see some punches thrown."

It's one of many unknowns with the apps at this early stage. The biggest though, is whether they will survive at all, and how mainstream they will become.

For all the buzz live-streaming is getting, the audience and user numbers are still relatively small. When Madonna premiered her new video on Wednesday, about 8000 people tuned in, a minuscule amount compared to a television audience, or celebrity Facebook post.

Then there's the "tree falling in the woods" problem. The ephemeral nature of live-streaming is part of what makes it so exciting, but it also means if you miss it, it's gone. That could prove frustrating for many people, especially for a generation that likes to watch even their favourite high-budget TV shows at the time of their choosing.

Asked whether she sees the apps - or something like them - taking a true foothold, Jardin is cautiously optimistic.

"I've been working in and writing about technology long enough to know the only thing I can say with conviction at this time is I have no idea," she says. "I thought that when Twitter launched it was the stupidest thing ... And then over time the service evolved and the way people were using it evolved, and it turned into this absolutely world-changing thing."

"I suspect that whether Periscope or Meerkat end up becoming the be-all and end-all of this thing ... whatever this thing is, it's interesting enough that it feels significant to me."

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