

This was published 4 years ago

'Fight Club in a detention centre': Anthony LaPaglia's 'risky' Below

By Karl Quinn

I've been on many film sets but I have never seen anything like this.

In a wing of the colonial-era Fremantle Gaol, three women in gimp masks are viciously beating a man with massive dildos.

Director Maziar Lahooti is framing everything in his debut feature Below (billed as Fight Club in a detention centre) in long takes that swoop with the action, all mapped out in an Excel spreadsheet on his iPad.

Anthony LaPaglia plays Terry, a senior officer in an outback detention centre in Below.

Anthony LaPaglia plays Terry, a senior officer in an outback detention centre in Below.Credit: Madman

This Norwegian-born, WA-raised son of Iranian parents who fled the 1979 revolution is not cut from standard filmmaking cloth.

"He's a super-smart, super-intense guy. I like him a lot," says Anthony LaPaglia, who plays Terry, a senior officer at the outback detention centre where most of the action of this vaguely futuristic dystopian dramedy takes place.

"This is not a money job," adds the LA-based former Adelaidian of the low-budget film. "I read the script and thought, 'Well I haven't done this before'. And that made it an exciting prospect."

To up the ante, he decided to play Terry as a Scotsman. "It's risky for me and I like that it feels risky," he says in a break between the dildo scene and another in which he has co-star Ryan Corr pinned against a wall. "I'm not sure it will work."

What's the biggest risk? "That I will look like a twat. What other kind of risk is there? I suppose the long-term effect on your career if it's really bad."

The film debuted at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2019 and this week drops on video on demand. It won't destroy anyone's career and is equally unlikely to make anyone filthy rich. But it could just find a sizeable cult following. It's certainly mad enough.


Beginning life as a play by English expat Ian Wilding, first staged at the Stables in Sydney by Griffin Theatre Company in 2000, Below was originally set in a mining camp. Producer Veronica Gleeson saw potential for something with bigger ambitions.

When Lahooti became involved in 2015 it morphed from a story that had bikies running fights in an abattoir, complete with "kangaroos in mincers and industrial microwaves", to something more focused. Well, a little.

"I think it's a drama that uses comedy in order to gain access to things that would otherwise be intolerable," says Wilding, who adapted his play for the screen. "Laughter opens your heart temporarily to the possibility that you can contemplate somebody else's circumstances without judging them. It's a Trojan horse. It's a comedy that has very serious elements. Or it's a drama that at times is really funny."

Corr's Dougie is our guide through this hellish, slightly trippy world. When we first meet him he's being beaten up over a bad debt – he's lost a lot of money trying to stage a rave – and stepdad Terry sets him to work in the detention centre to pay it off.

But inside those stone walls Dougie's already fragile sense of right and wrong takes a further battering. Webcasting fights between inmates to a paying audience comes to seem, somehow, a moral victory of sorts, at least until he finds a real cause in trying to get a young girl out and into a proper family home.

"Today was a hard one. I'm shattered," says Corr, nursing a bad back from take after take of being hurled around. "By the end of that scene I was shaking with adrenaline. In any other space that would look like a pub brawl, but there were gags in it. We're jumping from real lightness, gaggy schtick, to dark places, and then back again."

Like almost nothing else he's worked on before, he says, Below is all about nailing a very specific tone. "And most of the time we don't know what that tone is," he adds, brushing chicken feathers from his hair (residue from a ripped pillow).

Ryan Corr as Dougie.

Ryan Corr as Dougie.Credit: David Dare Parker/Madman

"We're not trying to make a political film, we're trying to explore philosophical ideas from which hopefully politics will emerge. But it's not propaganda.

"The ambition is to keep the audience compelled and entertained and wanting to watch it again," adds Lahooti. "It shouldn't matter at all which side of the fence you're on, whether you're hard against immigration or all for open borders. It's much more a story about a guy trying to save a little girl."

Below is available on DVD and digital platforms from July 8.

Follow the author on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on Twitter @karlkwin

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