

This was published 2 years ago

Houston’s comeback with the true believers

By Andrew Hornery

Disgraced but defiant, Hillsong celebrity preachers Brian and Bobbie Houston are hatching plans for their comeback after returning to Sydney from a fire and brimstone tour of America’s megachurches.

Their homecoming is ahead of Brian Houston’s court appearance in December to defend criminal charges that he failed to report his paedophile father, the late evangelist Frank Houston, to police.

Brian and Bobbie Houston have returned to Sydney and are hatching plans for a comeback.

Brian and Bobbie Houston have returned to Sydney and are hatching plans for a comeback.Credit: Hillsong

The Houstons, who in September listed their multi-million-dollar home of nearly 30 years in Glenhaven to “reduce debt” after being sacked from Hillsong when an inquiry found Brian allegedly breached church conduct codes, are going back to where it all started, inviting their true believers to an undisclosed venue in Sydney’s Hills District for an “Evening with Brian and Bobbie” on November 2.

And it promises to be a fascinating night if Brian Houston’s recent sermons in America are any indication.

Houston was the headline act at his good friend Pastor John Lindell’s James River Church in South West Missouri during his American tour. The megachurch attracts up to 12,000 worshippers every weekend.

Famous within the evangelical community for its “healings”, where parishioners with “inoperable brain cancer, deafness, muscle tears, rotator cuff injuries, migraines and nerve injuries” are miraculously healed through the “Holy Spirit”, it was Houston who took the centre stage pulpit and told the gathering about his own trials and tribulations.

“Inheritance on Earth may sound like a good idea... My parents, financially, what I inherited was small but the reality is it also came through my father with baggage, because, when I was 45 years of age, now 23 ...24 years ago, I found out that my father, many years before that, in the 60s and 70s, was a paedophile,” Houston declared to the packed church.

“It was the most shocking, crushing news I have ever had in my life ... and the sad thing is all these years on, I’m 68, and I’m still dealing with things which I inherited, not through any doing of my own, and so inheritance can come with it all sorts of baggage.“


Houston, 68, did not specify the details of the criminal charges, which he pleaded not guilty to in March, but a fortnight ago he asked Instagram followers to pray for him as he prepares to fight allegations he concealed his father’s child sexual abuse.

Houston is set to face a special fixture hearing for at least three weeks in December.

In February he stepped aside from all church activities while he defended the charges, having already stepped aside as a director of all Hillsong boards in September last year.

In March, he announced his resignation as Global Senior Pastor following an internal investigation that found he breached the church’s moral code in his behaviour towards two women. His replacement, long-term friend Pastor Phil Dooley, said the alleged first incident involved a female church member who quit after making a complaint about an “inappropriate” text message from Houston 10 years ago.

“It was along the line of ‘if I was with you, I’d like to kiss and cuddle you’, words of that nature,” Pastor Dooley said. Houston reportedly paid the woman several months’ salary to compensate her.

The second alleged incident followed complaints from a woman who had attended Hillsong’s annual church conference at Homebush in 2019, who ended up having Houston in her hotel room afterwards for 40 minutes.

Houston denied he engaged in any sexual activity.

On both occasions of alleged misconduct, the church reported the senior pastor had been under the influence of either alcohol or sleeping tablets.

Shortly after Houston’s resignation, his wife Bobbie was made redundant from the church she co-founded with her husband in the Hills district nearly 40 years ago.


It wouldn’t be an ’80s style Rock’n’Roll show if it wasn’t for a bit of behind-the-scenes diva drama.

Star-power: Jimmy Barnes heads to Lightouse Rock in Queensland today.

Star-power: Jimmy Barnes heads to Lightouse Rock in Queensland today.Credit: Getty

Starting with clashing egos over star billing resulting in the exit of one of Australia’s big music names, the histrionics backstage leading to today’s sellout inaugural Lighthouse Rock festival, which will see nearly 6000 fans converge on a far-flung beach near Bundaberg to watch Jimmy Barnes, Jon Stevens, Ian Moss and the Choirboys, have sent tremors all the way to Sydney.

Veteran music publicist Kerrie-Anne Pratt, who has worked with everyone from Bono to Annie Lennox and spent the past year setting up the festival, claims she is “banned” from attending.

“Banned”: Veteran music publicist Kerrie-Anne Pratt.

“Banned”: Veteran music publicist Kerrie-Anne Pratt.Credit: Helen Nezdropa

“I was warned if I turned up Jon Stevens would walk,” Pratt told PS. Stevens’ manager denied any knowledge of this, while Pratt’s former boss, festival owner Gavin Hales initially said it was “her decision not to attend”, only to call PS back saying he no longer wanted to comment on the dispute.

Pratt’s sudden departure followed a run-in with her fellow Lighthouse Rock promoter Michael Condon, after she apparently broke a cardinal sin in the music business and called “heritage” act Jon Stevens direct.

Jon Stevens will take the stage at Lighthouse Rock today.

Jon Stevens will take the stage at Lighthouse Rock today.Credit: James Alcock

Condon cited “sensitivities” of the situation and declined to say more, while Pratt, a seasoned player says she only called Stevens to discuss publicity opportunities and he was “totally fine”. However, Stevens’ manager Tony Kopa told PS it was “pretty unusual” an event publicist would call talent direct rather than through a manager, which he relayed to Pratt and Condon.

“But to be honest, we’ve heard nothing more about it”, Kopa said, who maintained he was unaware of Pratt’s diminished status at today’s concert.


With a writer’s room busily toiling away on bringing media entrepreneur Mia Freedman’s 2017 memoir Work Strife Balance to the small screen, PS can reveal a major star has already been lined up to play the lead role: Asher Keddie.

Asher Keddie is set to star in the small screen production of Work Strife Balance.

Asher Keddie is set to star in the small screen production of Work Strife Balance.Credit: Melissa Cowan

Keddie would make an interesting choice, given she has already played another Australian media maven, with her critically acclaimed performance as Ita Buttrose in the excellent Paper Giants: The Birth Of Cleo in 2011.

Mia Freedman.

Mia Freedman.Credit: Cybele Malinowski

But the screen version of Work Strife Balance promises to be rather different to Keddie’s interpretation of steely, driven and thoroughly unflappable Buttrose. Rather inisiders say Freedman’s book is the “loose inspiration” for Keddie’s character, who will not be called Mia in the final series but will share striking similarities. The series is being produced by Freedman along with good friend, A-list producer Bruna Papandrea’s production company Made Up Stories. Freedman, who recently revealed her ADHD diagnosis, has long used her foibles and mishaps of her imperfect life as fodder for her burgeoning media empire.

Asher Keddie has said of her performance as Ita Buttrose in Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo as the “biggest accomplishment in my work in 25 years”.

Asher Keddie has said of her performance as Ita Buttrose in Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo as the “biggest accomplishment in my work in 25 years”.Credit: ABC

One of the chapters in Work Strife Balance was written by Freedman’s then 19-year-old son Luca, who described his mum as having “no filter” and recalls, by way of illustration, an incident in which he once confessed his first agonising crush to her, only to later discover she’d written down their whole conversation, ready to use in a story.

And Freedman herself has previously admitted to sharing “too much” about those whose lives become entangled with hers. But has she shared enough to entertain audiences?


    Getting Sydney spin doctor Max Markson spruiking his various reality TV has-been clients off the phone has been one of the great challenges for many journalists in this town, so when the king of tabloid scandals doesn’t return your calls, something is clearly up.

    Celebrity publicist Max Markson.

    Celebrity publicist Max Markson.Credit: Ellis Parinder

    But Markson, who has represented everyone from Arnold Schwarzenegger to the bikini artist formerly known as Lara Bingle, hosed down rumours - via email - swirling about his health, finally responding to questions two weeks after PS first approached him.

    “It’s definitely true that it is very unusual for me not to be contactable for a few days, let alone a few weeks!” his email read.

    “Two and a half weeks ago I was heading away on holiday, and I had a severe headache, so I presented to hospital for testing. They did a lot of testing just to be safe, and I’ve since taken a full couple of weeks off to recover.

    “The good news is that I am physically in great form, speaking well, working out daily, and am in very good health.”

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