

This was published 8 months ago

The Strip is a compelling walk on the dark side

By Sue Turnbull

The Strip
Iain Ryan
Ultimo Press, $34.99

It’s February 1980 and Strike Force Diablo on the Gold Coast has descended into chaos. Six murders in two years and now there’s a seventh: an apparently respectable family doctor shot twice in the head while out jogging on the New South Wales side of the border. Despite two boardrooms full of evidence, there’s no order to the investigation, no maps and no structure. Those in charge are clearly incompetent, and the case has already claimed the career and sanity of one senior detective, Emmett Hades, extracts from whose rambling journal intersperse this story.

Iain Ryan has written a powerful police procedural.

Iain Ryan has written a powerful police procedural.Credit: Shannyn Higgins

On the upside, the death of the doctor is the moment when the unflappable Detective Constable Lana Cohen is seconded to the team, with the clandestine brief to report back on what she observes about the handling of the operation to her NSW superiors. Introduced to the all-male ensemble – this is the ’80s after all – Lana encounters Detective Henry Loch, a former standover cop with a military buzz cut.

Henry has his own interest in the case and a complicated backstory, having apparently come up the hard way with a “wrecked childhood” that’s made him a ticking timebomb. Inspired by Emmett, his erstwhile mentor, Henry intends to go back to the beginning and focus on the first three murders. But Henry’s already compromised by the corruption that has plagued the operation from the start and, like Lana, he has his own dubious agenda.

According to author Iain Ryan, one of the first news stories he recalls from his childhood is the Queensland police scandal that resulted in the resignation of a state premier and a police commissioner going to jail. Reading The Strip, one is immediately reminded of Chris Masters’ Four Corners report “The Moonlight State” that revealed how shockingly rife the collusion between police, politicians and organised crime really was. As a documentary, it’s well worth another look if you want to understand the mood of the time, especially the sleaze and the bad haircuts.

While “The Moonlight State” might be the backdrop (the real-life character of bagman Jack Herbert and his system of centrally orchestrated paybacks known as The Joke make an appearance), Ryan is by no means bound to a form of reportage. Instead, The Strip is a powerful police procedural that dares to engage with the potentially tired trope of the serial killer while offering a decisively noir, occasionally poetic, take on the genre.


Consider this bit of scene-setting as Lana surveys the scene of the crime: “Terranora Creek. Border Country. Queensland just across the water.
Today, there’s a bright blue sky overhead.
A wash of wind through the eucalypts.
Salt in the air.
And in the middle of it, a dead body.”

There’s a rhythm to Ryan’s staccato prose, especially when it comes to the terse and vivid dialogue. Indeed, Ryan has twice been nominated twice for a Ned Kelly Award, and it’s not hard to understand why. The Strip is a compelling walk on the dark side, illuminated by flashes of bleak humour and humanity.

While the action alternates between Lana’s quietly determined investigation into the death of the doctor, and Loch’s more sinister activities in pursuing the disappearance of a prostitute everyone wants to find, Ryan pulls together the multiple conspiracies in a dénouement that is as unsettling as it is right.


Given the extent of the institutionalised corruption that ranges from the top to the very bottom, there can be no winners. This is as hardboiled as Australian crime fiction gets, and it’s very good.

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