

This was published 7 years ago

There's a simple reason the Trump-Putin bromance has bloomed

By Nick O'Malley

Any faint hope held by Donald Trump's doubters in the US that he might prove to be more considered in power than he was on the campaign has been quashed by his bromance with Vladimir Putin.

Evidence is now overwhelming that a hacker or hackers linked to the Russian state security apparatus broke into the computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and stole data and emails that were then selectively published by WikiLeaks, serving to damage Hillary Clinton's campaign.

"We're approaching the point where the evidence is so rich that there are only two reasons not to accept it – one, because you don't understand the technical details because you don't have the skills, or because you don't want to understand it for political reasons," Thomas Rid, a professor at King's College London, told America's PBS before Christmas.

This near certainty is shared by the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as ranking Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, but not by Trump.

The odd couple:  Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Illustration: Simon Letch

The odd couple: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Illustration: Simon Letch

Last week the President-elect argued America should simply ignore the possibility a rival power had sought to derail its election, telling reporters, "I think we ought to get on with our lives".

When Putin declined to respond to Barack Obama's expulsion of Russian diplomats, Trump went from dismissing American concerns to cheerleading for the Russian leader who had just been accused of an act of cyber warfare by his own President. "Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!," he tweeted.

Putin has long been similarly supportive of Trump. "He's a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt," he told reporters in December 2015. "It's not our job to judge his qualities, that's a job for American voters, but he's the absolute leader in the presidential race."

There are competing theories about the relationship between the two men. Some point to the miasma of conflicts of interest Trump and his cabinet nominees bring to office. His nominee for secretary of state, ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson, not only has extensive business ties to Russia and a close personal relationship with Putin, but would enjoy financial benefit from the relaxation of sanctions imposed on Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.

US President-elect Donald Trump doesn't seem to believe the Russians could have helped him win office.

US President-elect Donald Trump doesn't seem to believe the Russians could have helped him win office.Credit: AP

Other suggest that Trump is simply unaware of the threat that Putin poses to the Western order that his nation has spent so much blood and treasure building. He might not know that current Russian military doctrine identifies NATO – and by extension the US – as its chief adversary.

Molly McKew argues in Politico that Putin is aware that his nation is not powerful enough to remake the world beyond its borders in its own image, but it is powerful enough to destabilise that world. In Putin's view, then, what is bad for the West is good for Russia.

Why do Americans tolerate Russian influence in their election? Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Why do Americans tolerate Russian influence in their election? Russian President Vladimir Putin.Credit: AP

Masha Gessen, an author of several books on Russia, notes in The New York Review of Books that the two men share characteristics. "They are also both short-tempered, thin-skinned, not very bright, and disinclined to listen to advisers," she writes.

I would argue there is another personality trait that draws Trump to Putin.

Trump is a solipsist. As the conservative writer Charles Krauthammer noted of Trump, "the world outside himself has value – indeed exists – only insofar as it sustains and inflates him".

This is the reason why during his campaign Trump declined to criticise opponents who were being "nice" to him. Their politics were irrelevant to Trump as long as they were sufficiently deferential to soothe his ego.

And it is the reason why earlier in his career Trump used his wealth to buy him access to the celebrities whose attention he always craved, firstly on red carpets, later on his TV show.

Now Trump is America's President-elect, or in his mind, the nation's most powerful celebrity and the lavish praise of the world's other leading celebrity tough-guy is enough to keep him on side.

As Americans count the days until Trump is inaugurated much of the political analysis has been not about how the nation might change under his leadership, but whether it – and Western liberal democracy – can survive it.

In an interview with the leading US think tank The Council on Foreign Relations entitled "End-times for liberal Democracy?", Yascha Mounk, lecturer on political theory from Harvard University, casts Trump's victory as symptomatic of the deeper malaise that has struck liberal democracies around the world from Hungary and Poland to the Philippines to Britain. (Even Australia gets a name check.) The problem is, of course, that the liberal world order built by the US since World War II can survive without, say Hungary, but it can't without the US.

"The election of Donald Trump raises the spectre that, for the first time in 50 years, the most powerful country in the world may no longer be committed to spreading liberal democratic values or protecting liberal democracies abroad," he says.

He also notes that for the first time since the rise of communism in the 1950s the liberalism advanced by Western democracies faces ideological competition in the form of illiberal democracy now practised by Hungary's Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin. "They believe in channelling the popular will, but they also think that it shouldn't be constrained by the rights of unpopular minorities or by the interference of countervailing institutions like independent courts or international organisations."

In this you can see even more similarities between Putin and Trump, who speaks of rounding up minorities and punishing critical media outlets. Whether or not the Republican Party, which now controls both houses of Congress, has the heart or stomach to challenge his Putinesque tendencies, let alone his apparent desire to acquiesce to Russian foreign policy, is not yet clear.

Nick O'Malley is a senior writer.

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