

This was published 1 year ago

Property bro’s grovelling apology to ‘employees, tradies and families’

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Noel Towell
Tim Gurner’s LinkedIn account appears to have been deleted.

Tim Gurner’s LinkedIn account appears to have been deleted. Credit: John Shakespeare

Even before Tim Gurner’s public mea culpa on Thursday over his now-infamous comments at the Australian Financial Review’s property summit two days earlier about “arrogant” modern workers, we thought we detected signs of buyers’ remorse from the Rich-List property developer and bio-hacker.

Because even someone of Gurner’s shameless self-confidence might be tested by the outpouring of outrage that greeted his talk.

We got in touch with Tim on Thursday – it was RUOK Day, after all – but his people made it clear that he had nothing to add to a statement he released walking back the comments.

“My comments were deeply insensitive to employees, tradies and families across Australia,” Gurner said.

Meanwhile, Gurner’s LinkedIn account, where the property bro was copping plenty of heat this week, appears to have been deleted.


LinkedIn posts from Gurner Group and Tim’s luxury wellness club for rich people Saint Haven have had the comments disabled, indicating those accounts too are feeling the heat.

We haven’t seen a LinkedIn pile-on before but can boldly predict it wouldn’t be much fun.



Bruce Lehrmann, the former Liberal staffer accused of raping Brittany Higgins, is no longer keeping a low profile.

With his rape trial aborted last year and a retrial shelved, Lehrmann, who’s planning to sue the ACT government over the prosecution, was spotted having drinks with Kiama MP Gareth Ward at Martin Place watering hole Verandah Bar this week.

Gareth Ward (left) and Bruce Lehrmann (right) at Verandah Bar in Martin Place.

Gareth Ward (left) and Bruce Lehrmann (right) at Verandah Bar in Martin Place.

Ward, formerly of the Liberal Party, is facing court over sexual assault charges, to which he’s pleaded not guilty. While Premier Chris Minns promised to suspend him from parliament, the privileges committee effectively blocked that, finding that doing so would undermine the presumption of innocence.

None of this history was up for discussion on Wednesday night apparently, which was just a case of a couple of dudes getting together for a drink, we’re told.

The pair were joined by former Liberal dirt unit operative and inveterate Twitter stirrer John Macgowan, who’s been working for Lehrmann as a kind of PR consultant.


Labor Senator Tony Sheldon has little love for Qantas and its former chief executive Alan Joyce.

Sheldon, a former Transport Workers’ Union secretary described the state Joyce left the company in as “disgraceful” following the Irishman’s early departure last week. And during Joyce’s fatally wounding appearance before the Senate last month, Sheldon asked the boss if he felt “embarrassed” about his astronomical pay packet.

So Sheldon’s recent declaration of a shareholding in Qantas itself had us wondering whether Joyce’s departure had led the Senator to soften his tune on the embattled carrier.

No chance. Sheldon enjoyed grilling the last CEO so much that he bought the shares as a chance to get stuck into the new boss Vanessa Hudson at the November annual general meeting over Joyce’s $24 million payout, and what Sheldon calls “the biggest illegal sacking in Australian history”.

Labor MP Tony Sheldon speaks after the Qantas decision.

Labor MP Tony Sheldon speaks after the Qantas decision.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“I look forward to seeing Ms Hudson – and Mr [Qantas chair Richard] Goyder if he’s still refused to take responsibility for his illegal sacking of 1700 people by then – at the Qantas AGM,” Sheldon told CBD.

“Hudson has done a good job of hiding from public and media scrutiny since the High Court decision, I hope she plans on being more accessible and accountable to shareholders at the AGM.”

Sheldon is one of just three MPs who aren’t members of Qantas’ exclusive chairman’s lounge, having declined the airline’s offer.

Thanks to recent bad press, that number is growing. On Thursday, Greens MP Elizabeth Watson-Brown cancelled her membership, and we’re tipping a few more MPs to follow suit.


Lachlan Murdoch’s legal woes over Fox News’ reporting of the 2020 US presidential election appear to be never-ending.

The heir apparent to the global media empire controlled by his father Rupert Murdoch has been named in a fresh case against the right-wing network, filed by the pension funds of New York City teachers, firefighters and other municipal workers – with the state of Oregon’s employee pension fund as co-plaintiff.

The funds, which have substantial Fox shareholdings, allege Lachlan, who is chief executive of Fox Corp, Rupert and other board members “consciously disregarded” the risk of defamation action, and the potential financial consequences, from the claims about the election being stolen made by the network’s on-air presenters.

The case cites what the plaintiff’s call “Fox’s illegal business model of pursuing profits by committing actionable defamation” and they allege “that the company undertook no good-faith efforts to monitor for or mitigate defamation risk.”

Lachlan Murdoch’s decision to settle with Crikey is looking increasingly wise.

Lachlan Murdoch’s decision to settle with Crikey is looking increasingly wise. Credit: Bloomberg

The result, according to the shareholders’ claim, lodged in the Delaware Court of Chancery, was the $1.2 billion settlement with voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems, and there’s a big case still in the works from another voting machine outfit, Smartmatic.

There are yet more cases on the go – including at least another two shareholder actions – and it’s hard to say where all of this will end for Fox and the Murdochs.

It makes Lachlan’s decision to settle his defamation action – and wear a $1.3 million legal bill – against local publisher Crikey, over its views on Fox News’ conduct look more and more like the smart move.

But maybe it would have been smarter not to go there in the first place.

We approached Fox News’ HQ in New York for comment on Thursday but did not hear back by deadline.

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