

This was published 1 year ago

Bondi Rescue as Joe Hockey poaches AGL executive Michelle Wood

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Noel Towell

While Joe Hockey didn’t last too long as federal treasurer, he’s had greater success in the business world, with his strategic advisory firm Bondi Partners making waves both in the United States and on the home front.

Three years after poaching the former consul-general in Los Angeles Chelsey Martin, Hockey has just wrested AGL’s executive general manager corporate affairs Michelle Wood away from the energy giant to lead Bondi Partners’ Sydney office.

Former treasurer Joe Hockey has found greater success in business than in parliament.

Former treasurer Joe Hockey has found greater success in business than in parliament.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

We hear Wood, who handled communications at Uber and News Corp before joining AGL last September, has been in Hockey’s sights for a while. She told CBD the gig was about helping Australian companies crack the American market and vice versa.

“Bondi boasts an impressive client roster having represented companies including Bubs, Digicel and Blackstone, and has recently opened a London post off the back of the AUKUS agreement,” she said.

While the former ambassador to the United States’ firm doesn’t stray into the domestic political lobbying game, Wood’s hiring brings a bit of political diversity – she’s an ALP member and former Australian Republican Movement deputy chair. That’s a contrast to other senior figures in Bondi who have their roots in the Liberal Party and the American GOP. Former Howard government minister Peter McGauran and Hockey’s successor in North Sydney Trent Zimmerman are both senior advisers.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s secretary of navy Richard Spencer – one of the many officials to be fired by the erratic former president – is Bondi’s global chair. Trump’s one-time White House deputy chief of staff Emma Doyle runs the firm’s new lobbying arm in Washington DC.

It’s a broad church.


Alex Antic has hit the big time. That’s right, the Liberal senator for South Australia who you may have heard of (but probably haven’t) for his tough stance against vaccine mandates and drag queens on Play School will soon be sharing a stage with international right-wing royalty Donald Trump jnr and Mr Brexit himself Nigel Farage.


Credit: John Shakespeare

The backbencher has been added to the bill for Trump and Farage’s speaking tour of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane next month, co-organised by Turning Point (an Aussie offshoot of the US conservative outrage factory) and a local portaloo hire company, with tickets starting at $89.

Farage is no stranger to these shores – he turns up at similar events quite often – and you can tune in online any time to watch Antic perform at Senate estimates, but Don Jr speaking in Australia is a thing you don’t see every day.

Turning Point reckons its “events are immersive, infinitely shareable, and bragworthy at the highest level” but we reckon it’s the man from Adelaide who’s snared the bragging rights in hardline conservative circles with the company he’s keeping now.

The senator told us that there wasn’t much of a tale behind his involvement.

“The organisers asked me to tag along and I said yes,” Antic said. Ever so modest.


The Labor government has had plenty of nasty things to say about consulting giants PwC recently, in light of the whole tax leak fiasco.

Meanwhile, PwC consulting director, former Young Liberal president and perennial preselection aspirant Alex Dore let fly with a spray of his own against Labor which can’t have helped the firm’s attempts to rebuild goodwill with the government.

At a Sydney Institute talkfest last month pitting Dore alongside Liberal gender parity advocate Charlotte Mortlock and the party’s Balmain candidate Freya Leach, Dore unleashed on Labor’s own famed diversity.


“They [Labor] have female union officials, male union officials, old union officials, Indigenous union officials and non-Indigenous union officials. I think that is fake diversity,” he said.

The event, titled ‘What Is to Be Done?’ – a winking reference to Lenin’s foundational text of Bolshevism – was one of those numerous “future of the Liberal Party” emotional support circles we’ve grown accustomed to.

Now last time Dore led a major pushback against gender quotas in the Liberal Party, then-boss Tom Seymour posted an all-staffer rebuke reminding employees of the firm’s own commitment to addressing “systemic inequality”.

That message is up on Seymour’s LinkedIn, where the tax scandal fall guy is still listing himself as CEO.

Dore declined to comment about whether his latest freelancing prompted a similar rebuke – but we reckon PwC has bigger fish to fry right now.


Friends and supporters of Kooyong teal independent Monique Ryan were delighted to wake on Monday morning to news from The Guardian that the MP had scored an AM in this year’s King’s Birthday honours – although maybe not so happy was Josh Frydenberg, from whom Ryan won the seat last year and who quite obviously wants it back.

But the celebrations had to be put on ice after Ryan told everyone that The Guardian had got the wrong woman and it was NSW biomedical researcher professor Renae Monique Ryan who was awarded the prize for her services to science, diversity and inclusion.


The publication promptly corrected the record and the member for Kooyong was gracious enough to send Professor Ryan her best wishes on the award.

“Congratulations to Prof Renae Monique Ryan, from NSW, who sounds like a good sort,” the teal told her online followers. “Excellent work Renae.”

Oh, well. There’s always next year.

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An earlier version of this article said that Alex Dore’s quote at the Sydney Institute mentioned Aboriginal union officials and migrant union officials. This has been updated to say Indigenous union officials and non-Indigenous union officials.  

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