

Kellie Floyd is a freelance writer and marketing and communications consultant.

I’m embracing 3G holidays: three generations, non-stop mandatory activities

I’m embracing 3G holidays: three generations, non-stop mandatory activities

Unlike some families, who love to splinter into groups or have days alone, for us, the magic lies in everyone sharing every experience. Like it or not.

  • by Kellie Floyd


Leaving home at 15 was my mum’s idea. I’m so glad she made me do it

Leaving home at 15 was my mum’s idea. I’m so glad she made me do it

Neither she nor I foresaw how profoundly it would shape my life.

  • by Kellie Floyd
Who needs the trendy inner city? My suburb had the Hemsworths

Who needs the trendy inner city? My suburb had the Hemsworths

Inseparable like two peas in a pod, my suburb and its twin are tight-knit communities where families intermingle across their Scouts and sports clubs without a second thought.

  • by Kellie Floyd
Nine days, no screens: How I turned my family holiday into a digital detox

Nine days, no screens: How I turned my family holiday into a digital detox

While my husband readily agreed to my idea, our kids made it clear the plan to be without devices was a serious inconvenience.

  • by Kellie Floyd
My son didn’t win school captain, and I’m glad

My son didn’t win school captain, and I’m glad

Our society sometimes seems fixated on winning. As adults, we come to understand that life isn’t served on a silver platter.

  • by Kellie Floyd
If travelling overseas with your kids is a nightmare, you’re doing it wrong
Air travel

If travelling overseas with your kids is a nightmare, you’re doing it wrong

If the argument hinges on their inability to remember where you’ve gone and what you’ve done, should we stop reading them bedtime stories too?

  • by Kellie Floyd

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