

This was published 11 months ago


Women’s domestic labour is essential to our economy. Why is it swept under the rug?

There’s been a lot of talk about the gender pay gap of late, largely in part thanks to the data released by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency last week, which painted a dire picture of just how bad income disparity between men and women in Australia is.

But here’s a statistic that wasn’t included in the agency’s report: each week, Australian women undertake $771 worth of unpaid work. Men’s unpaid work amounts to under $500. In real terms, that equates to a domestic labour pay gap of over 50 per cent. Makes the workplace gender pay gap look positively mild in comparison.

Australian women continue to do substantially more domestic labour than Australian men.

Australian women continue to do substantially more domestic labour than Australian men.

This data, which comes courtesy of the recently reinvigorated Australia’s Time Use Survey, reveals women are being paid for 45 per cent of their contribution to the economy, in contrast to men’s 69 per cent.

The survey measures the average hours and minutes that men and women spend on unpaid work and care, including caring for children, ageing or disabled family members, and doing housework - activities that are essential in keeping households, the economy and society more broadly running. These are tasks that have undisputable productive value, but because they are unpaid, they aren’t counted in official measurements of our economy and labour force.

Using conventional measurements from the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ labour data, which count paid work only, would say that women’s share of total workforce effort in the economy is just 37 per cent. Once the workforce value of the unpaid work and care they do, the share climbs to 47 per cent.


Yet, because this work is still largely thought of and seen as “women’s work”, it gets less attention and status.

Ignoring unpaid work and care – particularly when the theme of this year’s UN International Women’s Day is “Count Her In” – gives a misguided picture of the true state of our economy.

Take COVID-19 as just one example. When Australia was declared as being “in recession” during COVID-19 lockdowns on account of a slowdown in official measurements of the economy, many households had never been more productive. More housework, more childcare, and more time looking after sick family members during lockdowns, all amounted to women with children doing an additional $550 worth of unpaid work weekly, on top of their existing load. Compared to men’s $430 worth of extra unpaid work, this pushed the domestic labour gap even wider.


And consider this: Australia’s Time Use Survey was revived by the ABS in 2021 after a lapse of 15 years. That’s 15 years of failing to recognise the crucial role this kind of data plays in illuminating gender gaps in time use (not to mention gender biases in what we consider important enough to count and measure).


Outside of the home, the undervaluation of “women’s work” remains prevalent in the workplace, too, as evidenced by the persistence of lower pay in female-dominated industries such as childcare and nursing.

Data from the HILDA survey of households allows us to measure the correlation between gender gaps in hourly wage rates and gender composition of a particular occupation or industry. When the data is adjusted for gender patterns in hourly wages, it shows a 6.4 per cent premium in male-dominated occupations and a 3.1 per cent premium in male-dominated industries. In contrast, female-dominated occupations report a 3.7 per cent lower wage, meaning women’s contribution to the total economy climbs even further from 47 per cent to actually reach just over 50 per cent.

These numbers prove that if we counted and valued women’s work fully and fairly, the economy can be a gender equitable place.

The fact that “women’s work” – the jobs society assigns to women in the domains of both paid and unpaid work – remain undervalued and undercounted in conventional ways of measuring and operating our economy is itself a gender bias.

The invisibility of this labour in official spreadsheets means this work continues to be taken for granted, diminished in importance, and underestimated in its worth to the economy.

Policy efforts to “boost women’s labour force participation” need to recognise that most women are already actively participating in the economy through unpaid work and care, and are far from idle. If anything, the numbers suggest we need more policy focus on boosting men’s unpaid work and care participation.

To “count her in”, we need to fully recognise the value of women’s work, not as a side calculation, but as a core part of how we measure our economy.

Dr Leonora Risse is an associate professor in economics at the University of Canberra.

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