

This was published 3 years ago


Tax reform is dead: long live tax reform

I used to get very excited about the federal budget. Less so, nowadays.

Perhaps I’ve lived through enough economic crises – first the GFC and now COVID – to know budgets and budget-like stimulus packages, unlike Christmas, do not only come once a year.

Politicians and media in the budget lock-up bubble in Canberra.

Politicians and media in the budget lock-up bubble in Canberra.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Maybe I’ve simply been forced to miss enough formal lock-ups inside Parliament House in recent years – due to COVID or strikes – that I’ve come to realise life goes on outside the budget lock-up bubble.

Wayne Swan once described the budgets as “moral documents”, revealing the true priorities of the government of the day. And I guess that’s true.

But if you look through the political window-dressing, most of the budgets delivered by both Labor and Coalition governments in past decades reveal much the same thing: a lot of revenue raised from individuals and companies, and a lot spent on social security and welfare, health, education and defence.

Yes, there are important variations on the theme. But it is a fortunate fact of Australian life that we have a deeply embedded and largely bipartisan political commitment to raise and spend taxpayer money on ways to improve the lives of all Australians.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Budgets, like the one due in less than two weeks, can tell you the exact dollar amounts being spent on such things. But they tell you much less, if anything, about the quality of that spending.

These days, budget statements appear to me as relatively simplistic exercises in addition and subtraction. Spoiler alert: Treasury can add up.

The budget papers tell us exactly how much is being spent but nothing about the quality of the spending.

The budget papers tell us exactly how much is being spent but nothing about the quality of the spending.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Double spoiler alert: often changes in the total quantity of taxpayer money raised or spent have much more to do with the general health of the Australian economy than the deliberate designs of any Treasurer.


What we rarely, if ever, get to hear about at budget time is how effective the dollars spent were in improving the lives of ordinary Australians. That sort of assessment requires time, and careful tracking, and robust data collection and rigorous analysis.

Often, of course, we get to find out – too late – when spending has failed to produce the outcomes we desire. When fistsful of dollars spent on education or aged care, for example, fail to produce quality outcomes. But we rarely get a lockup for journalists on that.

On the tax side of the budget, we already know quite a lot about what works and what doesn’t.

Successive inquiries have concluded that taxes on incomes – both of individuals and of companies – distort behaviour. Individuals respond to taxes by working less. Companies by shifting elsewhere or employing fancy accountants to dodge tax.

Better, say economists, to tax in ways that are harder to avoid, like taxes on land values or on consumption – demand for which is relatively less “elastic” (you still gotta buy bread).

Personal income tax makes up almost half of the tax revenue collected by the government.

Personal income tax makes up almost half of the tax revenue collected by the government.Credit: James Alcock

Unfortunate, then, that personal income taxes make up almost half of federal tax collections. Doubly so that our tax system bakes in a tendency for this to rise each year, as wage rises push more workers into higher tax brackets.

Journalists and voters alike get stars in their eyes at budget time watching politicians announce the latest round of personal income tax cuts. But the truth is, the need for constant ad hoc tax cuts is built into the system. It’s a bread and circuses game.

There are better and worse ways to do this, of course. And, by the way, simply extending the so-called LMITO (low and middle-income tax offset), worth about $1080 a year, would be one of the worst, retaining a complicating part of our tax system that the Henry Review argued should be abolished in favour of lower tax rates or thresholds.

Another reason I’ve become less excited about the federal budget is that I now realise it is just one of many government budgets that affect household finances. People often focus on their income tax rate, but when you factor in the 125 or so taxes Australians pay to all three levels of government, a typical tax burden is closer to half of a person’s income, a recent study by the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance found.

A typical tax burden is closer to half of a person’s income.

A typical tax burden is closer to half of a person’s income.Credit: istock

Everyone remembers income tax, but don’t forget alcohol and tobacco taxes, fuel excise, taxes on insurance policies, gambling taxes, stamp duty, motor vehicle registration, road tolls, council rates, and taxes on superannuation. You have to pay them all. It matters what happens to these too.

Importantly, many of these other taxes, particularly consumption and so-called “sin” taxes are regressive – hitting low-income hip-pockets much harder than higher incomes as a relative share of their household budgets.

That’s why proponents of a “tax mix switch”, of cutting income taxes and increasing more efficient taxes, like the GST, always warn of the need to fully compensate vulnerable households through increased welfare or lower tax.

COVID has disrupted our lives in so many ways. But it has not, so far, proved a burning platform on which to shape an overhaul of our increasingly outdated tax system.

COVID has disrupted our lives in so many ways.

COVID has disrupted our lives in so many ways.Credit: Getty Images

It should be. If we are to sustainably grow our way out of this crisis, we need the best quality tax system we can have.


But a tax reckoning does loom. The government’s Stage 3 tax cuts for upper-income earners, set to kick in from 2024-25, appear so unfair in isolation – delivering much bigger benefits to high-income earners – as to be politically untenable. Pressure will mount for some redesign and this should be done with a view to real tax reform.

Such reform, like increasing the GST while cutting income taxes, usually bleeds the budget because it requires losers to be over-compensated. But with the federal budget already deep in the red and the cost of borrowing so low, I ask: if not now, then when?

Now that would be a budget worth getting excited about.

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