

This was published 9 years ago

In the zone: Insider trading rife in land rezoning racket

By Michael Pascoe

Two University of Queensland economists published a paper in April that should have brought down state and local governments, sparked a royal commission and radically changed the Australian housing industry. Five months later, the paper seems to be forgotten and Australia's biggest racket rolls on unchallenged: gaming land rezoning for enormous windfall profits.

There is no shortage of politicians willing to wring their hands and look concerned about housing affordability, but those prepared to take on the multiple conflicts of interest, ranging from from developer "mates" and NIMBYs to state revenue and the federal tax system, are as rare as a cheap Sydney waterfront.

The White Shoe Brigade is alive and well in Queensland property.

The White Shoe Brigade is alive and well in Queensland property.Credit: Robert Rough

The new federal treasurer is the latest to jump on the bandwagon of recommending changes in jurisdictions other than his own. Part of the scattergun effort of his first week in the job was to promote "a really big regulation modernisation agenda for the housing sector" targeting state and local government planning delays and red tape.

And a fine thing that could be, as part of broader reform. Fine, that is, as long as a particularly wary eye was kept to ensure reform wasn't hijacked to benefit the same vested interests that are already gaming the system.

Developers are making billions from council rezoning decisions, researchers say.

Developers are making billions from council rezoning decisions, researchers say.Credit: Glenn Hunt

The serendipitous ABC programming last Wednesday of a highly relevant Utopia episode after a 7.30 Report examination of even more serendipitous Auburn Council rezoning set the scene.


Enter, then, UQ's Cameron Murray and Paul Frijters with their aforementioned paper: Clean Money in a Dirty System. Relationship Networks and Land Rezoning in Queensland.


Cutting to the chase, the economists found:

"The picture that emerges from our analyses is that property development and rezoning is one of the biggest rent-seeking activities for local and state politics in Queensland, with a small set of connected property developers getting the lion's share of the new property rights from rezoning, in a process involving politicians from both the major political parties over long periods of time.

"This favours a view of political rent-seeking as a process of entrenchment of insiders who are well-informed and well-connected to the bureaucratic procedures and work the system to their mutual advantage at the expense of outsiders."

Ah, the good ol' Queensland White Shoe Brigade, infesting politics for a century.

But it's not just Queensland where these sorts of games are going on and alarm bells should be ringing throughout local government.

'Well connected'

Among other things, Murray and Frijters found "well-connected" landowners held 75 per cent of the land rezoned in growth areas, compared with only 12 per cent of comparable land immediately outside the rezoning.

You might think that is because developers and land speculators are just better than the average punter at identifying land likely to be rezoned.

But Murray and Frijters show it's more likely to be because the "insiders" hire lobbyists to pursue favourable rezoning decisions.

In the Queensland examples, the authors calculated the connected developers reaped an implicit transfer from the community of 58 per cent of the $710 million in improved land value that followed rezoning. Very little of the price benefit of rezoning goes to the general public.

"When scaled up from our sample to the national level, these results suggest that each year many billions [of dollars] of value gains are being redirected toward well-connected landowners at the expense of the unconnected," they conclude.

Rezoning windfalls are where the big developer profits lie, how Ferraris are bought and empires built. Merely buying land at the market price, building stuff and selling it is a hard and risky business, sometimes very profitable, sometimes bankrupting.

In the zone

There is a policy debate to be had about who should be entitled to the rezoning windfall. It's a multibillion insider trading issue at the national level and a million-dollar question on the suburban street. With much our major cities' growth to be middle-ring infill and density upgrades, it becomes a very personal issue for the winners and losers.

For example, a suburban Sydney rezoning last year allowed a group of canny cottage owners to band together and sell to a developer for about $3 million a block – roughly double their pre-rezoning price at the time. Nice for them and the community benefits from the availability of more well-located housing. But consider the house-owners one street number outside the rezoned area. What happens to their property's value when they adjoin a block of units?

With a stroke of the rezoning pen, the local council gave some owner-occupiers a tax-free $1.5 million and took value away from others.

It's why phased zoning as standard would at least mitigate some of the inequity: If your neighbour is a 10-storey block, you should be entitled to five storeys, your other neighbour three and their neighbours for streets around, townhouses. For that matter, medium density needs to be accepted as our major cities' default zoning.

And then there's local government's random usurping of property rights by freezing a property's development potential under the aspic of a heritage listing. But that's another real estate story.

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