

This was published 4 years ago


Even at $130 billion, JobKeeper package is a steal

By Chris Edmond, Bruce Preston and Steven Hamilton

The $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy announced on the heels of more than $70 billion in spending already announced is the single most expensive spending commitment the government has ever made.

Applicants line up at Centrelink amid the COVID-19 joblessness shock.

Applicants line up at Centrelink amid the COVID-19 joblessness shock.Credit: Getty Images

Even at that price, it’s a steal. And if anything, the package shields the budget from the scarring effects over the coming decades of a deep and long recession. It’s prudent fiscal management.

But even before the first JobKeeper payments have been made, various commentators have already begun to express alarm about the implications of more than $200 billion of additional government debt.

This alarmism is completely unwarranted and misconstrues the economics of the current moment. It’s worth keeping some things in mind.


Australia is starting with among the strongest public finances of any nation. Even with the budget deficits built up through the global financial crisis, gross and net government debt as a share of GDP is low.

The $130 billion JobKeeper package supports the jobs of half of Australia’s 12 million workers for the next six months. It is the best tool the government has to avert a very deep and long recession. It’s best thought of not as a reckless cash splash, but as prudent insurance.

The price tag might sound big. But it represents just $300 per year for each current Australian taxpayer over the next 30 years. And it will be even lower with population and income growth. How much do you pay each year for car insurance? Likely a lot more than $300. And this insurance protects every job at every business in the country suffering from the pandemic.

The interest on the debt the government will raise to fund JobKeeper is fixed, not floating like most home mortgages. The government can lock in funding today fixed for the next 30 years at an interest rate of just 1.5 per cent. The interest rate on debt locked in for 10 years is just 0.7 per cent.


Some concerns have focused on the sustainability of the budget in the wake of the fiscal response to coronavirus. Commentators have called for spending to be slashed or for planned tax cuts to be abandoned.

But these concerns show a failure to distinguish between the cyclical budget deficit and the structural budget deficit. The former refers to that part of the budget position that is directly attributable to business cycle conditions, including any discretionary policy response. The latter refers to the budget position when the economy is on trend.

To be sure, JobKeeper and the other parts of the fiscal response will blow out the cyclical budget deficit. But they need not have a major impact on the underlying structural budget balance.

The large cyclical deficit caused by the fiscal response to coronavirus will allow the economy to bounce back quickly once the lock-downs lift and will protect the underlying productive capacity of the economy during the crisis. It will keep the structural budget position in much better shape than smaller deficits that drag out the recovery.

In short, if the new spending is for the right reasons, a large cyclical deficit right now will help keep the structural budget position in good shape. In the current circumstances, there is no tension between a large cyclical deficit and long-term fiscal sustainability.


One of the lessons from the global financial crisis was that countries that tried too soon to move from expansionary to contractionary fiscal policy did so at the cost of unnecessarily slow recoveries. And unemployment stayed elevated for longer than necessary.

Without the substantial insurance made available by JobKeeper, it is likely we would experience a deep and long recession, something more like the Great Depression than any downturn in living memory. A deep and long recession would be more threatening to our long-run fiscal position than a large but temporary cyclical deficit.

And we’re well placed to handle it. That Australia has pursued prudent fiscal policies in ordinary times makes fiscal policy a powerful tool in times of crisis. Times like now. What else would we be holding back for?

Debts must be paid. But we should not let large numbers removed from appropriate context spook us into alarm. This is no time for sticker shock. And we should not let these numbers distract from the outcomes this spending is trying to secure.

For far too long, economic debate in Australia has been obsessed about a budget surplus as an end unto itself. This obsession has never reflected the consensus position within the economics profession.

The government’s budget position alone cannot tell you whether the right or wrong economic policies are being pursued. A pointless obsession with the budget position ultimately risks harming us all.

Chris Edmond and co-author Bruce Preston are professors of economics at The University of Melbourne. Co-author Steven Hamilton is a visiting scholar at ANU’s Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.

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