

This was published 8 years ago

Effects test: Malcolm Turnbull comes to blows with big business over competition reform

By Elizabeth Knight

The Goliaths of big business have sustained a damaging loss against the small business Davids thanks to the Turnbull government's decision to beef up competition laws.

The move to adopt an "effects test" competition regime makes it more difficult for big companies to use their financial might to take advantage of small rivals.

It is a decision that sees Turnbull backflip from a previously held position and graduate to a champion of small business.

But it's an outcome that will yet again place him in the firing line with the big business lobby.

The Prime Minister told Parliament  he was not a theorist in the area of competition.

The Prime Minister told Parliament he was not a theorist in the area of competition.Credit: Andrew Meares

The big end of town has been arguing for broader economic reform and been vocal in its criticism about the a lack of movement on tax.

However this particular brand of competition reform wasn't on its list.

The Business Council of Australia – the lobby for big business – described Wednesday's decision by the government as poor policy.

It is also one that had appears to have come out of the blue, having previously been placed in the too-hard basket by successive governments and their leaders.


It is a battle that has been raging for years but one which moved directly into the frame a year ago when the government's own inquiry on competition law, led by Ian Harper, came out in favour of beefing up rules that protect small business from the big businesses' misuse of market power.

The notion that a change to what is called the "effects test" is at its heart very simple.

Big companies will be prohibited from engaging in behaviour that will have the effect or likely effect of substantially lessening competition without any economic justification.

But the practicality is anything but cut and dried.

As the competition law currently stands, companies can't misuse their market power to attack competitors.

The changes adopted by Turnbull will mean that large companies can be placed under a competition microscope for doing something that has the "effect" of substantially lessening competition, even if this was not their intended purpose and the outcomes was an unintended consequence.

Needless to say big businesses – generally those with the most market power – see the adoption of the effects test as unwarranted.

They argue it unnecessarily shackles them and will have wider ranging negative consequences for the consumers and the broader economy.

Taking market share from competitors is in the DNA of most businesses – it's is how they grow revenue and profit.

Their size gives them a head start in running businesses more efficiently, enabling them to reduce cost and pass on productivity gains to the consumers in the form of lower prices.

The well-resourced big business can also spend more money on innovation to improve the range of products sold.

Therefore they mount a pretty compelling case that the consumer benefits when, for example, they can reduce the price of a basket of supermarket goods.

But according to competition regulators such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, there is a catch.

If the effect of gaining market share ultimately leads to smaller operators leaving the market, competition will eventually reduce and the big businesses are left standing with a free rein to increase prices.

The government was clearly swayed by the Nationals – strong supporters of the small business lobby – on the issue

When asked in Parliament why he had backflipped on the issue Turnbull replied: "I have always taken a thoroughly open mind to this issue. I have had quite a lot of experience with competition in a practical sense, particularly with emerging businesses competing with larger businesses so I'm not a theorist in this area – but I've approached this issue of law reform in a very open-minded way."

(The comments refer to Turnbull's founding directorship of pioneering internet service provider Ozemail)

The introduction of effects test has been a divisive issue. The former chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Graeme Samuel has said consumers could miss out on cheap grocery staples such as bread and milk if the ACCC is allowed to sue big businesses for taking any action that could reduce competition.

His is in violent agreement with former treasurer Peter Costello who has said: "When you are looking at competition policy there is one basic question you have to ask before you can settle anything else . . . who is competition policy for?" Mr Costello told an Australian National Retailers Association function in Sydney on Monday.


"If you take the view that competition is there for the consumer, which is what I believe is the fact, everything else will fit into place," he said.

"That's why I'm against the so-called effects test," he said. "The so-called effects test is designed to protect competitors, particularly less efficient ones, from a competitive challenge."

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