Well isn’t this confusing: turns out the Queensland coalition government is a bigger threat to metallurgical coal mines than federal Labor. And that's not all:
- miners would have been better off with the original resources rent tax that they vehemently opposed;
- some 3000 jobs have been lost in coal mining in the past several weeks, but employment in the sector may not have fallen;
- high costs are closing some mines but unions still insist on 5 per cent annual rises for already high wages;
- while commodity prices have been dropping, Glencore has sharply increased its bid for Xtrata – and some shareholders still want more.
No, there are a lot of things that are not straight forward about what’s happening in the mining industry right now and, yes, there are a number of surprises.
The immediate shock is the extent of the Queensland Government’s royalty gouge on coking coal revealed in today’s budget. The industry expected an effective royalty increase of about $2 a tonne and thought it could live with it.
Instead, Campbell Newman has smacked the miners with $4 a tonne – and that extra couple of dollars will make some mines uneconomic and would have tipped the balance against some of the new projects.
That original too-complicated and poorly-sold version of a resources rent tax would have served the industry much better, albeit with the need to sort out the unresolved federal-state issues that have left the industry suffering the worst of both worlds.
The industry believes the royalty increase will be a game changer. More marginal coking coal mines will close and that will attract the same sort of headline activity as the job losses announced yesterday.
However, still slipping under the radar are the new mines that will more than replace the lost production. That will be of no comfort to the regional community pockets that may have been dependent on existing mines that will cease to exist. There will be some nervous boom towns while waiting to see if they’ve just gone bust.
And then there’s the industry’s amazing ability to announce that the end of the world is nigh because spot prices have retreated to levels that were record highs four or five years ago and are double what was being paid seven years ago. It says plenty about letting costs run away with the industry during the bubble phase of the boom.
The coal majors have been accessing new projects on a long-term price expectation of about $US170 a tonne for coking coal – but that was on the basis of the Australian dollar returning to something closer to 80 US cents. At around parity, today’s $US165 price threatens more closures.
As usual, the industry will be tempted to look for someone to blame, but the strong currency is the reflection of a strong economy with safe haven status, not just the level of interest rates. And it’s not just about us – the flip side is the United States trashing its currency by running their printing presses, about which Australia is powerless.
What miners can work on are the costs that were allowed to get away from them during the bubble phase. Might some CFMEU mines being closed now become viable in the future if re-opened with non-unionised staff labour? Quite possibly. Can mines afford to lock in three-year contracts with 5 per cent annual wage rises? Very probably not.
And will Campbell Newman’s first budget come back to bite him? Well, the mining industry’s big swing behind the federal coalition no longer applies at the state level.
Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor