

This was published 8 years ago

Clive Palmer's nephew Clive Mensink to launch action against QNI liquidators

By Jorge Branco

​Clive Palmer's absent nephew has weighed into the Queensland Nickel collapse controversy from the other side of the world, announcing plans to launch court action against the company's liquidators.

Mr Palmer himself is listed to appear in the High Court on Thursday afternoon in a challenge to the company's liquidators, believed to be an attempt to halt the public examination he is being questioned in.

He previously fought the summons to give evidence into the company's collapse, failing in September to have his appearance delayed.

Clive Mensink, the company's former sole director, hasn't been sighted as special purpose liquidators try to figure out what went wrong, leaving almost 800 workers out of a job.

Clive Palmer arrives at the Federal Court to answer questions regarding the fall of Queensland Nickel on Thursday.

Clive Palmer arrives at the Federal Court to answer questions regarding the fall of Queensland Nickel on Thursday.Credit: Bradley Kanaris

According to Mr Palmer on Monday, Mr Mensink was last heard from on a cruise, somewhere between St Petersburg and Helsinki, with no plans to return to Australia.

But he did have plans to launch Federal Court action to remove FTI Consulting's John Park as liquidator of the company, according to a statement issued by Mr Palmer's entourage just before his arrival on Thursday.

Mr Mensink alleged FTI Consulting had been advising QNI before the company sunk into voluntary liquidation in January.


Mr Palmer made a similar claim in court on Monday.

Mr Palmer was flanked by security for his third Federal Court appearance.

Mr Palmer was flanked by security for his third Federal Court appearance.Credit: Bradley Kanaris

"They were saying their US parent venture capital fund may be interested in providing financial assistance," Mr Mensink alleged.

"John Park has breached the Corporation Act and needs to be removed."

Mr Palmer first broached the possibility of Federal Court action under questioning on Monday.

Mr Mensink was still being paid for his role in the Queensland Nickel joint venture, comprising wholly Palmer-owned companies QNI Resources and QNI Metals while overseas, Mr Palmer told the court on Thursday.

The former Member for Fairfax said Mr Mensink was "still working" for the general manager of the joint venture and "entitled to his normal entitlement".

Mr Palmer didn't know if Mr Mensink had any other source of income and wasn't aware of any Palmer-related entities funding the trip, the court heard.

The resources magnate is facing his third day of questioning over the collapse of Queensland Nickel as part of attempts by special purpose liquidators PPB to recover tens of millions of taxpayer dollars paid out as workers' entitlements.

He again told the court QNI's parent company had the capacity to pay back the company's debt, which he labelled "trivial", by selling assets, prompting a grilling over why this wasn't done.

He said it was important to see whether the company could "stand on its own feet" and gain finance as a normal company.

All four major Australian banks knocked back a $25 million overdraft request from QNI, leading Mr Palmer to speculate there was "something funny" going on, because he claimed to have offered up $1.95 million in joint venture assets as a guarantee.

The company sunk into voluntary administration in January before being sent to the liquidators earlier this year, costing 800 jobs and owing $300 million.

A jovial Mr Palmer greeted media with a smile and a wave on Thursday morning, a far cry from dramatic scenes on Friday evening and Monday.

"Good morning, good morning. God bless Australia," he said.

A Federal Court public examination exploring the collapse turned its attention to Mr Palmer last week in an attempt to discover whether he'd been acting as a shadow director.

The former politician stepped down as director after being elected to federal parliament but has produced an old green notebook purporting to give him wide-ranging powers as secretary and chairman of a joint venture controlling QNI.

He had denied acting as a shadow director.

Mr Palmer told the court he made meeting notes and variations to the joint venture agreement, solely in pencil and would "jot down" ideas that would become resolutions, due to his role.

In a dramatic end to Monday's questioning, the court was shown an email from Mr Palmer's Terry Smith alias account, warning his nephew not to email him again.

"I told you what to do. Do it," he wrote.

"Do not send me anything to cover your arse or you f--- everything. Do not contact me by email again."

The court heard Mr Palmer had lost the personal phone he used to conduct QNI business at a Gold Coast steak restaurant two months ago.


On Monday, the former federal MP accused federal and state governments of being "determined to put Queensland Nickel out of business" and implied Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had influenced the banks against him.

Special purpose liquidators PPB Advisory have been unable to question Mr Mensink as they try to recover almost $70 million in taxpayer funds.

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