This was published 10 years ago
Federal budget 2014: Winners and losers
Those who gain and those who feel the pain of Treasurer Joe Hockey's budget
2. Small to medium businesses
1.5 per cent company tax cut and no parental leave levy
Treasurer Joe Hockey.Credit: Chris Pearce
3. Construction firms
With $11 billion in infrastructure spending
4. School chaplains
$245 million over five years
5. Defence
Spending to rise to 2 per cent of GDP within a decade
6. Mothers
Paid Parental Leave Scheme to pay new mothers up to $50,000
7. Ballerinas
$1 million for ballet students' boarding accommodation
1. The sick
$7 fee increase for GP visits and cuts to hospital funding
2. University students
3. Foreign aid
Reduction in foreign aid budget of $7.9 billion over five years
4. High income earners
Deficit tax rise of 2 percentage points for people earning more than $180,000 a year
5. Public servants
6. Video gamers
Abolishing the Australian Interactive Games Fund, saving $10 million
7. Pensioners
Pension age rises to 70 from 2035 and concessions cut
8. Families
Cuts to Family Tax Benefit Part B
9. Young unemployed
Under 30s face a six-month wait for a reduced dole
10. Motorists
More expensive petrol with a fuel levy
11. Indigenous people
A $500 million cut to indigenous programs over five years
12. Local councils
Cuts of nearly $1 billion over four years
13. ABC and SBS
Cuts of $43.5 million and Australia Network abandoned
14. Politicians, senior public servants
One-year pay freeze, gold pass travel for ex-MPs wound back then abolished