

This was published 5 years ago

'We got too fat': Why Blackmores has tanked and its CEO is gone

By Elizabeth Knight

Marcus Blackmore wasn’t planning to come out of semi-retirement. Moving from elder statesman and non-executive director to stand-in chief executive has been thrust upon him.

Not only that but it comes at a time when his eponymous company's share price is flagging and investors are feeling uncertain about the vitamin maker's prospects.

Blackmore will take the helm formally next week after Richard Henfrey resigned in late February, just a week after handing down a difficult result and 18 months into the job.

The 73-year-old is both the accidental and completely natural candidate for the job even if he is not a long-term leadership antidote.

It will be a big change for Blackmore who spends large amounts of time these days in shorts and docksiders pursuing his other great passion, sailing.

Getting his hands dirty in a business will be a big change for Marcus Blackmore.

Getting his hands dirty in a business will be a big change for Marcus Blackmore.Credit: Louie Douvis

Blackmore is excited to get started but admits the job he has temporarily stepped into needs a person with the "passion and work ethic I had in my 30s and 40s".

"I’m too old," he says.

In a wide ranging interview with The Herald and The Age, the views he expresses on the company, its future and on the field of natural therapy are nothing if not passionate.


Blackmore is all about the big picture, anecdotal answers and a near-aversion to detail. Ask a question and you get a story.

"This will be my first ever job where my success will be measured on how quickly I can get rid of the job," Blackmore says.

This will be my first ever job where my success will be measured on how quickly I can get rid of the job.

Marcus Blackmore

He has already begun interviewing potential replacements for a job which he doesn’t formally begin until next week.

Henfrey was the internal candidate who took the chief executive post 18 months ago when the high profile Christine Holgate left to run Australia Post.

Henfrey’s was an amicable departure according to Blackmore - a resignation rather than a removal.


But it was announced only a week after Blackmores disappointed the market with a weaker than expected profit and cautious sales outlook statement.

Blackmore characterises it as unfortunate timing

"I guess the timing of Richard’s resignation was probably not the greatest in that sense because some people just put two and two together and said, 'Well, hang on, the share price has dropped 23 per cent and the chief executive goes next week (and) it’s obvious what happened.' Well that wasn’t right at all," he says.

What's clear from his comments is that under Henfrey’s command, the company was not moving fast enough for Blackmore's liking and had lost a bit of its entrepreneurial zeal.

The company Blackmore's father founded has grown from a small to medium sized natural therapy business into a $1.6 billion multinational operator, producing more than four billion tablets a year, but it is suffering indigestion.

Richard Henfrey will leave his role as Blackmores chief executive on March 29.

Richard Henfrey will leave his role as Blackmores chief executive on March 29. Credit: Chris Hopkins

"We haven’t kept up with the speed of sales growth in the company," Blackmore says. "We got too fat, got too bureaucratic and were too slow at making decisions."

The official statements from Blackmores have described the need for "transformation" within the company. It’s a word that suggests a radical change.

Blackmore views this as a bit of company speak - a vernacular that doesn’t sit well with his down-to-earth approach to communication.

Blackmores doesn’t need to transform so much as "trim the sails" he says. It also needs to provide investors with some confidence that its highly successful China business has not hit a wall when it comes to growth.

In February the half year results showed Blackmores' China business sustained a slide in earnings before interest and tax in the first half to $11.7 million, compared with $20.8 million a year earlier. China revenue had also fallen 11 per cent to $65.4 million.

If that result made investors nervous, the outlook was even worse warning the second half profit would be below the first half. Blackmores shares were sold sharply and fell 25 per cent in a day.

Changes in the distribution channel, increased competition and rising costs were variously blamed for the weaker than expected performance.

Blackmore doesn’t blame this outcome on China’s slowing economic growth. He admits there were mistakes made but apprises the situation without any evident panic - relying on his long corporate memory for perspective.

We’re now in a market that’s very sensitive about companies that have got an exposure to China. Is that unreasonable? Probably not.

Marcus Blackmore

"We’re now in a market that’s very sensitive about companies that have got an exposure to China. Is that unreasonable? Probably not. It’s a massive opportunity but it comes with a higher level of risk in comparison, say, to our other established markets in Asia where we have been for 30-odd years," he says.

China's health doesn't seem to keep Blackmore up at night.

"I go to China and I see all these buildings going up and I see all the cranes around the place. Then I read about their GDP (which) is - instead of being 8 per cent this year is only - I don’t know the actual numbers - but it’s only going to be 7 per cent. Seven per cent of the biggest economy in the world is a massive massive amount of money," he says.

He doesn’t think the company, in which he holds a 23 per cent stake, is overly affected by the general state of the economy in China or Australia.

"I can tell you in the past, sometimes when things got tight we sold more product. We certainly sold more executive stress product."

But don’t ask Blackmore for detailed nor short term guidance.

"We went public in 1983 and I think in that time we gave guidance once. The problem with guidance is that if you say ‘I am going to make $20 million profit’ and you make $19,999,000 they’ll say (in) the headline in the paper the next day, ‘Blackmores falls short’."

Blackmore may not have mastered the finer arts of managing investor expectations but he reckons that neither has he made false promises.

"If you look back to what I said to the shareholders three years ago I made a speech and it was related to the very significant increase in the China business. In the space of five years we went from $2 million a year to $130 million or something ... I said to the shareholders we didn’t see it coming and we didn’t see it going. Now in retrospect I made a very true statement at that time," he said.

Blackmores' biggest shareholder Marcus Blackmore and wife Caroline.

Blackmores' biggest shareholder Marcus Blackmore and wife Caroline.

When I approached Blackmore a few weeks ago for an interview he was en route to visit the recently elected member for Sydney’s eastern suburbs electorate of Wentworth, Kerryn Phelps.

He was on a lobbying mission aimed at fighting regulations due to take effect on April 1 that will prohibit private insurance rebates on many natural therapies.

He says these regulations will save the government $20 million but ultimately cost much more. He regards the regulations as based on dubious science and false economy.

"They obviously didn't speak to the patients of these practitioners or adequately research the literature," Blackmore says.

"The impact of the withdrawal of the private health insurance rebates is likely to (have) a significant long term impact on the natural therapies professions and their patients. The effect will flow through to Blackmores as a supplier to the natural health professions. Over time this effect will be significant."

Blackmore says the meeting went "well" with Phelps, who he counts as an old friend and a big supporter of integrated medicine.

The Phelps visit is but one political pit stop in Blackmore’s decades-long campaign to promote a holistic approach to health and his company’s contribution to promoting wellness.

From former Queensland premier Joh Bjelke Petersen and wife Flo to the current health minister, Greg Hunt, Blackmore can regale stories of supporters and detractors, of wins and losses.

Now less than ten days before these rebate changes come into effect Blackmore’s powers of persuasion appear challenged and his efforts will now be directed to the even more difficult talk of reversing a regulation already in operation.

Blackmore argues that those that previously used natural therapies and received rebates are going to move to orthodox medicine. Cue another illustrative story.

"I was with my cardiologist this morning. I walked out of there and asked ‘how much do I owe?' Nothing it’s all on Medicare," he says.

Championing the cause is personal for Blackmore but it’s also good for business. Blackmore is a rare breed - a trained naturopath who can boast a personal wealth of more than $300 million.

Christine Holgate left Blackmores to run Australia Post.

Christine Holgate left Blackmores to run Australia Post.Credit: Wayne Taylor

He is socially conservative with a progressive twist. Holgate, he says, describes him as a capitalist with socialistic tendencies in part because of the company’s practice of giving 10 per cent of its profit to staff each year without reference to sales targets.

But this ideological hybrid has very clear views on the trust many large businesses have abused in recent years.

"I think business has a lot to answer for."

It's clear why he places such store in corporate reputation.

Selling health brands requires an additional level of customer faith.

"At the end of the day, if you are going to stick a tablet in your mouth you’re sure as hell going to want to trust the company that made it," he says.

But who is to blame for the poor treatment of customers that has coloured the public perception of big business?

"I'm not convinced that our system of governance is much good. Do you mean to tell me that at AMP they knew that somebody down the bottom of the line was still collecting money on insurance policies as people die?

"How would the directors find out about that?

"But shareholders hold the directors responsible for all those things. I think it's unrealistic.

"I say in lectures I give that if wealth creation in the only reason for being in business the world would be a poorer place."

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