

This was published 5 years ago

The Big Interview: Full transcript of interview with Rob Ferguson

By Elizabeth Knight

Former head of BT Australia Rob Ferguson spent 40 years in the corporate sector, working as a  bank executive and board member on some of Australia's most well-known companies including Westfield. He agreed to sit down with Elizabeth Knight for the latest installment in the Big Interview series - and didn't hold back in his stinging criticism of the banks, in particular.

Rob Ferguson.

Rob Ferguson.Credit: Sahlan Hayes

Below is the full transcript of that interview.

Elizabeth Knight: Welcome Rob, and thanks for joining me. Now, having worked in financial markets as an executive and a director for a career spanning 40 years or more, I thought it would be an interesting time to perhaps get your thoughts on the state of the debt and equity markets as they currently stand - very volatile. How do you see that - having obviously lived through plenty of volatile markets in the past - how do you see it panning out at the moment?

Rob Ferguson: Well, in a way, it's not volatile now compared to what we've been used to. A lot of the volatility's gone away. It's profoundly different, it's the - I think it seems like it's the end of an era of cyclicality and volatility. When you have interest rates so low, it's - nobody's ever experienced that circumstance, so it's a whole new world. But we've just got to adjust to that world. It's very comforting, I think, to be able to think in business cycle sense, but it's not that the business cycle is dead, but it's certainly been flattened.

We're in an era where I think you need to look to see what's happened in Japan as an indicator. Secular stagnation is what it seems to be. Larry Summers talks about it. Richard Koo from Nomura has been writing about it for probably 15, 20 years, because it's been going on in Japan for that amount of time. When I was thinking about markets in the last four or five years, especially when I was on the board of GPT, I was trying to think, and Bob Johnston, likewise was trying to think as well, what's happening with the cycle? Is it going to just go into a cyclical upturn of rates or not?

So, we were all sort of having this internal debate. I was exchanging articles with him, and he with me. It seems like it's ended up with the secular stagnation one. That's very different, but we just have to adjust to it.

EK: So, then what does that mean for say, equity markets and how can we - what does that say about the predictability of where they're going to go?

RF: Well, they're always unpredictable. I mean markets are by definition unpredictable. Nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow, so that's a given that we're used to in a way. But I think we have to get the old cyclicality out of our mind and - people say to me, this is just unreal. We can't have negative interest rates; it doesn't make sense. Well, we've got them, and it does make sense. It makes sense because they're here. Japan has survived in with rates like that. So, we have to sort of think about what it means. If you look at Japan, for example, they've been able to have fiscal policy as an offset to the lack of monetary flexibility.


One of the great things about low interest rates, the - I mean, low interest rates are great for many reasons, much better than high rates. But one of the great things is that the government can borrow money for zero, and that means it can build infrastructure for zero cost, zero interest cost. There's a - I think it was Samuelson said years and years - remember, Samuelson was the text that we all had in economics, the basic text. He talked about if interest rates were zero, that would mean that you could knock down mountains and it would pay for itself just by the money saved by the mountains knocked down and the trucks can drive on flat ground and use less petrol. So, it's like you're getting a free ride.

EK: So, you sort of think this is sustainable now as…

RF: It's here, and I don't see it going away any time soon. It hasn't gone away in Japan.

EK: No.

RF: So, you know what…

EK: But it has moved more in the US, up and down, and it has typically - even since the GFC.

RF: Yes, it has, but I think it's - look, you're right. But the US is not big enough to push the rest of the world these days. The rates are very low there too, so there's this overwhelming trend for rates to be very low for a long period of time.

EK: So, what then - if, as we've seen now with the trade wars, obviously with the fears of the economy - rates are going down everywhere. They seem to be going down as you sustainably or over a longer period of time. So, what's going to move the dial in terms of the economy? Is it the trade war? Are you seeing this China US thing getting…

RF: Well, I think the trade war - again, who knows. But I think a lot of it - well, there's a lot of politics in the trade war. But there's also a consensus in America that something has to happen on the trade front. So, it's not just Trump, it's the Democrats as well. I think probably the Chinese recognise that, and they've got to give ground. But at the same time, they understand - so there's this underlying reality, but there's also this huge political stuff and Trump - just like the Chinese, they're balancing on the edge of politics. They've got to come out of it looking right. In a way, it might be that the Chinese want to delay the whole thing in the hope that Trump gets rolled.

If there's uncertainty arising out of trade and trade wars, uncertainty is the worst thing for an economy because people don't invest, and that's going to make it harder for Trump. Because we all know that if you've got a recession when there's a presidential election, it's hard for the incumbent. So, it's finally balanced. I think Trump's an imbecile in terms of his understanding of trade issues, this whole thing about surpluses and all of that sort of stuff. But there is some fundamental issues that he's attacking, which do make sense. That's the taking away of intellectual capital by the Chinese. The issue of the renminbi, but I think that's actually a past issue now, I think that the renminbi…

EK: Currency manipulation?

RF: Yeah, manipulation hasn't been an issue in the last few years. It was an issue maybe four or five years ago.

EK: Five years ago, yeah.

RF: But there's also other really big issues. I was listening to something the other day, a podcast about - America is worried that the Chinese are going to move up the value chain and develop say a competitor to Boeing. They'll do it by trade - subsidisation from the government and under WTO they're not supposed to be doing that. America would be really frightened to see China develop its own large commercial aircraft industry. But they're entitled to do that. They're a big economy, and so that's sort of a fundamental issue that you can't resolve, I think. So, it's just very messy. But messiness means the economy slows, and if the economy slows, then interest rates don't need to go up.

EK: Yes, well that's certainly true. But I mean obviously - could you have imagined indeed that we'd see in Australia interest rates at one per cent?

RF: No, no.

EK: Has the RBA gone too far? Should they have gone further? What do you think about…

RF: Well, when you say, would I have imagined - I have actually - I've known Richard Koo for a long time and I have actually read him and watched him and listened to him, and thought, well, what he's saying is legitimate. It's a legitimate alternative argument. So, it's not a total surprise to me. But up until maybe a year ago, I was debating, which way will it go? But I think it's clear where it's going, and it's going - we're into this secular stagnation, and I don't…

EK: So, do you think we'll see quantitative easing in Australia?

RF: No. Well, I think the solution - if there's such a thing - sorry, the central bank and the government really don't have much in the way of monetary policy flexibility, but they do have fiscal policy flexibility.

EK: Do you think this current crop in the government is using its fiscal flexibility enough?

RF: I think they're being too conservative on it, far too conservative. If you can borrow money at nil cost and put in good infrastructure that'll earn a return, that's a no-brainer. I think the problem is that…

EK: So, they could be demolishing the mountain and they're not.

RF: Yeah, yeah, and they're not. I think part of the problem is that people are cynical about governments and infrastructure. You get nonsense like railways to Darwin and all of that sort of stuff. But if it's done in a sensible way, and if there's confidence in the community that it's going to be well spent, there's oodles of opportunities to do things and that is stimulatory to do that. So, I think fiscal policy is the answer.

EK: Yeah. So, I want to go perhaps to look perhaps a little bit more at companies, and let's move away a bit from the economy. Let's look at companies. You've been a director for many years, and obviously an executive for many years as well. How do you see that landscape has changed for companies, say even over the last 10 years? We seem to have had some pretty major changes.

RF: Well, yes, I think it's really changed because of the whole de-regulation of the economy, which is probably a lot longer than 10 years ago. It's really 30, 40 years ago. We've been in a globalised, open economy for quite a long time now. So, I don't think it's changed in the last 10 years. I think it's a tough area where there's no place to hide for business, and that's the way it should be. So, I don't think it's particularly changed in the last decade.

EK: I mean obviously you were running one of our biggest investment banks for many years, BT. So, you would have had quite an exposure to the major trading banks. So, I guess I want to move on to this whole where we sit now in terms of the intersection of the public and corporate trust, which seems to have broken down quite a little bit. Also, just basically the behaviour of the major banks. They found themselves, ultimately, after years, at a Royal Commission. Did they deserve to have that? Was it useful?

RF: Yeah, absolutely they deserved to have it. I think the banks were arrogant, were out of touch, and all of that's sort of been revealed by the process we've been through. So, I think it's a fantastic process of calling them to task. There's a fundamental problem with banking in Australia, is that it's so oligopolistic that the ability to earn super profits is like a sugar hit for the ego of the people that are running those organisations. They feel that they're cleverer than they actually are. That hubris shows up in lots of different things. It shows up in those organisations really not managing themselves properly. Because it's sort of a license to print money at the big bank level, the big four level.

EK: Do you think these guys at the top, in the very senior positions and indeed the board, had any idea what was going on down in their organisations? Do you think they knew that people were being charged for services they didn't receive, or do you think maybe it was a blind eye?

RF: Oh, look, I don't think they knew. I think the problem is that these organisations are so large they're unmanageable, and there's no transparency through them. There's just so many levels of reporting, and so many - you just can't reach down. The audit process, I think is basically flawed in Australia, where I don't think audits are very valuable in getting a feel for that sort of thing. Those sorts of problems.

EK: Conflicts of interest, then?

RF: Well, in the case of auditors, auditors are paid effectively by the company, and they're not going to bite the hand that feeds them, so there's a problem there. So, I don't think auditors really protect the company. If I'm on the board, I don't rely on the auditors to come and tell me what the problems are, I've got to find out about the problems in other ways. The last person that's going to come and say to me, there's a big problem is an auditor. Because the auditors are in cahoots with management rather than with the board, and it doesn't percolate up to…

EK: So, how do you fix that system? How do you get an auditor who's not, in a sense, compromised by the fact that he's being paid by the people he's meant to actually be keeping an eye on?

RF: I don't think you can fix it. Well, I think the only way that you can fix it is if they're not actually paid by the company. I had a conversation with a few people about this quite recently. I was telling somebody that was doing some research on the audit profession how profoundly difficult it was to get a reliable audit process. What I came to - and I actually talked to a couple of people to say, well, what's the solution? Somebody said to me - and I had never thought of this - said, well, there are successful auditors. I said, which ones? He said, Auditors General that audit states. The Auditors General of each state actually have - they can come out with very scathing reports on various parts of it.

EK: And they do.

RF: They do. Why do they do that? The reason they do it is because they've got a structure that keeps them separate. So, they've got authority, and they're not - you know, there's budgetary allocation for them, so the butter is not put on their bread by the people that they're auditing. It's just - how can it ever work? So, I said, yeah, but, what - the person that was telling me this story then said, years ago back in the days of Kennett when there was a lot of stuff going on in Victoria that was a bit on the nose, the casinos, et cetera.

Kennett actually felt aggrieved by how much was coming out in these audits. He decided to put the audits out to private sector audit firms. Of course, the reason he did that was that that would mean he'd be able to make sure - he'd be able to soften…

EK: No more criticism.

RF: Yeah, turn them into toothless tigers. I don't remember this, but I'm told that there were actually protests in the street in Melbourne because the community knew what was going on and he backed off. So, there is a solution. Now, the problem is who is going to be the party that gets the auditors to go out and do the audits. The obvious organisation is ASIC, but the business community is so antagonistic to ASIC, I don't think they'd have a bar of that. So, we've sort of got the audit community that is like a toothless tiger, and we've got ASIC with antagonism from the business community. We've got two…

EK: I presume we're talking about the new ASIC and not the old ASIC.

RF: Yeah, well…

EK: The old ASIC of a couple of years ago - well, I guess we saw this at the Royal Commission - was way too compliant.

RF: But we haven't really seen the new ASIC. I mean, it's like…

EK: We've only seen a few little bits of it. The new mongrel ASIC.

RF: Yeah, well, yeah, but…

EK: Or do you think that's just some wishful thinking?

RF: Well, look, I've had some good experiences with ASIC. But I think there's a tendency for them to play a political game of trying to have bodies on the tarmac and to go for headlines rather than substance. So, I suppose what I'm saying - I'm not about to criticise ASIC, but I know that the business community is thoroughly unhappy with ASIC.

EK: What, because they see that they're too much about the public relations and not - or they're too tough?

RF: Yeah, they see them as ineffective. They see them as ineffective, I think.

EK: But surely if they were more effective, more effective, the business community would have more to be concerned with.

RF: Well, yeah, but I'm talking here not just about the business - sorry, I should have said the total investment community.

EK: Oh, right.

RF: There are people like fund managers, industry funds, those sorts of people. I've talked to them about it. Wouldn't it be better to have a situation where auditors did proper audits and did have teeth? Well, yeah, but okay, who's going to do that? Who's going to be in charge of that? ASIC, oh give us a break, is the attitude. So, there's two institutions that are very fundamental to the corporate sector and the clarity and the confidence in them, that there's not a lot of confidence within the business community.

EK: So, let's move back a little bit in the bank sphere and perhaps talk about directors. You've said a minute ago that you thought that the senior management and therefore presumably the directors of course had little awareness of what was going on down in the bowels of the organisation. Are the directors of these big banks, are they fit for purpose?

RF: Well, it's more are the organisations fit for purpose rather than the directors. I think the job of being a director of a big bank and really having a feel for what's going on, it's an impossible job. Because the banks are too big, too complicated, and one of the expressions I use is that a bank - any company or any entity should know pretty quickly if it's stubbed its toe. If you don't know quickly - if you stub your toe, if there's some problem, the information gets to you and you do something about it. I think what happens with these banks, they're so big that they stub their toe and it takes a year for the pain to come up to the organisation, and then it's too late. The damage is done.

EK: By which time it's festered.

RF: What?

EK: By which time it's festered.

RF: Yeah, there's gangrene. You've got gangrene. I think that's what these big organisations are like. They're sort of not natural. Pain and knowing what the problem is is the way that you fix the problem. But if you don't hear about it for so long because it's very down in the place, then what chance have you got? An organisation should be fit for purpose, so you get the message quicker. So, I wouldn't criticise so much the directors, I think it's the structure. They're too big to fail, and they're too big to feel pain at the right time and react to it quickly.

EK: So, do you think it's fair that Ken Henry, who was really the biggest scalp out of the Royal Commission in a sort of personnel sense. Should there have been others or was Ken Henry fairly or not fairly dealt?

RF: I didn't think - I felt great sympathy for Ken because I felt he was thinking out loud and he was made an example of.

EK: So, do you think basically what he was thinking is what everybody else was thinking but they just were too clever to say it?

RF: No, he was…

EK: Or too savvy, perhaps.

RF: Well, it was all - he's not your conventional businessman, and he was thinking out loud. He wasn't being political and toeing the line, he was just thinking out loud. It's body on the tarmac in these environments, it's a bit like ASIC. If the commissioner can find somebody to really have a go at, they're going to do it, and there's going to be less consequences.

EK: So, the banks and the social licence. Do they deserve that social license, given the way that they've behaved?

RF: I think they've abused their social licence in the sense that they've gone for profit rather than recognising the privilege that they have. To have the privilege of lender of last resort protection is just an enormous privilege, which means that they earn super profits. They earn - what's the word?

EK: Economic rents.

RF: Large economic rents. I think that organisations that earn economic rents are prime - and are fundamental to the system just as electricity and gas and water is. The financial system and the banking system is just as fundamental. We expect it to work, we need it to work, the place grinds to a halt if it doesn't. To have the people running those organisations not having the sense of responsibility that other regulated utilities have, I think that's a bad thing.

So, I think banks are really de facto utilities, and I think over time government will tighten the noose on them in terms of profits, in terms of the way they operate. They'll become much more like regulated utilities, otherwise we're going to get this stuff happening again.

EK: Well, yeah. They would say of course - not necessarily publicly, but I think privately they would say that they're in a sense, the executives, the boards, are victim to this shareholder requirement for short-termism.

RF: Yeah, yes.

EK: While it might suit them at one level to have a better social conscience, when they've got the competing desires of shareholders to say, we want the share price up, we want two, three, four per cent EBIT improvements in every half, then they're sort of caught between a rock and a hard place.

RF: True.

EK: You've been obviously both chairman and director of large companies. You must have felt that pressure as a chairman and a board member yourself.

RF: Yeah, look, I sympathise with that. The whole mentality of the last 30, 40 years has been to maximise profit, even if you're privileged. If a bank decided not to do that, then the shareholders would complain. But I think the reality is that we've now seen the damage that that causes, and something needs to be done about it. I think banks are starting to - what gets done about it is government changes its attitude, the community changes its attitude, and it's clear that banks can't just run them as profit machines anymore. If they did that, there'd be more draconian regulation.

So, I think the banks have to pull their head in and they'd be stupid if they didn’t. They understand, they're on the nose. They've got to be seen to be much more responsible than they are. That's not just advertising campaigns and charity and all that sort of stuff. It's much more profound.

EK: It's not just the Westpac helicopter, and giving money to farmers when there's a drought.

RF: No, no. Yeah.

EK: So, that takes us into - and not just about banks, but in general, particularly large business, one of the hot button issues for communities and for the public is the pay. Is that a reasonable thing to be appalled by for the average person? To know that, say if you're working in a company, that the boss is getting 1000 times your hourly rate.

RF: Look, it's a very reasonable thing for the community to be concerned about, especially if in the case of banks, those banks have got a privileged position. Because it's something that the government's giving to the banks, and yet the bankers are spreading it amongst themselves in a fairly generous way. When you're dealing with other companies, I think it's less of an issue because they're not operating in a privileged environment. But at the same time, the mechanisms for paying chief executives is flawed by the fact that boards - I don't think they're tough enough in terms of compensation.

EK: But why not? Of course, the old argument always was, we won't get the - if we can't pay them, we won't get the best.

RF: Yeah, but I think that's a crappy argument. I really think it's a crappy argument. It's basically saying everybody's - people are just thoroughly money-driven and they don't have other values and other drivers. To me that's just a thoroughly lazy argument. I think the problem is again boards are a little bit - I mean, in a way, their bread is buttered by management as well. Management make them comfortable; they take them on trips to America and to visit plants and all this sort of stuff, which is all fine to do.

But I think amongst boards, there tends to be - and let's not rock the boat thing on the compensation thing, that's not - after all, it's not the board's money. It's the shareholders' money. You're asking somebody to be tough when their inclination is not to because it's easier just to, oh, well, we're just paying the market. It's all too hard. Rather than having difficult conversations and working harder at it. So, I think there's a structural issue again. I don't know how you solve it, with part-time directors. It's very confronting for them to have compensation discussions, and sometimes I think they just think it's all too hard.

EK: So, I guess the - so, governance now. I mean, there's obviously been a move to try and put some framework - prescriptive stuff around governance. Is that doable?

RF: I think prescriptive stuff is pretty useless. Look, I'm getting…

EK: For culture, for example. Can you prescribe a culture?

RF: No, you can't. But on prescriptive stuff, I'm getting stuff in the mail now saying, I've got to sign these forms. From my broker saying that he didn’t advise me to go into this stock and from my superannuation advisor, he didn't advise me to go into these stocks. I mean, it's just a pain in the arse. I mean, I'm going to have to sign all these forms, and there's all these documents. It's not going to change anybody's behaviour. So, it's all form.

So, I think the culture of a company essentially is driven from the top. There's an old expression, I think it's biblical, that fish goes rotten from the head first. You can't regulate for moral behaviour. You've just got to - that's a cultural thing, as you say.

EK: Now, you were on the board of Westfield for years, where of course the Lowy family were the driving force, they were huge shareholders. But it seemed to be a bit more of a family company.

RF: It was, yeah.

EK: Was that - how does that fold in with governance, where I presume that the Lowys were more dominant and they decided what was going on? Or was there alignment with other shareholders, something that made matters easier rather than harder?

RF: Well, in the case of Westfield, Frank Lowy was and is such an incredibly driven person. You'd sit there and admire the company and their achievements and the way he ran the company. You wouldn't be worried about profitability because it was just a machine that had been developed over a long period of time and had this fantastic business model, where they just made shopping centres. They didn't want to go and do new whizz bang things. They just made shopping centres, and they got so good at it that they could build them cheaper than anybody else. So, they were just the world's best shopping centre developer.

So, when you're on a board like that, you're not particularly worried about profits, because you can see this hungry management. So, everything's working for the shareholders. While I was on the board - and after that, the shareholders, they had a fantastic time. So, the other issues that you worry about of governance et cetera, I think because the company was doing well - well, in the time that I was there, I didn't have any governance concerns. There was market concern about the compensation that was paid to the…

EK: They were very highly paid.

RF: Yeah, they were. They were but if you look at the spectacular - it's like, how do you work out what to pay them when you look at the spectacular returns that the shareholders got?

EK: So, the shareholders didn't actually whinge about it?

RF: No, I don't think the shareholders whinged. I think the proxy advisors whinged and the amounts were large. They got to be very large towards the end. So large that they were material in the takeover by the new parties, that they could take that amount out. But anyway, those salaries got to that level long after I'd gone because it was more than 10 years ago that I left. But I was never particularly worried about salaries because…

EK: Because performance was so good?

RF: Performance was so good, yeah.

EK: Now I'd like to perhaps take you to a more recent company director experience, which was Primary Health Care, now Healius, which you were chairing until last year. The reason I ask you about this is that I thought that out of the period, the length of time you were there, you must have developed some very strong views on the health care system in Australia. The extent to which it works or doesn't or any observations on it.

RF: Well, I actually found the whole health care industry very confusing from my point of view because I'm use to, I suppose what you'd call a capitalist sector. Whereas the health care sector has got so much government and not-for-profit and capitalism all mixed in. So, it's - and massive government underwriting of so much of the expenditure. Government in terms of hospitals, but also government in terms of rebates and expenditures, that it's a really murky picture. It's incredibly confusing to somebody that comes in from the outside, that's used to the private sector, basically.

But I've also had experience in the health care sector in small business, where I'm involved in a small business that is trying to do something in hospital and aged care. I find from that point of view that it's very difficult to get interest and get parties to - you might have a great product, but the bureaucracy and the number of people that have a point of view, unions, nurses in hospitals, doctors, bureaucrats. Martialling all of them and getting a decision is almost impossible. So, I find that it's a very frustrating sector to deal with in an economic sense.

I've got a friend, who invests in medical start-ups and he was saying to me, oh, it's almost like a no-go area, aged care or public or even private hospitals because it's just too hard. Somebody might have a great device, but it's going to be very hard to be able to sell it because you've got all these barriers to get through, all these hurdles that you don't have in a normal business situation.

EK: So, when you were at Primary, obviously your chief executive resigned. He was later convicted by ASIC of falsifying the books, not at Primary Health Care, but at Leighton, in his previous employment. How did you see that? From memory, when it first came up, when he was being investigated - you were Chairman. He retained his position. So, you were sort of happy to see that through. Was that a shock to you? How did that roll?

RF: Well, no, it wasn't a shock to me. Peter was very up front about the fact that initially that ASIC were looking at certain issues, at Leighton. But ASIC were looking at lots of issues, as we know. Then it got to the point where they decided to do something with Peter and to charge him. We spent a lot of time looking at it and listening to his side of the story, and we worked on the principal that you're innocent until you're proven guilty. But it also became difficult for Peter to be in the business for the long period of time that it would take for that case to get to court. Ultimately it took 18 months or something like that.

As to the outcome, I'm still - I didn't go to the court and sit and listen to it, so I'm not profoundly educated on the nuts and bolts of it. But I think that was a case about invoicing, so called inappropriate invoicing. Well, I think that's a really difficult matter for a jury to decide. I think that's really something that would have been much better in front of a judge. To me, the whole case was far too complicated for a jury. From what I'm told, Peter's lawyers were very confident about the case, and yet they lost it. So, I feel very sorry for Peter. I think there's sort of a zeitgeist again about bodies on the tarmac, and he's an example of it, and I'm very sad about that.

EK: Yeah, I guess that gets back to the expectation, increasing expectation that business and businesspeople have to be accountable.

RF: Yeah, that's true, but…

EK: Regardless of whether – in that particular case, you know…

RF: That's true, but there can be people that are caught up in it, that are actually innocent, but they end up being guilty because there's a mood. There's a sort of a witch hunt mood. I understand why that's happening because there's been so much bad stuff over a long period of time and a lack of accountability, but some people can become victims of that too.

EK: Yeah, okay. Well, I think that's probably - I've probably kept you for long enough. But listen, Rob, thanks very much for coming and joining us.

RF: Okay.

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