

This was published 3 years ago

Industry association warns Aboriginal heritage legislation could harm WA's mining reputation

By Hamish Hastie

The boss of one of WA’s most prominent nickel and gold producers has warned the proposed shake-up of the state's Aboriginal heritage legislation would create more bureaucracy for the sector and delay mining projects.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Diggers and Dealers conference in Kalgoorlie on Wednesday, IGO chief executive and Association of Mining and Exploration Companies president Peter Bradford said the legislation could hurt the state’s reputation as a global mining destination.

IGO chief executive and managing director Peter Bradford.

IGO chief executive and managing director Peter Bradford.Credit: Bill Stokes/Diggers and Dealers

“Putting an AMEC hat on … it’s going to create more layers of bureaucracy and delays in getting access to doing exploration and being able to develop projects,” he said. “And that’s got to be a concern.

“We pride ourselves globally on having one of the best mining investment jurisdictions and we’ve got to think carefully before we start putting in delays that are going to hamstring exploration and development activities.”

The McGowan government’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill had been bubbling away without much fanfare since 2017, until Rio Tinto’s Juukan Gorge blunder thrust it into the spotlight in May.

Rio Tinto was granted government approval to blow up the gorge as part of its Brockman 4 mining program in 2013 under existing legislation in what is known as a Section 18 approval.

Since the blast, three top executives – including chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques – have lost their jobs and a federal parliamentary inquiry was launched to investigate the interplay between Aboriginal heritage issues and mining.

In releasing the draft legislation earlier this year, the WA government said this process would be scrapped in favour of an ‘agreement-making’ model giving traditional owners more say over cultural heritage destruction and the right to challenge approvals – which they have not had in the past.

Earlier this month, AMEC criticised the legislation for not having safeguards in place to ensure the timeliness of approvals processes which were likely to “likely to impact debt and equity investment in the development of projects in WA”.


Mr Bradford said the industry's view on how the legislation should look had been shaken up since the Juukan Gorge saga, and he criticised Rio’s slow response.

“The ability to get an industry view in shaping that legislation to make sure it is a better outcome for all parties has been made more challenging by what’s happened at Juukan Gorge,” he said.

“It’s not just about what happened, it’s the long delay in the company involved responding to that.

“We all want to make sure we do the right thing, but we don’t want to frustrate the process.”

Last month the Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, one of the biggest in the Pilbara, also raised concerns with the bill.


YMAC chief executive Simon Hawkins called for an extension of the consultation period and for a reduction in decision making powers by the Aboriginal Affairs Minister.

“The improvements YMAC has noted in the draft [legislation] are good – but they are low-hanging
fruit. In its current form too much decision-making power remains with the Minister and with
proponents,” Mr Hawkins said.

“There is a risk of conflict of interest arising depending on the Minister’s portfolio, particularly
when they are considering the interests and economic value of development for the state.”

WA Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston said he strongly believed the updated legislation would continue to allow WA to be a strong jurisdiction for mining and resource exploration.

He said the legislation was in its early stages, and with just a few sitting weeks left he expected it wouldn’t be tabled in Parliament until after WA’s election in March.

On Tuesday, Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Elizabeth Gaines said the company welcomed the chance to consult on the bill and had been calling for an increased voice for Aboriginal people in the process and equitable right of appeal for all parties.

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