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ABC’s Sarah Ferguson blasts media regulator’s ‘nonsensical’ findings over Fox program

By Latika Bourke

Star ABC presenter Sarah Ferguson has blasted the Australian Communications and Media Authority for making what she described as “nonsensical” criticisms about her reporting on Fox News and the 2020 US presidential election.

Ferguson, when US correspondent for the national broadcaster, presented a two-part Four Corners program, in August last year called Fox and the Big Lie.

The ABC’s star presenter and host of 7.30, Sarah Ferguson.

The ABC’s star presenter and host of 7.30, Sarah Ferguson.

It focused on the role of media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News in the 2020 US presidential election, the outcome of which Donald Trump falsely claimed was stolen from him. Trump supporters later attempted to overthrow the election result, with an insurrection on the Capitol on January 6.

Fox News, owned by Murdoch controlled Fox Corp —a fierce critic of the publicly funded broadcaster — complained to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) which, after a year-long inquiry, reported largely in the ABC’s favour.

However, it identified three examples of where it said the ABC had breached the accuracy and fair and honest dealing requirements of its own Code of Practice.

And in a scathing press release, the communications regulator went further and said that overall, “the program came close to, but did not breach, the high bar set by the impartiality standards in the ABC’s Code”.

“What’s that?” an incredulous Ferguson responded during an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age on Thursday night.

“It’s like a traffic cop who says crossly to a motorist, ‘I wanted to book you for speeding but I couldn’t because you kept driving at the right speed’.

“That feels like someone trying to besmirch the programs by saying it doesn’t quite do the bad thing but nearly – it’s almost like a nudge and a wink, and I don’t understand that language,” the now host of the prestigious 7.30 program said.


The ACMA ultimately dismissed Fox’s complaint about Ferguson’s tone during the report but agreed that she used “emotive and strident language”, holding up her description of the January 6 rioters as a “mob”, as an example.

“That is just plain silly, that was a mob, we all saw it, everyone calls it a mob. What is it if it isn’t a mob?” Ferguson asked.

Four people died on January 6, 2021, the day of the riot, and one Capitol police officer died the day after they defended Congress.

Four people died on January 6, 2021, the day of the riot, and one Capitol police officer died the day after they defended Congress.Credit: AP

“How an organisation as serious as ACMA with such an important role could come to such a nonsensical conclusion, I don’t understand. I’d really like to know what the process was and the conversation that led to the inclusion of some of the language in it and certainly the creation of the press release, because it doesn’t sound like normal ACMA to me.”

The ACMA also chastised the ABC for not reporting that two Fox presenters, Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro, had been censured for making appearances at a Trump rally in 2018.

Then-US president Donald Trump watches Fox News’ Sean Hannity speak at a Trump rally in 2018.

Then-US president Donald Trump watches Fox News’ Sean Hannity speak at a Trump rally in 2018.Credit: Carolyn Kaster

“This omission left it open to viewers to conclude that Fox News had either endorsed or at least did not object to the appearances,” the ACMA said.

A Fox News spokesperson released a statement at the time saying the “unfortunate distraction” had “been addressed” and that “Fox News does not condone any talent participating in campaign events”.

But Ferguson said that statement was “empty PR”.

“That statement did not name Hannity, it did not name Pirro, it did not say anything about any form of censure or repercussions or punishment or change of behaviour – nothing,” Ferguson said.

“We went to Fox and we said, ‘We know about this statement, but can you tell us what actually happened? What did you say to Hannity and Pirro, what were the consequences?’”

Jeanine Pirro at the CPAC conference in Sydney in 2019.

Jeanine Pirro at the CPAC conference in Sydney in 2019.Credit: Edwina Pickles

She said Fox refused to answer any questions and pointed to the 2018 statement.

“We took the view that an old press release that didn’t say anything was not good enough for the Australian audience, and so we chose not to include it and that remains my view,” Ferguson said.

The authority also said that an exchange in which Ferguson approached Pirro on the streets of New York and asked the Fox personality if she still believed that the voting machine companies had rigged the election, breached the Code because she “did not appropriately inform her about the nature of her participation in the program”.

Ferguson said that was “remarkably overblown” and a “black-letter” application of the code to a spontaneous exchange and one that is routine in journalism.


“She wasn’t participating in the program, she had seen who we were, she’s a veteran performer, she chose to say nothing – to make sure I had no material, to make sure she wasn’t participating,” she said.

“The idea that at that point I would stand on the street and say a whole series of things about who we were and what the program was is simply not how journalism works.”

ACMA also said that Ferguson breached the ABC’s Code by not including the role of social media in the insurrection.

But Ferguson said the whole point of her investigation was to focus on the role of News Corp’s Fox.

“The opening words of my opening piece to camera in episode one were: ‘Fox did not send the mob’,” she said.

“We live in a complex world where people are bombarded with information and making choices about editorial focus is, if anything, more important than ever.

“The idea that ACMA should find against us for not including other topics, that actually does have ramifications and we need to look at that and make sure that they’re not in a position to do that again.”

Ferguson said while all producers of television content wished they had done something differently or better, she did not resile from the way she approached her investigative journalism.

“We were very proud of it, and I still am,” she said.

A spokesperson for the ACMA said when investigating programs, the authority generally assessed the complaint material, the broadcaster’s submissions and the content of the broadcast “against the relevant provisions in the broadcasting industry code of practice”.

The spokesperson said that in this case, the authority assessed the episode against the standards of accuracy, impartiality, and fair and honest dealing in the public broadcaster’s code of practice.

”The assessment against Standard 4 [impartiality] required the ACMA to take into account a number of factors including the questioning style of the reporter and her use of language,” the spokesperson said, adding Ferguson “asked probing questions during interviews, but overall maintained a measured tone”.

“Her style of presentation was in keeping with viewers’ expectations of the style of an investigative current affairs program such as Four Corners, where the audience would expect the robust presentation of an argument involving contentious issues.”

A FOX News spokesperson said the ruling confirmed the company’s view that the central premise of ABC’s program was “built on a foundation of patent bias and lack of impartiality.”

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An earlier version of this story said Fox News was owned by News Corp. In fact, it is owned by sister company Fox Corp. 

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