

This was published 4 years ago

Finance veteran David Murray exits amid more upheaval at AMP

By Clancy Yeates

When banking veteran David Murray was appointed AMP chairman in 2018, two of his top tasks were to restore trust in the institution and turn around its culture as it battled damaging fallout from the royal commission.

He did not understate the size of the challenge, telling the Herald at the time that he was taking the reins in a "crisis situation," and it would be a "big job."

AMP chairman David Murray said his decision to leave reflected his role and accountability as chairman.

AMP chairman David Murray said his decision to leave reflected his role and accountability as chairman.Credit: Louie Douvis

A little over two years later, the company's leadership faces more upheaval following a scandal of a different kind, stemming from how it handled a sexual harassment complaint.

Mr Murray on Monday resigned from the high-profile post, saying he took accountability as chairman following shareholder pressure over the appointment of Boe Pahari as AMP Capital CEO, who stepped down from the position on Monday.

AMP had previously promoted Mr Pahari after the company penalised him following a sexual harassment complaint against him from 2017, a move critics say showed poor judgement by the board and even those more sympathetic to Mr Murray say was a mistake.

Mr Murray's sudden exit follows a high-ranking career in banking including as Commonwealth Bank chief executive, and some influential government appointments, including chairing the Future Fund and the 2014 financial system inquiry.

Former Treasurer Peter Costello, who appointed Mr Murray as Future Fund chairman in 2006, on Monday praised Mr Murray's career as "enormously successful" but said he had done the right thing in stepping down as AMP chairman.

Mr Costello said he had dealt with Mr Murray at the Future Fund and when the Howard government was privatising a remaining stake in a CBA subsidiary, describing these as "great successes."

"He did a successful financial system inquiry, but I think AMP has deep cultural problems, these were exposed during the royal commission," said Mr Costello, who also chairs this masthead's owner, Nine Entertainment.


"With those deep cultural problems the Boe Pahari appointment was a mistake, and that’s clear now in hindsight, even the AMP has accepted it, and David Murray has taken responsibility and I think that’s the right thing to do."

Mr Murray got his start in finance when he joined CBA's Lindfield branch in Sydney's north shore, and remained employed at the bank for 39 years, including as CEO for 13 years until 2005.

He was the inaugural chairman of the Future Fund from 2006 to 2012, before being picked by former Treasurer Joe Hockey to run the 2014 financial system inquiry.

When AMP's boardroom was in crisis in 2018 after the dramatic resignation of former chair Catherine Brenner and three directors, it turned to Mr Murray to help it rebuild. In his two and a bit years as chairman, Murray hired AMP chief executive Francesco De Ferrari, and has overseen the sale of its troubled life insurance business, a move that was strongly resisted by some investors.

He has been AMP chairman as all financial companies are grappling with how to reform their culture - and it is a topic on which Mr Murray has strongly held the view that it is not possible to "regulate for culture." In 2016, he even invoked Nazism in a debate about proposals to enforce cultural standards on boards (a comment for which he apologised).

Former competition tsar Graeme Samuel, co-author of a scathing 2018 review into CBA's culture, said on Monday it did not appear there had been sufficient change at AMP.

"The cultural change that was required at the AMP, as reflected in the material that came through at the Hayne royal commission, has not happened as rigorously or as effectively, or with the pace, that was needed,” Mr Samuel said.

Mr Murray's attempts to rebuild AMP have also come as the company has continued to face sector-wide difficulties in wealth management and financial advice. Its share price of $1.44 on Monday was about 60 per cent lower than it was when Mr Murray's appointment as chair was announced.

But it was the appointment of Mr Pahari as CEO of AMP Capital that was the trigger for the latest turmoil, as it prompted key shareholders to openly question the board's judgement.

Shaw and Partners analyst Brett Le Mesurier said Mr Murray had taken on the job of chairing AMP at a time when its wealth management profits were sliding quickly, while financial planning was in a state of upheaval.

"It's an incredibly tough job. It's hard to judge him harshly given the state of the business he inherited," Mr Le Mesurier said. "But, the promotion of Pahari was a mistake. Clearly it would have been better not to have done that."

At the same time, Mr Le Mesurier said the sale of AMP's life insurance arm under Mr Murray was the right decision for the business.

Mr Murray on Monday acknowledged the pressure from investors, saying he still thought Mr Parahi had been penalised appropriately, but "some shareholders did not consider Mr Pahari’s promotion to AMP Capital CEO to be appropriate."

“Although the board’s decision on the appointment was unanimous, my decision to leave reflects my role and accountability as chairman of the board and the need to protect continuity of management, the strategy and, to the extent possible, the board," Mr Murray said in a statement.

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