

This was published 10 months ago


Can radical shock therapy save Argentina’s economy?

The long-running economic catastrophe that is Argentina dictates dramatic change, but is the self-described “anarcho capitalist” Javier Milei’s prescription the right one for an economy addicted to fiscal wastefulness and struggling with rampant inflation?

Milei, who won Argentina’s presidency earlier this month and takes office on December 10, had at the heart of his campaign a promise to close the country’s central bank, abandon the peso and adopt the US dollar as the national currency.

Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei has bold plans for the country’s economy.

Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei has bold plans for the country’s economy.Credit: Getty

He has nothing nice to say about the current national currency.

“The peso is a currency emitted by Argentine politicians, so it can’t be worth excrement because those pieces of trash don’t even work as fertilisers,” he said last month.

The chainsaw-wielding radical libertarian’s proposed dollarisation, while not unprecedented, is a response to entrenched budget deficits and soaring inflation.

Argentina’s inflation rate of 143 per cent is forecast to reach at least 180 per cent by the end of the year and then keep rising through 200 per cent if something isn’t done to break an apparently inexorable cycle.

‘The peso is a currency emitted by Argentine politicians, so it can’t be worth excrement because those pieces of trash don’t even work as fertilisers.’

Javier Milei

At the core of Argentina’s challenges lies decades of overspending by its governments, leading to continued money printing by its central bank and an inflation rate that has been in double digits in 20 of the past 22 years.

The country, once one of the richest in the world, has defaulted on its sovereign debt nine times (three times in the last decade and most recently in 2020), owes the International Monetary Fund (which has provided Argentina financial aid more than 20 times) some $US43 billion ($65 billion) and has been shut out of international capital markets after exhausting its credit capacity, and credibility.


Its currency is almost worthless, with the official exchange rate at about 363 pesos to the US dollar. The “blue dollar,” or black market rate, is closer to 1000 pesos to the dollar. With stratospheric inflation, Argentinians have hoarded an estimated $US250 billion ($378 billion) or so (it could be significantly more) in foreign bank accounts or under the proverbial mattress.

Harsh prescription

Milei’s proposed response to these dire circumstances is to not only ditch the country’s central bank and “dollarise,” but slash government spending, carving into a public sector that accounts for nearly 40 per cent of GDP, and privatise government-owned enterprises.

If he were able to implement any of his campaign promises – he has control of only a very small minority of Argentina’s lower house and a sliver of its Senate – a nation where nearly 40 per cent of its citizens subsist below the official poverty line would be subjected to significant austerity. It is a harsh prescription.

The concept of dollarisation isn’t a novel one. Other economies have done it – in South America, most notably Ecuador and El Salvador – and managed to bring their own extreme inflation rates under control.

Argentina itself has experimented with a version of it, pegging the peso at a one-to-one relationship with the dollar in the early 1990s with laws that also forbade the central bank from monetising government deficits and fuelling inflation.


The inflation rate, which had reached 600 per cent in the 1980s, fell back to low single digits before an economic crisis and a run on the peso caused the currency board, and the peg, to collapse in 2002.

Cut off from international capital markets and incurring current account deficits because it doesn’t export enough to cover its imports and acquire hard currency reserves, Argentina’s policies have encouraged its companies and individuals to protect themselves by acquiring hard currencies, primarily, the US dollar, which has effectively forced a succession of devaluations of the peso, adding to the inflationary pressures generated by the central bank printing presses.

Is dollarisation, however, Argentina’s saviour?

Opinions inside and outside Argentina are mixed.

Hopeless cycle

While there is little doubt that dollarisation would help tame inflation as the US Federal Reserve Board took effective control of Argentina’s monetary policies, it would cause financial shocks.

Pesos would be worth even less and the discipline of government spending caused by the shutting down of the central bank printing presses would almost certainly plunge the economy into recession.

That means it would need to be accompanied by major economic reforms that kindle economic growth. Argentina’s per capita GDP has flat-lined for more than a decade and a half under the Peronist policies it has pursued.

Shrinking the public sector, deregulating the labour market and privatising large state enterprises are among the policies Milei – who has said there is no room for gradual measures to address the country’s predicament – has articulated.

He sees shock therapy as the only way for Argentina to break out of the hopeless cycle it has been in for decades, with dollarisation as the near-term fix for inflation that would enable the longer-term structural changes to be implemented.

His advisers say that while Argentina would lose control of monetary policy and the flexibility to respond to external shocks and, with an economic cycle that isn’t aligned with America’s, could end up with inappropriate monetary settings, the reality is that Argentina’s population has already voted with its savings, holding more of them in US dollars than in pesos despite the web of severe restrictions on currency exchanges.

That de-facto dollarisation means Argentina has little, if any, seigniorage (the profit central banks make from the difference between the cost of creating currency and its face value).

The central bank is practically insolvent and as the primary debtor to Argentina’s banking system can’t act as a lender of last resort.

Its conduct of monetary policy has been awful, as the decades of high inflation signal even if the blame is attributable to its political masters, and is a major contributor to the plight Argentina finds itself in.

Therefore, the advisers argue, there is little to lose through dollarisation and much to gain if stabilising the inflation rate and introducing a stable currency clears the way for the other necessary economic reforms.

A not-that-small obstacle to Milei’s plans is the question of how the US dollars needed to purchase the peso-denominated monetary base might be funded, given the paucity of the central bank’s foreign currency reserves.

The amounts aren’t massive – somewhere between about $US40 billion and $US60 billion ($60 billion to $90 billion) – and the process could be staged.

“Dollarising” existing bank deposits could be done in an instant and could, as occurred in Ecuador and El Salvador, trigger inflows of the dollars now held privately by Argentinians.


If Milei does go ahead with his proposed reforms – he seems to be pushing the timing of them back somewhat – it will be a bold but risky attempt to undo the legacies of decades of poor government.

Given Argentina’s condition, however, it might also be its best and last chance of breaking free of a destructive cycle.

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