

This was published 7 years ago

Ahmed Fahour in line for $6 million bonus this year, on top of $2 million salary

By Lucy Battersby

Ahmed Fahour stands to earn a bonus worth up to $6 million this year, on top of his $2 million base salary, according to a report released the evening before Australia Post's chairman and chief executive were grilled by Senate estimates about executive pay.

However, although the bonus lands with his final year at the government-owned company, it will not be counted towards his retirement lump sum, a spokeswoman confirmed.

This is the first detailed remuneration report published by Australia Post since the end of the 2013-14 financial year.

Chairman John Stanhope has promised the company will be more transparent about executive remuneration after it failed to provide a pay breakdown for two years in a row.

Ahmed Fahour received faint praise from Post chairman John Stanhope.

Ahmed Fahour received faint praise from Post chairman John Stanhope. Credit: Andrew Meares

A Senate committee forced it to reveal details that showed Mr Fahour received a package worth $5.6 million in 2015-16.

Following widespread anger at the level of his salary, including criticism from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Mr Fahour announced his resignation on February 23.

Mr Stanhope said Mr Fahour would not receive a termination payment, and Mr Fahour told the Senate committee on Tuesday he has "structured his departure as a resignation so that does not trigger a termination payment".

However, the addendum remuneration report published on Monday evening reveals for the first time details of a three-year long-term bonus plan for managing director Mr Fahour and other senior executives that runs from June 2014 to June 2017.

Ahmed Fahour and John Stanhope appeared before Senate Estimates in early 2017 to explain high salaries at the government-owned company.

Ahmed Fahour and John Stanhope appeared before Senate Estimates in early 2017 to explain high salaries at the government-owned company. Credit: Andrew Meares

The bonus is payable in September this year providing everyone passes their hurdles, which include "meeting expectations" in their performance.

The program will give Mr Fahour a potential bonus of three times his base salary – which was $1.9 million in 2015-16 – which means his long-term performance plan is worth about $5.7 million. On top of his 2016-17 base salary this means he will receive about $7.6 million this calendar year. It is unclear if he is also eligible for a short-term bonus, which was worth $2.3 million last year.

A spokeswoman for Australia Post said long-term incentives are "accrual only and will only be determined at the end of the financial year".

"An executive may be eligible for all, some or none of the payment depending on whether the performance hurdles have been met over three years. It is also subject to board consideration and approval," she added.

Former chairman of the Communications Committee James Paterson, said the three-year bonus made it "even clearer" that the Remuneration Tribunal must set the pay.

"These revelations are yet more evidence of the incredibly generous remuneration policies at Australia Post that are way out of step with community expectations," Senator Paterson said.

The hurdles for receiving the long-term bonus were defined by the board in mid-2014 and include several goals that have already been met.

For example, Mr Fahour had to get the government to agree to letter reform; reduce costs in the delivery network; improve competitiveness in the parcels business; establish online services; establish an ongoing competitive position in the international eCommerce parcel supply chain; and ensure the ongoing viability of the retail network.

Although Mr Fahour has announced his resignation, he is not leaving until July and will complete the three-year bonus period. While other senior executives forfeit their bonus if they resign during the period, that rule does not apply to Mr Fahour.

"Any long-term incentive payments to the managing director remains at the absolute discretion of the board," the report notes.

The board will decide in August 2017 if the managing director has met the milestones.


Other executives will receive up to 150 per cent of their fixed annual salary with two-thirds of the bonus paid in November this year and the balance a year later.

The hurdles for the broader senior executive team include: implementing the Letters Reform program (postage stamp price increases); ensuring the Post office network is viable until 2020, implementing the MyPost platform; and making sure StarTrack has a "competitive position in the international eCommerce parcel supply chain in Asia and one other continent".

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