In business, his rivals would be the first to admit it. Bernard Arnault, the richest man in France, Europe and sometimes the world, plays to win. The Gallic tycoon with the steely blue gaze bought Christian Dior in 1984 for $US15 million. Since then, he has turned Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) into the world’s biggest luxury goods firm, slaying a hecatomb of adversaries along the way.
With a market capitalisation of €318 billion ($515.2 million), its portfolio of companies encompasses fancy trunk-maker Louis Vuitton, jeweller Tiffany & Co, suitcase line Rimowa and champagne maker Moët & Chandon, as well as Dior. In all, LVMH has 75 fashion and cosmetics brands.
The Telegraph London