July 2023
- Sponsored
Lifting the cloud capabilities of highly regulated industries
When the nation’s Security of Critical Infrastructure Act (SOCI Act) was amended in 2021 and 2022, Australian organisations delivering essential services were put on notice to beef up cybersecurity.
by SAP
November 2022
- Sponsored
Businesses embrace sustainability to drive revenue growth
Organisations are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their approach to sustainability, and data is the bedrock on which they are building their capabilities in this area.
by SAP
November 2021
- Sponsored
- Industry insight
How to count the cost of our planetary pillage
One of the great challenges for business leaders is knowing how to measure the environmental, social and governance (ESG) data in their value chains.
by SAP
April 2021
- Sponsored
- Government Services Summit
A data-driven approach means a better response to bushfire emergencies
When the worst fire season on record hit NSW during the 2019/2020 summer, it became all too apparent how critical it was for the Rural Fire Service to be able to access timely, accurate data.
by SAP
December 2019
- Sponsored
Queensland Treasury’s four pillar smart transformation
In an increasingly digital world, Queensland’s Treasury department felt it either had to renovate or replace its technology, taking a compliance-first mindset.
by SAP
- Sponsored
Optimising the customer experience: Sigma Healthcare’s approach
Two years ago, Sigma Healthcare, a wholesaler and distributor to the pharmacy sector, decided to take a look into the future to ensure customers were right at the heart of their business going ahead.
by SAP
- Sponsored
Rethinking the employee experience
The experience economy is prompting businesses to reconsider how they engage with not just consumers but also their greatest asset, their employees.
by SAP
November 2019
- Sponsored
How Chobani learns from consumers to develop new products
Market-leading yoghurt firm Chobani’s consumers are so invested in the business, they help co-create exciting new product ranges.
by SAP
- Sponsored
How the age of customer experience changes the way we do business
Understanding the problem your customer is trying to address and focusing on how you can resolve that with your products and services is the key to delivering what shoppers want, in an age in which customer experience is everything.
by SAP
- Sponsored
Why we buy: the brain science behind our decisions
It’s no secret consumer decisions are big business. But researchers are only just starting to understand what’s really happening inside our heads when we stick to certain brands.
by SAP