
Australian Unity

September 2023

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It can be difficult for those in the sandwich generation to prioritise their own wellbeing.

Relationships will get you through

There is such thing as a mid-life slump for many Australians as we juggle the strains of a sometimes messy and unpredictable life, suggests the results of the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index (AUWI) survey — a 22-year study into the wellbeing of Australians, delivered in partnership with Deakin University.


by Australian Unity

August 2023

  • Sponsored
Wellbeing spans across seven facets of our lives.

The secret to building life-long resilience

The way we feel about ourselves, relationships and life evolve over time.


by Australian Unity

July 2023

  • Sponsored
Our satisfaction with our standard of living is in decline.

Money doesn’t make you happy – but it helps

With inflation still riding high and interest rates at decade-long highs, Australians have not felt so financially squeezed in a very long time.


by Australian Unity

June 2023

  • Sponsored
The golden triangle of happiness promotes our wellbeing.

Golden triangle of happiness helps us to adapt and thrive in life

It’s called the golden triangle of happiness and according to Dr Kate Lycett from Deakin University, if someone wants to boost their feelings of overall wellbeing, they’re probably best to work on one of the three core areas that support our wellbeing.


by Australian Unity

February 2022

  • Sponsored
Consumers expect companies to play their part in decarbonisation.

Investors solve social justice equation

Head of investment leviathan Blackrock, Larry Fink, recently outlined how the world is experiencing a tectonic shift in capital with sustainable investment now reaching over $US4 trillion globally in his annual letter to CEOs.


by Australian Unity

November 2021

Energy mix will work well once carbon price introduced

The new economy needs carbon pricing to unlock the investment opportunities in clean technologies, green infrastructure and other assets, products and services.


by Australian Unity

June 2021

Governments have acknowledged the role of long-term, private capital investment alongside public investment to deliver social infrastructure, says Esther Kerr-Smith.

Industry insight: Healthcare needs a new approach

Unless we change our approach, we will need an extra $57 billion for aged care and hospital facilities and $30 billion in annual operating costs.


by Australian Unity

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