Propel seeks its ride-or-die amid industry consolidation
Propel Funeral Partners is getting on the front foot and shoring up its first line of defence as its listed peer InvoCare thrashes out the final details of a take-private deal.
Propel Funeral Partners, with a market capitalisation of $498 million, is getting on the front foot and shoring up its first line of defence as ASX-listed peer InvoCare thrashes out the final details of a take-private deal.
Propel is the second-largest death services operator in Australia and New Zealand.
Sarah Thompson has co-edited Street Talk since 2009, specialising in private equity, investment banking, M&A and equity capital markets stories. Prior to that, she spent 10 years in London as a markets and M&A reporter at Bloomberg and Dow Jones. Email Sarah at
Emma Rapaport is a co-editor of the Street Talk column. Prior to that, she was a markets reporter at The Australian Financial Review. Connect with Emma on Twitter. Email Emma at