PoliticsFederalAnti-corruptionPrint articleSearch begins for anti-corruption commission bossTom McIlroyCanberra Bureau ChiefOct 30, 2022 – 10.00pmSaveLog in or Subscribe to save articleShareCopy linkCopiedEmailLinkedInTwitterFacebookCopy linkCopiedShare via...Gift this articleSubscribe to gift this articleGift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe.Subscribe nowAlready a subscriber? LoginThe search for Australia’s first National Anti-Corruption Commission boss is under way, even before the contentious legislation is considered by a parliamentary committee.As Labor looks to have the new organisation up and running by the middle of next year, the Attorney-General’s Department has begun advertising for the top commissioner position, as well as a number of other statutory positions, part of what the government says is a merit-based and transparent process.Loading...Tom McIlroy is the Financial Review’s Canberra bureau chief based in the press gallery at Parliament House. He was previously the AFR’s political correspondent. Connect with Tom on Twitter. Email Tom at thomas.mcilroy@afr.comSaveLog in or Subscribe to save articleShareCopy linkCopiedEmailLinkedInTwitterFacebookCopy linkCopiedShare via...Gift this articleSubscribe to gift this articleGift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe.Subscribe nowAlready a subscriber? LoginLicense articleIntroducing your NewsfeedFollow the topics, people and companies that matter to you.Find out moreRead MoreAnti-corruptionMark DreyfusNACCLatest In FederalFetching latest articlesMost Viewed In Politics