Federal and state governments will enforce a mandatory code of practice between commercial landlords and their small and medium-sized tenants struggling to pay rent.
However, bigger tenants, such as Solomon Lew's Premier Investments which has declared a rent strike against its landlords, will be left to fight their own battles.
Matthew Cranston is the United States correspondent, based in Washington. He was previously the Economics correspondent and Property editor. Connect with Matthew on Twitter. Email Matthew at mcranston@afr.com
Phillip Coorey is the political editor based in Canberra. He is a two-time winner of the Paul Lyneham award for press gallery excellence. Connect with Phillip on Facebook and Twitter. Email Phillip at pcoorey@afr.com
Nick Lenaghan edits the property section, which covers all aspects, from residential real estate and housing and construction to commercial property – office, retail, industrial – and major ASX-listed developers and real estate investment trusts. Connect with Nick on Twitter. Email Nick at nlenaghan@afr.com