The world of FM radio music stations was rocked (literally) to its core this week following the shock announcement that Southern Cross Media, the owner of 98 stations across the Triple M and Hit networks, is set to pocket $28 million in JobKeeper payments over the course of the pandemic. However, according to the Fin’s rock'n'roll expert, Ms Rowena Fender-Stratt, it is unlikely that this government largesse will in any way influence Triple M’s normal summer playlist of favourite rock standards. These are tipped to include:
Take the Money and Run: Classic bar-room blues from the Steve Miller Band, in which “Billy Joe and Bobby Sue, two young lovers with nothin’ better to do” wake up one day and realise that instead of trying to get rich robbing banks “down in old El Paso”, all they have to do is sign up to JobKeeper and earn way more than they have ever earned before! “Hoo, hoo, hoo, take the money and run!”