
Chinese warship sailing close to WA an ‘act of aggression’: Dutton

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Dutton says Chinese warship off WA coast ‘an act of aggression’

Peter Dutton has been asked how he characterises the movements of a Chinese navy vessel which has been travelling “unusually” close to the coast of Western Australia.

“I think it is an act of aggression. I think particularly because it has come so far south,” he says.

“To come so far south of Exmouth is unprecedented, and to hug coastline the way it has ... We don’t know whether it deviates and goes directly north, but at the moment it is heading in a north-easterly direction.”

Dutton says he doesn’t want to see China “continue down the path of aggression”.

“I want to normalise our relationship with China, like anyone,” he says.

“If we believe that by saying nothing or pretending that nothing is happening that somehow the problem will resolve itself, I just don’t think people have learnt any of the lessons of history.”

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