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Renewable gas emerging as a key piece in emissions reduction puzzle

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Like the rest of the world, Australia is moving to net zero; but while Europe and the United Kingdom are adopting renewable gas at a great rate, Australia has been slower to adopt and deploy these new technologies, in particular biomethane.

But one Australian network, Jemena, is leading the charge and demonstrating how organic waste can provide a sustainable source of energy into the future.

Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant is already injecting into the NSW gas network and demonstrating the compatibility of biomethane with existing infrastructure. 

Entirely compatible with existing gas pipes, appliances and industrial equipment, biomethane offers a pathway to reduce emissions without the need for extensive infrastructure overhauls, says Suzie Jakobovits, general manager, renewable gas for Jemena.

As industries across various sectors increasingly prioritise cleaner alternatives, renewable gas has the potential to be a pivotal player in achieving widespread emissions reduction.

While renewable electricity generation is still intermittent and not yet able to meet ’on-demand needs, renewable gas like biomethane can provide an additional and complementary renewable energy solution.


“We believe renewable gas has the potential to play a crucial role in the energy transition and can help Australia to reach its net zero commitments, while at the same time providing an additional reliable energy source that can complement wind and solar,” says Jakobovits.

Suzie Jakobovits, general manager, renewable gas for Jemena. 

Renewable gas is particularly important for heavy industry and manufacturing - providing a pathway to lower emissions. Some industries just aren’t able to electrify, either because it is too costly or they rely on gas for their operations and production processes.

“Industries like steel, fertiliser, tiles and brick manufacturers are all reliant on gas and will need a carbon-neutral or low-emission alternative now and into the future. Biomethane and renewable hydrogen can provide that alternative.”

The potential for biomethane on home soil is echoing the success stories from across Europe, specifically in Germany and Denmark.

“There are now more than 10,000 biogas facilities across Germany alone, and Denmark is on track to reach 100 per cent biomethane injection in its network by 2030-2034.”

And it seems the Australian government is also recognising the potential of biomethane. ARENA’s Bioenergy Roadmap supports the development of a sustainable renewable gas sector and highlights that biomethane has the potential to reduce emissions by 9 per cent while complementing other low-emission technologies. In addition, the federal government’s Future Gas Strategy recognises the role of renewable gases in Australia’s future energy mix.

While renewable gas can be used in the home, it has its largest role to play in assisting industrial users to decarbonise their operations. “Approximately 70 per cent of Australia’s natural gas usage occurs in industry,” Jakobovits says.

“To deliver the federal government’s Future Made in Australia policy we need to ensure that the hard-to-electrify industries can still operate and manufacture in Australia.

“These companies make a significant direct and indirect contribution to the Australian economy. Through high-temperature manufacturing, gas contributed nearly $6 billion in economic activity and supported just shy of 30,000 jobs in financial year 2021-2022. So the economic imperative is lining up with the environmental imperative.”

Jemena, a key player in Australia’s energy infrastructure, is actively facilitating the integration of renewable gas into the national energy matrix.

Jakobovits says projects such as the Western Sydney Hydrogen Hub and the Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant are not only already injecting into the NSW gas network, but the latter is also demonstrating the compatibility of biomethane with existing infrastructure.

While the potential of renewable gas is vast, there is yet to be significant private investment in renewable gas production.

“The government’s Future Gas Strategy lays out a view of the future in which gas continues to be a part of our energy mix. This brings a level of certainty to the industry,” Jakobovits says.

“The significant financial support for renewable energy included in this year’s federal budget makes clear the critical role renewable gas - specifically hydrogen - has to play in decarbonising the energy sector both internationally and domestically,” Jakobovits says.

However, Jakobovits also highlights there needs to be supportive policy frameworks, targets and government funding to stimulate the commencement of a biomethane market.

“There are a few policy levers the federal government could pull to help Australia adopt the same level of renewable gas integration as we are seeing in other parts of the world,” she says.

“GreenPower’s Renewable Gas Certification scheme is an important step to help commercial and industrial users to lower emissions through purchasing renewable gas certificates.

“To unlock the true value, we need this certified renewable gas, that is transported through Australia’s existing gas infrastructure, to be recognised by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, which is the federal government’s framework for reporting emissions. This would enable large gas users to recognise lower emissions and contribute towards their obligations under the Safeguard Mechanism.”

Mike Davis, CEO of Optimal Renewable Gas says it’s a “crying shame” more is not being done to support renewable gas.

Flushed with the success of projects like the one at Malabar, Optimal Renewable Gas is aiming for an ambitious target of developing 10 biohubs across Australia by 2030.

Mike Davis, CEO of Optimal Renewable Gas. 

These biohubs will harness the potential of anaerobic digestion facilities to convert organic waste and residue into biomethane.

Davis says biomethane has the potential to replace much of the nation’s gas needs – which is vitally important considering capturing this methane and then burning it means energy is being produced, avoiding the carbon emissions simply escaping into the atmosphere.

“We plan to implement the best and proven technology of large-scale anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading,” says Davis.

At the heart of this movement lies the recognition of the pressing need to decarbonise Australia’s energy systems.

“From our experience at Optimal there is rapidly growing demand for reliable renewable gas, especially biomethane, which can be delivered via existing infrastructure,” says Davis.

Davis highlights the importance of biomethane as a decarbonisation solution for industry and hard to abate communities, noting its ability to allow users to continue their gas usage practices while reducing emissions and maintaining operational reliability. “Biomethane will be an essential part of the energy transition for thousands of businesses,” says Davis

Crucially, renewable gas like biomethane capitalises on existing infrastructure, minimising the need for costly upgrades.

By injecting biomethane into the existing gas network, Australia can capitalise on the inherent storage and transport capabilities of its infrastructure.

“Utilising existing gas infrastructure for renewable gas distribution ensures cost-effectiveness and scalability.”

37,000km of renewable storage

Further, the nation’s 37,000km of gas pipelines spanning the country, offer a massive storage resource for renewable energy.

For instance, the Tasmanian Gas Pipeline showcased the potential by offering storage of over 150 terajoules of gas on its website, available for sale into the Victorian market during peak demand periods.

Technological advancements also play a pivotal role in driving the efficiency and scalability of renewable gas production, says Davis.

Optimal Renewable Gas collaborates with leading technology suppliers to implement state-of-the-art anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading systems.

“We work with our European technology supplier that has developed over 450 plants around the world.”

He called on the government and sector as a whole to acknowledge all options should be on the table when working to decarbonise networks. “Biomethane is 100 per cent compatible with our existing pipeline infrastructure providing a ready option while we wait for other fuels, like hydrogen to come online.”

“We are laggards against our international peers – Europe, China, US, India, Brazil and others. We’re falling behind and it’s a crying shame when you look at the available resources here in Australia.”

To learn more, please visit Jemena.

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