
Mike Rann

July 2022

Carnegie Mellon University was the first to sign up to Mike Rann’s global education vision, and the last to leave.

After two decades, Rann’s global education vision splutters to an end

COVID-19 has packed another unexpected punch, this time bringing an end to Carnegie Mellon University’s 16-year tenure in Adelaide.

March 2022

South Australian “Godfather” Don Farrell: second time’s a charm.

As Wong and Pyne flounder, Farrell ascends

Don Farrell’s second ascendancy is all the more notable for the recent fortunes of the state’s other major political identities.

October 2021

SA Premier Steven Marshall faces an election on March 19 but factional squabbles have risen to the surface. A Liberal defector was installed as speaker in SA’s lower house at midnight on Tuesday after an extraordinary coup.

South Australian Liberals in turmoil as defector takes key role

A midnight coup in SA’s parliament resulted in defector MP Dan Cregan seizing the Speaker’s role, unleashing factional turmoil.

June 2019

Mike Rann has gone into the olive oil business.

From SA premier to olive oil maker

Mike Rann, one of the ALP's most successful politicians, offers tips on winning elections, retiring from politics and reinventing yourself.

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