
Manolo Blahnik

November 2021

The Age, A2, Melbourne, SHOES:

Product shot for A2.  9 May 2003.

Pic by EDDIE JIM/ejz.  ejz030509.001.003.jpg

Manolo Blahnik shoes on feet with red nail polish .   Legs Amanda Nugent

Why you’ll never catch Manolo Blahnik designing sneakers

Visually, I find them horrendous, declares the outspoken king of the high heel – who, after 50 years in fashion, has no time for influencers or boring niceties.

  • Bethan Holt

November 2020

Design critic and author Alice Rawsthorn says designers "have been empowered to adopt more eclectic and ambitious roles by pursuing their own environmental, social and political concerns”.

How designers became pandemic first responders

The creativity sparked by the challenges of COVID-19 is helping to redefine public and political perceptions of the role of design.

  • Stephen Todd

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