February 2022
Unis ‘should be punished’ for producing poor-quality teachers
Universities that produce teachers who can’t teach reading or manage classrooms must be penalised, says a new report.
- Julie Hare
April 2021
Regulate international education to save it: Craven
Universities’ over-reliance on international student fees is a “disaster that needs to be fixed”.
- Julie Hare
February 2021
Universities need to ‘talk the language of the Coalition’
Recently retired vice-chancellor Greg Craven says relations with government must change and universities must face the realities of smaller budgets and the needs of domestic students.
- Robert Bolton
August 2020
COVID-19 has ended universities' old way of working
Australian Catholic University's incoming vice-chancellor says higher education needs "brave new models of thinking".
- Robert Bolton
November 2019
- Opinion
- Tax reform
Review spirit of 2015 and talk federation reform again
A casual quip led to a rare meeting of minds on state and federal tax reform. We need to find that ambition again.
- Jay Weatherill