
Gregory Craven

February 2022

Paid internships help attract the best beginner teachers, says Toni Riordan, principal of St Aidan’s Anglican Girls College in Brisbane.

Unis ‘should be punished’ for producing poor-quality teachers

Universities that produce teachers who can’t teach reading or manage classrooms must be penalised, says a new report.

  • Julie Hare

April 2021

International students are more than cash cows, says Greg Craven.

Regulate international education to save it: Craven

Universities’ over-reliance on international student fees is a “disaster that needs to be fixed”.

  • Julie Hare

February 2021

Universities need to ‘talk the language of the Coalition’

Recently retired vice-chancellor Greg Craven says relations with government must change and universities must face the realities of smaller budgets and the needs of domestic students.

  • Robert Bolton

August 2020

COVID-19 has ended universities' old way of working

Australian Catholic University's incoming vice-chancellor says higher education needs "brave new models of thinking".

  • Robert Bolton

November 2019

An opportunity to fix the federal system fell victim to the Abbott versus Turnbull contest.

Review spirit of 2015 and talk federation reform again

A casual quip led to a rare meeting of minds on state and federal tax reform. We need to find that ambition again.

  • Jay Weatherill

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