March 2022
FIRB chairman David Irvine dies after battling illness
Mr Irvine was regarded as one of the giants of the foreign policy, intelligence and national security community.
January 2021
Conditional approval of Probuild buyout rejected due to security risks
The Treasurer did not grant "conditional" approval to China's $300 million buyout of building contractor Probuild because imposing complex restrictions on the deal would have been difficult to police and failed to fully mitigate the security risks.
October 2020
FIRB chairman urges calm on rule changes
FIRB chairman David Irvine insists that new rules designed to protect Australia’s national security interests in takeovers will affect only a small number of transactions.
August 2020
Foreign Investment Review Board delays cost deals and jobs
The $0 screening threshold and processing delays are causing some global investment transactions to shut out Australia, hurting badly needed investment and local jobs.
December 2019
China's dairy bid likely to get the nod
It is difficult to see either the Foreign Investment Review Board or Treasurer Josh Frydenberg opposing Mengniu's takeover of Lion's Dairy & Drinks.
June 2019
Parkinson out, Moriarty in at PM's Department?
Martin Parkinson's second retirement is imminent and the times suit Defence Secretary Greg Moriarty.