
Anne Summers

March 2022

A remembrance of Max Walsh

The 1970s was a time when journalists, politicians and policymakers came together to develop the modern Australian success story. Max Walsh was the centre.

August 2021

CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone more than tripled the value of Cochlear when CEO. She has furthered her career as a company director since 2000.

The long travails of corporate women

From bans on female employment to outright sexism to complacency and discrimination, the Financial Review has chronicled the progress of career women.

March 2021

“Scott Morrison, and his government, is not just unresponsive but is actively hostile to women.”

Nothing will change for women while Morrison is PM

If those who organised the March 4 Justice protests can put their energies into a Vote 4 Justice campaign, the government could be in serious trouble, writes Anne Summers.

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